Chapter 8

in the streets of Paris...

Valentina: it sure is windy tonight, ahh, I'm finally in Paris, Johnny wanted to take me to Paris

(flash back)

Johnny: (holding her by the waist) after we get married, we will go to Paris for our honeymoon to make our love stronger, I'll be your Romeo and you will be my Juliet.

Valentina: really?!

Johnny: yes, just that no one is gonna die (they both laugh, end of flash back)

Valentina: I'm not really angry at him for cheating on me, I'm angry that he couldn't wait for me, why Johnny why...

stranger 1: (in a French accent) hey mademoiselle, why are walking all by yourself at this late hour.

stranger 2: yes, let us keep you company (she ignores them and moves forward and the third guy grabs her by the hand)

stranger 3: come on, am sure you need company, Mon Coeur (he tries to grab her boobs)

Valentina: (twist his hand to the back) You guys like troubling girls right, I'll teach you a lesson (she kicks him)

stranger 3: oh we have a feisty one here, boys?

stranger 1 & 2: yes boss!

stranger 3: I want her.

(the first guy tries to hold her but she kicks him in his ball and he kneels while groaning in pain, she push him aside then she takes one of the bottles rolling on the floor and smash it on the second guy's head then she sat on him continue punching him since the first guy hasn't recovered from the pain)

stranger 3: ok ok that's enough (he carries her and pins her to the wall and she struggles to get free) wow, where have you been all my life, I like girls like you.

Valentina: let.. me ..go!

stranger 3: why will I do that, you are so beautiful and I can't wait to taste you (he tore her top and a hard blow landed on his face which made him leave val)

Valentina: sir?!

Soo joong: how dare you lay a finger on her (he continues to punch him as he bleeds)

Valentina: sir, pls stop (he ignores her) sir (she goes to his front) sir pls stop (he finally stops and he took off his jacket and place it on Val's shoulders)

in the hotel room

Soo joong: (scolding val) I told you not to go out by this time of the night but you didn't listen, now see what happened to you, i'm sure it's morning in korea (she had a flash back)

Valentina: owwww!

Johnny: what's wrong (sees blood) oh my goodness, you cut your self, I told not to cook today, you are sick, u have to rest but you are sooo stubborn (he took the first aid kit and put a plaster on the cut) why are you staring at me like that?

Valentina: you are scolding me over a cut, like seriously Johnny.

Johnny: look am sorry, you are not feeling too good and I told you to rest but you didn't listen, now see, I don't like when you get hurt.

Valentina: I'm sorry, I will listen to you next time.

Johnny: as if you would (she laughs) it's not funny (end of flash back)

Soo joong: secretary... Valentina

Valentina: (with tears rolling down her face, she whispers) why does every thing remind me of him?

soo joong: who is she talking about...

The next morning

(Soo joong wakes but couldn't find Valentina around)

Soo joong: (dressing up 👔👖) she better be back before the presentation....

(in Golden crown corp. he goes to the presentation room just to find out everything was set and Valentina was there and everyone was set)

Soo joong: (looks at his watch) I'm not late, they are early

Mrs Sinclair: oh Mr Soo joong, welcome, Ms. val decided we started early..

(Valentina turn on her laptop and the image of her in just bra and pantie pop up as her wallpaper)

Valentina's mind: oh God, I forgot to change my wallpaper, (she tries to open the game but all the icons disappeared) oh no, is this the right time for this laptop to malfunction? (she looks at Soo joong and she saw the shocked look on his face) Johnny, you are the cause of this, I promise you I won't change the picture, now see, oh God help (finally the icon came back and she opens the game)

Valentina: I'm sorry about that, let's start....

(at the end of the presentation)

head of g.c corp: congratulations on our partnership, Mr Soo joong (they shake hands) we are inviting you to a party tonight, please come and bring your secretary along

Soo joong: we will be there....

Fred: hey, beautiful, love your wallpaper.

valentina: (shyly) thanks.

Fred: wanna go out with me, you can think about it

valentina: oh okay..(Fred leaves)....