I went downstairs for breakfast and sat with Oliver at the table. After eating he wanted to take me for training in the woods and I followed him still.

You are too slow Rosaria, you will get hit before you even know it, so today I will be teaching you how to catch fast moving objects or better still evade them. I will start slowly and then I will get faster.

He brought out a bag filled out apples and throw one at me and I cought it effortlessly. That's good he commented now try catching this one, he throw another apple at a high speed and I managed to catch it but it fell from my hand.

Keep up Rosaria he said and began firing lot's of apples at me and I got hit by all of them.

Now I want you to throw those apples at me he said and I nodded in respond. I picked up an apple an throw it at him with all my strength and he cought it as though I was joking with him. I also throw as much as I can but he either dodge or cought them effortlessly.

You see Rosaria, I don't understand you, you are too human at times that I forget you are a witch. Show me you are a descendant of the old witches and stop acting as useless as you look.

Don't you dare call me useless again, you don't know me, you don't know what I have been through!, I shouted at him and my voice seems to roar through out the forest, the trees bend and the birds close to us flow away but he didn't look the lease fazed by my little display of power.

Oh yes, I don't know and I don't care but your actions says you are suffering because you are either scared or too weak to save yourself from your enemy. Pathetic! He spat at the ground and I felt completely down graded.

I wanted to command all the beast in the forest to feast on his flesh and drink of his blood. I thought of a thousand ways to kill him right where he stand but I remembered what the little girl told me.

" Remember Rosaria don't show your powers in the open, there are dark force's that you don't know about looking for you and a slight mistake will lead them straight to you " I remembered what the little girl told me and I try as much as I can to calm the storm inside me.

Your words don't affect me anymore Oliver, even a baby can see you are a rude, arrogant, prideful asshole vampire. I replied him when I felt I was calm enough.

Oh yes!, I am a prideful and all you have said vampire, but at least I don't fight myself to suppress my power and let other supernatural walk over my head like I am a nothing . Tell me Rosaria why do you hide yourself from the world, what are you so afraid of?

I thought we came to train, if we are done I would like to go into town and get a few clothes to change into if you don't mind, I changed the topic as fast as I could, I don't want to waste time in this forest with Oliver.

Clever girl Rosaria, trying to evade the question, how about you hold this for me. He didn't even finish his words when he throws another apple at me at a full speed aiming at my face. I looked at it and slowed down it's speed with my mind and cought it before it gets to me.

He looked surprised at first and then in the next second he throw almost all the other apples at me and just like before, I slowed down the speed of the apple and cought them or kicked them back at him.

But when I looked closely the last one was no apple but a sharp dagger. What? You want me dead now? I moved to the side while the dagger hits the tree behind me.

I looked at him with anger in my eye, hey asshole, you want me dead so badly? I asked him but he just smiled at me and said heads up.

Before I know it, he used his wind power to pull the dagger out from the tree and turn it's tips pointing at me, the dagger came flying at me with great speed and I barely missed it as it slashed my cheeks when passing by me. I felt my blood drip down my cheeks and when I looked at him his fangs were out.

Don't get injured Rosaria, or I might not be able to stop myself from sucking you dry.

He removed all his daggers and aim at me. with his eyes red and looking at me, he aimed for my chest but I saw the attack coming so I command the branch of tree closer to me to block off his attacks.

In the next second he pulled out the daggers and again launched another attack aiming at all directions. I used the tree branch to hit the daggers away and also strike back, I command the branches with pointed tip, aiming at his heart but he saw it coming also and leaped high in the air. Too slow Rosaria, I heard his voice up so I looked up and saw him squatting on a tree branch.

He sent his daggers at me again and I blocked with the branches. I used my powers to scattered the branches into small sharp particles and directed it back at him. He used his wind powers to blow them off and ran at high speed towards me. He was so fast I could not slow down his speed and in the next seconds he had his fingers wrapped around my neck and drag me closer to himself.

Don't loose focus Rosaria, be vigilant and keep your eyes at your opponent at all times or you will die before know you have been hit, you understand? I nodded at his words and he used his tongue to lick my wound. You teast so heavenly, like an angel. So pure like you are a human, interesting.

He let go of my neck and licked his lips, you said you want a change of clothes right? Let's go into town and do something about that. He whoosh pass me with is vampire speed and shouted keep up Rosaria!.