Can I get a different room?

As the four roommates settled in, the fifth one walked in. He was a bit chubby and had curly dark hair.

The three next to the window didn't even bother looking to see who it was, until the person caught their attention. Well, two out of the three.

"Kiyan? Raten? You're in this room as well?" He asked excitedly.

Hearing their names from a very familiar voice, the twins turned to see who had walked in.

"Lecter?" Kiyan almost got up from the bed, but laid back down feeling too unwilling to move.

"How convenient." Raten smiled

That was the first time in a long time he got a genuine smile from the twins. 

'They must be really happy then.' He thought and smiled as well.


Lecter took the bed to the right of Damien.

"Hello!" Damien waved cheerfully at him. "I'm Damien Ogmundur. You're my roommate! I guess you can tell the last part from the fact that I'm here." He smiled brightly.

Lecter found his cheerful nature disturbing but adorable. 'I guess some just show their ecstasy more than others.' He waved back.

"I'm Lecter. Lecter Ackerman." He introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, Lecter."

Lecter turned and noticed the other person in the room who seemed to have no care for the other presences in the room.

"He's scary." A sudden whisper got into Lecter's ear startling him for a bit.

"What are you --?" He jumped back seeing Damien standing too close for comfort. "When did you get over here?"

Damien's voice was low enough but the red hair still heard him.

"Better stay away from me then." He said not even sparing Damien a glance.

They each did their own thing until the last person came in. The last roommate. He was of average height. He was neither chubby nor thin with long black hair that curled slightly at the ends. It was parted from the middle falling at the sides of his face and reached his back.

He walked in quietly past the twins bed and got to Red hair's bed but then he stopped. He looked back at Kiyan and then at Raten, he did that three times and his entire demeanor changed. Something similar to panic.

He took in a deep breath and shook his head.

Quietly, he claimed the last bed.

Shortly after everyone was settled in, a loud bang was heard from the other room. It caught the attention of all six of them, but they ignored it. Then another one went off, and another, and another… It was obvious a fight was going on.

*Crash.. Thud!

A loud sound of someone or something crashing through a solid object twice was heard. Some students came out of their rooms curious to see what was going on.

"It's definitely Enoe." Kiyan yawned judging from the room the sound came from. He turned on his bed and covered himself with the sheets, not willing to get up. He wasn't interested to know what was happening anyway.

Raten was fast asleep.

Quite accurately, Damien had looked out and saw Enoe rising to his feet with the door that was supposed to be attached to his room lay broken next to a wall.

"Why are you getting in my way big fella?" Simon, his roommate asked Jarett who stood in front of Enoe.

"Move big guy. I'm not done with him." Enoe moved his left shoulder putting it in place and made to go around Jarett who placed an arm up to block him.

"The both of you have destroyed the room enough. End it."

"Oh no, I have dramatic roommates." A blonde boy who looked no younger than them said as he walked towards them with his bags with him. "Just keep the drama out of the room, hm?" He walked past and froze at the entrance.

"What the hell? Okay, which one of you drama queens did this? More importantly, how are you going to fix this?!" He came back out and asked. The room was completely overturned. Broken beds, walls and there were small bits of fire in the room.

"See what you did?" Simon nodded in Enoe's direction.

"What? It's your fault. You just had to exist and ruin my mood. Now the room is a mess." Enoe defended himself.

"Your fault? His fault? I just need a good bed right now, so somebody fix this!" The new roommate said.

"Who do you think you're barking orders at?" Enoe moved forward but was blocked by Jarett again.

"Can we not?" He said annoyed.

"Quit blocking me, you're pissing me off." Enoe tried to push him out of the way.

"Better listen to him. Take one step closer and you'll be kissing a wall next." The other one said.

"Oho! Now I'm definitely moving forward. I'd like to see how you'd do that."

"Is no one listening to me?!" The new roommate had picked up debris from the room and threw it at three of them. "Do. Something. About. The. Room!" The blonde said as he threw things at them.

"How disrespectful." Simon said. "Do you not know it is rude to throw things at people?" He asked.

"He needs to be disciplined." Enoe grinned.

"Indeed he does."

'Can I get another room?' Jarett thought as he tried to stop Enoe and Simon from going at the fourth roommate.

Around 7pm, the students were called out and showed to the school's dining hall where they were would eat their meals and currently, they all chowed don't like hyenas on their dinner. Understandably, since they hadn't eaten anything all day. Most of them ran off to the exams on an empty stomach.

After eating they were shown to the bathhouses.

Eat, bathe, sleep and get ready for the next day.

It was a long night for rooms 300, 301 and 302. Mostly because a single person in room 301 kept causing trouble and starting fights. It got to the point where those in rooms 300 and 302 had to tie up Enoe, put a gag on him and then strap him to his bed, while Jarett was trying to stop his roommates from attacking Enoe.

Finally, they could sleep peacefully....

For three hours.


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