Made Chevelle had me drained of my blood after hours of torment and when I was at the brink of death she left me there, in a cold dark cell with an iron bar round my neck so I wasn't able to lay down. I remaind standing for the whole night, for the chain holding my hands was not long enough to let me sit and the iron bar prevented my body from leaning towards the wall.

When it was dawn, she came in for me and again drain my blood into another bowl and when she saw my legs couldn't support my weight anymore she released me of the chains and the iron bar and had one of her men drag me out of the cell. She sold me to yet another slaver in hopes that I would die and she would make her final money off me and won't even have to go through the stress of disposing my body and her secret of illegal business would be safe.

I was shipped out of the village by the slavers who had to find a way to heal me else the run a loss for madam Chevelle charged them a great deal as my ransom.

Thankfully I survived the harshness and the ship made it to the slave market in Servernile. There, I was cleaned up and put on display but no one wanted to buy me for I looked malnourished and sick with pale skin as though I won't make it to the next day.

At the end of the day, I was still standing there, with my slave collar round my bony body and a chain holding me to the poll. The slavers had to make a discount for anybody who decided to buy me and that's when Oliver arrived at the scene and paid ten pieces of silver coin and five bronze to the slaver who unchained me and gave the key to my slave collar to Oliver.

He carried me to one of the traven there in the city and administered some treatment to me. He save me and took off my slave collar. He gave me what I have never been given in all those years as a slave, a choice.

To follow him and be a part of his crew, a hunter, or to return to my home if I have any.

Of course I don't have a home to return to so I gladly accepted to be a hunter and that's how it has been for me till now.

I am not tell you this because I want you to stay, but because in a way I see my young innocence self in you. You grow up in the forest of isle and never left, you don't know any other home other than that forest and you still have your pride as a woman with you untouched. Compared to me I will say you are lucky, he got to you before any other vial creature out there, you don't know just how so many slaves out there wish to be you and I will be heartless just as them if I let you go without letting you know the dangers out there. From what I have seen with you and Oliver so far, I will say he loves you but he doesn't know how to show it to you without appearing weak for love makes us weak. And it is not of him to keep any creatures against their will, him keeping you only shows that he is trying to shield you from the world, something none of us here never had. Each and everyone aboard his ship followed him willingly even Mr. Sullivan, the white witch that treated you when you were ill

If you think I am lying, I will let you escape, I can do that, but know this. When you leave, you can never returned here. And any misfortune that befalls you will be your own fault and no one else. Who knows, you might not get the luck I had with Oliver, or you might met a more better luck than mine but you will never see us and any outcome of your decision will weigh down on you like thousands of stones crushing you beneath the earth.

But if you stay, you will be trained as a witch and fight like a vampire, you will be a hunter and not the hunted and you will help me bring justice to my village, my family, your kind as white witches will be more free and not forced to hide their powers in fear of being attacked by the dark witches for their essence. Justice for the people of that town burnt down to ashes by those creatures of dark magic in their sleep. A home where white witches both young and old will grow with their parents and learn the way of their people in peace and harmony. Such noble cause you will be fighting for, a better tomorrow.

Tell me Rosaria, wouldn't you like that? Wouldn't you like that no child born of a white witch will have to be hidden in any forest or cave, away from their mother, just like you were hidden? Would you not have love to be brought up by your own mother and not by the hands of some caretaker forest guardian? To take your first step in life with your mother holding your hands and teaching you to walk and talk and learn spells and portion making and everything she could teach you. Don't you want to give that chance to another child? To make sure no child will have to suffer the way we did?.

I implore you Rosaria, for the sake of that town that was burnt down because of you, stand and fight.

Fight back Rosaria, stop running and hiding and praying to Gaia for protection when you can learn how to fight and protect yourself, you can be a white witch and still win. Help me prove to the world and other creatures that white witches are not the weakest in the food chain.