
Jungkook stared at the mumbling boy in front of him with open mouth.

He doesn't deserve him?


The person who saved his life doesn't deserve him?

The person who took care of him for 2 freaking years doesn't deserve him?

The person who hold him for countless dark nights.

The person who erased all his bad memories.

The person who embraced all his darkness and pulled him to the bright sunny light.

If that person doesn't deserve him than I don't know who does.

Taehyung was still mumbling about his undying love and how he belongs with someone who deserves him, when Jungkook had enough of it. Jungkook took a deep breathe before cupping the face of this dumb bear with his both hands and smashing his lips on his.

And the world froze.

Taehyung widen his eyes. His whole body hit up. He didn't know what happened, how it happened and why it happened. One moment he was crying alone in the shores and next his lips are kissing the most soft and delicious lips in the world.

It is a dream right? It can't be reality. It should be a dream. Or else why would his moon ever kiss him. Why? Of course this is a dream. His dream. Oh how he wish it to be true. How much he prays this dream to be a reality.

But soon he was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt a sharp pain. He hissed in pain with wide eyes. His lips were crushed mercilessly. Jungkook had bit his lips harshly bring him back to reality. Taehyung hissed in pain and opened his mouth. Jungkook took the opportunity and enter his tongue in his sweet caravan. Even after 1 minute Taehyung didn't response. Jungkook pulled back and caressing his cheeks.

" I'm yours dummy. Just yours." Jungkook said and pulled him to a passionate kiss again.

The sweet delicious taste brought him to reality. His Jungkook, his moon was kissing him. His moon. Can you believe that?

His moon said he is his. His. His moon belongs to him.

But let those discussion be for later. Taehyung wrapped his hands around his waist and pulled him more closer to ravish his lips more. I have no idea on how long these two love dummies eat their mouth. And I am sure if 3 people didn't disturb them then they would have gone far more than kisses in that same place. ♀

" God that was hot." A voice came from behind them and a shutter sound was heard. They turn and looked behind them. 3 men were standing there with different expressions. Mr. Jeon with open mouth, Namjoon with a gentle smile and Jin with a sinister smile clicking some photos of them.

The moment Taehyung saw them he got scared. Especially with Namjoon. He remembered the words those aunties. The prince charming was there to take his moon away. Taehyung nervously hide his moon behind him. The 3 men looked at him with a frown. Jin looked at Taehyung and back to the person Taehyung glaring with a pout. Then it clicked.

" Are you scared of this man over here?" Jin asked pointing to Namjoon and all the others looked at him with questioning gaze. "Don't tell me this idiot here is the prince charming you're afraid of." All of them widen their eyes in realization and Jin laughed loudly.

" Oh don't worry honey. This man right here is bound to me for this life and every life he born." Jin said sassily. Taehyung frowned not understanding him.

" We are married dummy. He is my prince charming not his. " Taehyung gasped closing his mouth with both hands and all of them laughed at him.

" He is my cousin Taetae." Kook said from behind.

Really Taehyung was really a dummy.


People really talk without thinking anything. Some might talk well. Some might talk nonsense but mostly they speak without thinking how it might affect to others. They women who were talking about Namkook were not talking anything ill for anyone. They were just appreciating how beautiful the couple might be but non of they knew Namjoon was his cousin. They all said what they saw and what might happen in their view without knowing the truth. And Taehyung....He just believed whatever they said. When you are emotionally traumatized, you believe others words easily.

One trust anything and everything when they are emotionally affected. Taehyung did the same. For 2 years he gave his best to save Jungkook. But his financial status made him doubt on his own worth. And when everyone talked about Namkook, he believed they were right and his moon really belongs there and not with him. Why would someone like his moon will choose anyone like him who has nothing to offer him.

That's why we shouldn't believe in gossips. Although some of them might be true but true or not those words can only harm you. So, you should never ever take the hurtful words to your hearts. Know the truth first. People will always talk nonsense. But it's you who needs to ease your path.

Trust Yourself....

Love Yourself....

Speak Yourself...



After all the chaos both Taekook are here cuddling with each other. Jungkook was lying on him and Taehyung had wrapped his arms around him rightly. They had a longgggggggggggggggg discussion about the said day. Jungkook was really angry on him for believing some gossip without knowing the truth.

How can he believe the words of some strangers when he himself taught Jungkook that he should trust himself and not others. That's why Jungkook calls him.

" Stupid. Stupid idiot. Meanie. How can you believe them. Stupid big bad meanie bear." Jungkook snuggle on his chest more.

" I'm sorry moon. I thought you will be happy there. I thought you belong there"

" You thought wrong. Big meanie, I will only be happy with you. I'm yours."

" You're mine. My moon."

" Only Yours."

" Only Mine."




My Moon!


That's a wrap. I didn't think this book would have so many chapters. I wanted to write just one short. But it turn out to be a whole book. Hope you like it. And also try to ease your path of life. Anyone anytime can go through difficult situations. We can't stop them from happening but we should not give up on life.

We are blessed to live and see this wonderful world. Cherish it. I know it's difficult to survive sometimes, but please try. Reach out to the closest person you know. Talk to someone. I know is hard but quitting is not an option. Everyone is suffering. We just has to find a solution.

So, through this book I would like to ask everyone. Please search help when you need and help others when they are in need.

This book is dedicated to our beloved author bora95purpleBora-nim where ever you are I hope you are happy and blessed. The purple world will always miss you.

Borahae !