Chapter 3


Valentina: (drops the bag) hmm, I'm really sorry, i didn't know you were the boss, i didn't-i-am sorry

Soo joong: take this, secretary (bring out a flash drive)

Valentina: me? (Points at herself as she looks around to find if anyone is there)

Soo joong: if not you, then who else?

Valentina: when did i get promoted to secretary?

Soo joong: (gives her the flash drive) i want to check all the code and correct all errors

Valentina: emm, sir? my work is to program games, not to check codes.

Soo joong: (moves closer to her and stares at her with a cold look) you are my personal secretary, so you are meant to do what i want, IS THAT CLEAR?!

Valentina: (feels a cold chill running down her spine) yea-yes sir

Soo joong: (moves back) Good, you can leave.

Valentina: what if it's time for me to leave and i'm not done?

Soo joong: when you're done, you can go, leave my!

Valentina: (leaves and goes to her office close to Soo joong) sheesh he's scary (opens her laptop) now I have a change of work, can my life get any worse? (plugs the flash) OH MY GOD, the code are much, does he want to kill me? wait, did i hurt him in my past life that he wants to take revenge now? (signs)

(after many hours)

Valentina: ah, I'm finally done (stands and stretches her body)

Lim ju kyung: (shyly) hello, Mr. Soo joong told me to give you this (drops loads of paperwork on her table) he said you should go through them thoroughly.

Valentina: seriously, do i know this guy?before, does he treat everyone like this?

Ju kyung: N-no, he act coldly towards everyone but doesn't give us unnecessary work.

Valentina: so he does hate me (whispers) racist!!

Ju kyung: (turns to leave)i also want to are pretty

Valentina: (smiles) thanks, what's your name?

Ju kyung: (faces val) ju kyung.

Valentina: i'm Valentina, nice to meet you (they shake hands)

Ju kyung: well i gotta go, if the boss sees me idle, i'm in big trouble, bye! (she leaves)

Valentina: bye (drops down into her chair) i guess am gonna close late.


Valentina: At last, i'm done (checks the time)oh no, it's already 8 pm, let me quick give "THE BOSS" all this (looking at the work she did, she lift it up and grunt) here we go (she went into his office and met a shirtless blonde on his table as he kissed her) oh am sorry, i should have knocked, i came to drop this (she drops it quickly) sorry (she leaves)


Valentina: (crying as she remembers what Johnny did) why did i go into that office? why did i go into Johnny's room at that time too? everything I do and every step I take, all I think of is john, just to think we were about to get engaged, John why?! (she cried herself to sleep)


Valentina: (entering the company) I'll pretend like nothing happened, wait, was i saying anything ? (laughs stupidly) breaths in and out (enters the elevator) breath in and out.

Soo joong: secretary.

Valentina: ahh! (almost dropping her bag in fear) sir, y-you scared the shit out of me

Soo joong: today, you'll be checking out some games and clearing their error codes.

Valentina's voice: is that work or fun, woah (the elevator opens)

Soo joong: there's a new laptop on ur table, the game are there, play them and fix the errors (he enters his office)

Valentina: wow i get to play games instead of work (excited) let's start this (switch on the laptop) I'll start with burning fury (she began the game and it was nice, when she was about to win, the error code popped up) wait what NO! i almost won, maybe it's only this one that has the error (she quickly fixed the error and check the the other, all 20 had errors) NO! I guess it's work, I'm doomed (sigh and place her head on the table)...