A Noble's Heckling.

We got into the mansion soon enough, and to no one's surprise, the ugly large guard followed.

He was ugly, but strong, perhaps even stronger than Drius.

The duke of Gloria domain seemed to have an annoyed air around him, I couldn't quite pin it, but he did. Was it a dislike of Theo's new position or something more?

The chef and his assistants had prepared delectable meals in preparation of their arrival.

The aroma of honeyed meat and steamed vegetables pervaded the room, and everyone's mood lightened.

They all took their seats: the ugly guard, the envoy, the duke, and Theo. Theo took the seat at the center, as the Lord of the house.

He raised a cup of wine, saying the words,

"To friendships."

Fortunately, Lord Markus heeded the greeting and raised his cup in response, the others did too.

"To friendships."