A Deal for the Media Crown

The room was silent as they all took a moment to absorb my words.

You'd think this would be the final blow, right? Nope. It's not. As always, there's one person who'll ruin the vibe.

James Reed.

"Let's cut to the chase." He said, like he had some kind of grudge against me. "What's the price?"

Now, here's my place to shine. There's a balance to these things. You have to offer something substantial but not too much.

If you offer too little, you'll be instantly rejected. If you offer too much, they'll be put off, thinking you have an ulterior motive. And if you offer exactly what it's worth, they have no reason to sell to you.

You have to offer more than it's worth but not too much. Like I said, it's a balance.

I smiled at the guys at the other side of the table.

"Two hundred and fifty million dollars for the majority stake with an additional fifty million earmarked for immediate investments into The Sentinel's operations."