I woke up the next morning, pondering what the girl asked me to practice, why can't someone give me a straight answer for ones and not some stupid riddles and old proverbs. What did she mean by practice so we could be together.

I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw is a shirtless man laying down next to me.

Fuck I just remembered yesterday, I looked at my body and checked if am still intact and I was.

Get up woman he roared annoying and got out of bed.

What is wrong with this idiot does he have a never ending anger issue?

" How can I get up, you tied me to the bed remember? I also replied annoyed.

This guy needs to get his characters checked, if we were back in Lucia, I would have personally teach you some respect you over grown animal, I thought. Looking at him with pure anger all over my face .

He ingnored me and walked out.

Coming back in I kept looking at his face as my shoulder couldn't bear all my body weight anymore. Thankfully he was that ingnorant as he walked towards me and cut off the rope that held me to the beds.

I immediately sat up straight and started looking around the room for a way to escape

"Don't even think about it witch, we are in the top room and it's far from the ground, I will get to you before you even land on the ground".

Let me go you over grown animal! I shouted at him but he ignored me again and began walking closer to me.

When he got close, he lowered himself to my eye level and looked straight into my eye

" If you try to escape, I will kill her" he said pointing at another figure in the room.

There, I noticed a third person with us, an elderly woman, standing by the door all frightened and looking at me with pleading eyes.

I felt scared for her and my hatred for this piece of pumpkin head grow even more.

" She will clean you up and give you proper clothes to wear and not that seductive clothes you wear he said with so much disgust and walked out of the room again.

Please my lady, I have two children, am the only one fending for them. I heard the woman say once he was out of eye sight.

No Mrs. I said softly, I will never do anything rash. I saw her smile softly at me and walked closer to me, the bathroom is over there,

We walked in together and she did her work.

Once done she handed me a pant and a shirt.

I looked at her questioning why pants instead of gown with my eye.

Oh! Oliver said you should wear that.

What? He chooses for me too, this is wrong, I am female and I should wear gowns and not walk around in pants like a male, who gave him the rights to do this to me.

" Get dressed witch or I will come in there and wear you those male pants myself"

" I dare you asshole"

You are quit daring for a lady as weak as you are. Breakfast is in five minutes and if you are not down by then I will kill one of Nana's kid

"You sure are an animal to threaten a kid aren't you"?

"Dare me again and you will find out".

I went down with Nana l to the table but I had my own agenda, I will disgust him so much with my eating habit that he will drop me off and go his way, after all who would like a pig on their breakfast table.

Why is there so much food on the table, I don't care, I grap the meat and put it in my plate, had a slice and it felt great, I kept eat and then the fruits, I ate grapes and apples and I kept going without pausing to notice everyone was staring at me.

What? I asked when I looked up and they all shook their head as if to say nothing.

Maybe if you were to slow down a bit and eat like a normal person, then you won't get so much attention. Hi, my name is Blanca. She extended a hand for a hand shake and I dropped my apple on the table and wiped my hands on my shirt before shaking her hands and introducing myself, hi, I am Rosaria.

she looked disgusted by my behavior but she still Shaked my hands.

You look different from the rest of us, what are you?

Oh fuck, I didn't think about this part, am supposed to have a supernatural identity and now I have to say something else am screwed.

I don't don't know came my reply, everyone looked surprised including Oliver,

You don't know what you are?, I thought you said I should release you in the name of the king, you mean you are not a demon? So I don't get anything for baby sitting you? He asked with disappointment.

I don't ask you to kidnap me you fat cow! I replied annoyed let me go and you won't have to babysit me anymore

Not a chance, you belong to me now, like it or not. He said determined to keep me

And if you run away, I will kill Nana and her kids, you understand?

You don't smell like a vampire, warewolf, or anything I have ever come across with in this realm, infact you look like an ordinary human but you don't smell like one, where were you before i cought you in my land.

Well, I grow up in the forest of isle, the queen Nyx found me according to them and I have been there all my life, I was coming into town to get a few supplies when you kidnaped me and drag me here, don't you have any manners or didn't your mother teach you how to handle ladies? I asked just to offend him.

Let me go or the queen will come for me and you won't like it. I finished my talk but he didn't look the lease fazed or anything.

You really think I am afraid of some flaries, how weak do you think I am he asked.

Enough with this already, Blanca cut in, she doesn't know what creature she belongs to and the way I see it she needs our help, I mean it's hard going around without an identity,

There are so many danger out here and the last thing you want is to be mistaken for a human, it's dangerous for humans here, so why don't you come with me after breakfast and I will try a few tricks on you to see if we can give you an identity. What do you say?