Prince Charming

Taehyung greeted everyone that came forward to him. Everyone thanked him for saving Jungkook. But who would tell them that he didn't saved their Jungkook, he saved his life. He saved his moon.

" Kookie... Your finally here." A voice brought him back to his sense. He turned to the voice only to witness a tall handsome man embracing his moon. The scene in front of him shattered his heart into piece. His moon was hugging someone.

Don't think to much Taehyung. He might be just a friend or close relative.

Taehyung consoled himself but the arms wrapped around his petite waist. He felt his soul burned just by looking the two like this. But what hurt the most was his moon hugged him back. His arms were wrapped around the man too. He talked with the man smiling, showing his bunny teeth.

" Oh Taehyung! Come meet him. "Mr. Jeon said pulling Taehyung towards them.

" This is Namjoon. The current CEO of the Jeon Empire. And Namjoon this Taehyung. The one who saved your Kookie." Hojun introduced them but Taehyungs mind paused in one word. Your Kookie.

" Thanks Taehyung. You don't know what you did for us. You didn't just saved my Kookie. You saved my whole world. "

HIs world.

" I missed you Kookie." Namjoon said with a smile. Jungkook smiled back to him and hugged the man again.

" I missed you too hyung so so much." He said and hide his face on his chest. Namjoon and Hojun smiled at him but Taehyung was breaking bit by bit.

Hojun began to say what Namjoon did for him and the Jeon empire on these 2 years. How proud and thankful he is to him. With no time the crowd was now praising Namjoon and his success in the company. How he took care of Hojun and the company in the drastic situation.

Taehyung realized he has vanished in this crowd. Everyone acknowledged him as the savior of course but he is nothing more than that. But he felt a tug in his heart looking at the man standing beside his moon. The man shines bright with him just like his moon. His light out shined him. He felt nothing but a naïve kid in front of him.

" Wow they really look good together."

" Yes you are right. They look really good."

"Jungkook suffered so much I hope Namjoon take care of him now."

" A man like Eunwoo never deserves Jungkook. He is an angel. He deserves to be with a man like Namjoon."

" Do you know, Namjoon came like a hero to save Jeon Empire. 2 years ago. He had been taking care of Mr. Jeon and the company like his own son."

" Oh, it's really like in the movies. The prince charming saving the day. I can't wait to see them together."

He looked at the supposedly future couple in front of him. The hand was still wrapped around his moon. He was smiling shyly to whatever Namjoon whispered in his ear. His face was peach red. The shyness was evident in his face.

A bitter chuckle left his lips. Those gossip aunties were so right. Namjoon really looked like a handsome prince charming. And his moon doesn't deserve any less than the best.

He was right his moon can only glow up in the sky and can never be down on the ground with him. He has the prince charming waiting for him. And he was just a nobody.

He looked again at his moon who was busy talking and laughing with his prince charming. Taehyung took a deep breathe and smiled looking at his moon. His moon was glowing today. He was happy. And nothing matters to him more than his happiness.

"Take care my moon. I will be watching you by far." He said to no one in particular

With that he took his luggage and left for good without a word to anyone.
