I opened my eyes and observed my new environment. I was on a bed with lot's of clothes covering me and I noticed a weight on my left arm.

I looked around and then my eye finally settled on Oliver. He had his head on my left arm and sleeping softly. For the first time I noticed is face. He is handsome and looks harmless the way he laid there watching over me. If I didn't know better I would say he is an angel in disguise but, the Oliver I know is far from being an angel, he is a brute, arrogant, rude, and.... arrogant again moron.

I stared a little to get my hands out from under the pile of clothes so I can get up. When he noticed my movement he woke up immediately and I saw shock on his face and from shock I saw happiness.

Is this guy ever normal? He is so weird. If only I knew why he was shocked then maybe I wouldn't have called him a weirdo.

Rosaria? He called my name as though he was asking a question. You are awake? How are you feeling? Can I get you something? Anything? Do you need water? No wait, I will call Blanca and Mr. Sullivan.

And so he rushed out of the room and I was so dumbfounded. Get me out of this cloth hill first I wanted to shout at him but I couldn't even hear myself. Frustrated, I lay back down and waited for him to come back. Why do I feel so weak, I thought to myself.

A few minutes later Blanca rushed in followed by Thomas, Max, Tobaias and almost the whole crew came to look at me.

At first I was glad they were concerned about me but looking at all of them with their mouth wide open. I think I am missing the whole shocking news here as I was lost.

Move out fellow's give her a breathing space shouted an old man with white hairs on his head and Beards. But no one budge so Oliver thundered, "GET THE FUCK OUT ALL OF YOU SHE NEEDS A BREATHING SPACE!!"

Now the crew understood what the old man was saying and began leaving the same way they came. Blanca came at me and sat very close to me, she was so happy that she was crying and she hugged me very tight. "We thought we lost you Rosaria, am so happy you came back to us, this is a miracle, praise the goddess"

I wanted to talk but my throat was so dry. I mouthed water at her and she passed the order, she needs water Oliver and so Oliver poured me a cup of water which I drank in one gulp and nearly choke on it. Take it easy, Blanca said.

After drinking the water my throat was a little clear and I said to Blanca get me out of this pile of clothes which she did. I immediately regretted my early wish as I was left in a shirt and my undies.

We have to conceal her scent said Blanca to the old man and he nodded weakly. Placing his hands on me, he said a few enchanted spells and a white light shown in his hands for a brief seconds before he shifted away.

Oliver sat next to me and kept looking at my face. "you look like a corp" he said.

"Stop it Oliver, she just woke up after a week, and she did died for real, it is a miracle she is awake so don't tease her with your rude remarks just now"

If I heard you correctly, you said I was dead? For a week? I asked Blanca and she nodded slowly looking at my face. First we will get you into some fresh clothes and find you something to eat. What do you want to eat? Blanca asked.

Anything Blanca, I can swallow a horse if given to me at the moment. Blanca smiled at my remark and left with the old man leaving me and Oliver in the room.

Don't ever scare me like that Rosaria, Oliver said looking straight into my eye. I thought you are dead, I thought those creatures killed you. You were not breathing anymore. I...I...I....

Lost of words, he just kept quiet and looked at me. I felt like consoling him, to tell him I am here and that there is no need for him to worry anymore. But I just kept quiet and looked back at him. He walked closer towards me and hugged me so delicate as though if he apply any pressure I might snap into two halves.

At this point I am so confused. I know Oliver, even though it's not quite long but I know him and kindness is not a word anyone would use on him. Or so I thought cause this side of him makes me want to hug him back and tell him I am right here. Did my death kick some sense into his rock brain or he is just faking this emotions to convince me to stay. I don't know and I don't care, once am strong enough I will leave as planned and continue the road to fulfill my destiny.

After a few minutes of him hugging me and me not reciprocating the hug cause I think he is faking this emotions, he let go of me and sat straight up. So, what happened back there, he bagan to question me but thank the goddess Blanca returned and stop him from bombarding me with questions.

She is still weak Oliver, allow her to eat first and change into something clean then you can carry on with the question.

Let's go Rosaria, I have drew a bath for you, you should bath while the water is still hot.

She led me out of the room and for the first time, I noticed I was in a ship in the ocean.