Impress Me

Matt and I left the restaurant in high spirits, still laughing over one of his exaggerated stories of our time in high school. 

While it was now evening and the sun had relented from its previously scorching heat, it was still warm. I grinned, enjoying the difference from the air conditioned restaurant.

"Man, you should've seen your face that day." Matt said between chuckles. "Coach Sullivan was screaming at us like we just committed a federal crime and are now wanted in seven states."

I groaned, shaking my head. "Yeah, because you told him I could kick a fifty-yard field goal when I'd never even played before."

Matt doubled over in laughter. "I had faith in you, man! And to be fair, the ball did go fifty yards… just in the wrong direction."

I sighed dramatically. "I think I'm still banned from the field."

Matt wiped a tear from his eye. "You know what's worse? That time you convinced me to take shop class instead of an easy elective."