What weapon will you choose?

During lunch, Enoe was very silent. He took eating time very seriously.

"To think there are Kings and Queens amongst us right now." Damien said pushing his meal with his spoon. "That's very intimidating."

"In a school of warriors like this, crossing one could mean big trouble." Lecter added stuffing his face with food.

"Yeah, serious trouble." Jarett glanced at the twins but then looked towards Hades and Simon who sat together.

'Why do I have a bad feeling about those two?' He wondered. 'Simon on his own was bad enough, but with him? I can't shake off the feeling that there's trouble coming.'

He turned to Alba was seated next to Raten as she ate slowly. His eyes glanced at a number of students. Wallace, Rodney. Two other male students. A girl. Two. Three.

Power. Just like Chadwick, he too could sense it. There was also something he could tell, who was a likely friend and who was a foe.

'The most troublesome ones, why do they have to be on their level?' He thought looking back at the twins who were busy eating not having a care for anything else.

While the twins were going about their own things at school, there were other happenings occuring.

Enoe for one, his usual knack for causing trouble and being troublesome, except when he's with the twins, attracted the attention of a certain royal who was equally troublesome, if not more.

Wallace had being the centre of attention after the incident with Howarth. He carried himself like an object of fear repelling people away as well as attracting a select few that loved to cause trouble.

Rodney had been like a shadow, barely noticed by anyone. Even his roommates. At least that's what he thought. Two spawns of royalty had kept an eye on him. Even the twins. Well, Enoe did that for them ever since he began bugging Rodney for a fight that he still hasn't gotten by the way.

Alba had been noticed for the dark aura she had about her. Her movements with blindfolds also caused some murmurs. Not to talk of her closeness with the twins. Well, to those looking on, they were close. In actuality, they just had a deal together.

One had a dark aura, the other was a troublemaker. Two attention attractors had brought even more eyes to the seemingly quiet, easy-going, resting-bitch face, pretty boys as some annoyingly chose to call them.

They never really saw the twins do anything but their relationship with Enoe and Alba had put more eyes than necessary on them. More than infatuated eyes because of how they looked. Eyes that watched that spied.

Hades was making effort to improve himself to face the twins and get back Alba. Not like he needed her for anything, just because he felt insulted by the twins.

Simon was still a mystery.

Another week passed by smoothly and they finally got to pick their weapons and the school's ranking was to take full effect following.

The students were to be ranked according to prowess. The lowest ranks were to be dropped.

"Finally! We get to use weapons." Enoe jumped on Kiyan's back, strangling him again. Kiyan was not taking it this time and hit him with his elbow.

"Urgh! My fault." Enoe crouched holding onto his ribs.

"Do you think you're ready to pick a weapon?" Raten asked Alba who looked at her hands.

"I'm not sure." She replied.

"Don't rush it. Take your time."

"Weapons, eh? I think I know the kind I need." Cross said. "I'm guessing you'll take something big." He looked at Jarett who stared at the weapons hung on the walls.

"To me, a weapon is a leash on my true potential. At least that's what he said." Jarett replied.

"What does that even mean?" Cross watched him nonplussed. "Well, whatever."

"Move piggy!" Enoe shoved Lecter away and stood close to Raten.

"I think my weapon of choice will be anything that teaches you how to act with people." Lecter said and Enoe stuck his tongue out at him.

"I pushed you. So what? If you don't like it, do something about it. Glaring at me won't change anything. I'll just do it over and over and over again." Enoe bent forward to Lecter's eye level. "Understand piggy?" He thumped his head and returned to Kiyan's side.

"More than getting to use one today, I'm more excited to see which ones you choose spawns." Enoe spoke in Raten's ear before a blast sent him flying halfway across the room.

The twins didn't care.

"What the?" Enoe got back on his feet.

"Oh, I see." He smiled at Lecter who sent out more spells.

"It worked the first time doesn't mean it'll work the next." Enoe said as he slapped the attack spells away taking slow strides towards Lecter.

"If you attack me, make sure you're ready to fight me head-on!" He suddenly launched forward and punched Lecter on the face. Lecter fell back.

"I've wanted to do that since the first day we met, but biggie kept stopping me." Enoe said.

Lecter wiped off the blood that dripped down his nostrils as he slowly got back on his feet.

Enoe lifted Lecter from a hold on his uniform and his fist ready to deliver a punch.

The twins turned to Lecter and sighed. Jarett shook his head.

"You really need to be taught a lesson." Lecter said and grabbed onto Enoe's arm.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." Lecter chuckled as Enoe grew fur on his skin and his eyes became bigger like that of a rodent.

"Wh-what did you do to me?!" Enoe asked in a high pitched tone as his body shrunk and his clothes fell.

Lecter bent and picked up a mouse by its tail while grinning at it.

"You like it?" Lecter asked.

"How dare you do this to me?! Turn me back this instant!" Enoe, who was now a small white mouse, demanded in a high pitched tone.

"Sorry, I don't speak the language of rodents." Lecter mocked him.

"Raten! Kiyan! Look at what this overfed pig has done to me!" Enoe whined, turning his hanging mouse body in their direction.

"I think it suits you." Raten said.

"I agree. You look better than your original self." Kiyan said.

Mouse Enoe gasped.

"Is that all you have to say?! I can't believe this. From today, you both cease to be my spawns." He said in his high-pitched voice.

The twins shrugged.

"I'm waiting for you to beg me! Helloo? Hey! Don't ignore me!" Enoe kept wriggling in Lecter's hold.

"I think I should throw you out the window." Lecter threatened.

"Don't you dare." Mouse Enoe warned.