Life is as hard as Thou, never to be found in a Thousand years

Zhang Guofang and Sun Shaowei has also been ordering people to pay attention to Li Yuan's account, Li Yuan a line, they know.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Master, you have finally appeared.

The boss is terrible: +1

Life is precious: +1

The trio's comments came out at about the same time that Mr. Li entered the broadcast room.

Li Yuan was not too surprised and said good afternoon to everyone in a flat tone.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Good afternoon Master, Master is really God () human also!

Life is precious: Upstairs, you tell me what happened.

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: That day the master gave me the eight-character motto "Sunrise east, mountains and rivers are sound", thank the master for giving me guidance, let me catch the evidence of the company moth, reversed the situation that was overhead.

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: Not only that, that day I chose to talk with the customer on the water, this is a big customer, I had no great hope, the result you guess what?

Life is precious:??

The boss is terrible: ????

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: The company's customer unexpectedly met his lost sister here when he was a child, do you think it is a coincidence? What a fucking coincidence, you know?!

The boss is terrible: This is really unspeakable god () strange ().

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: As a result, this business is so negotiated, the customer said that everything is fate, if not for my appointment here, he may never find his sister.

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: sunrise east, mountains and rivers, refers to two things, sunrise east, refers to I can regain control of the company here, just like seeing the sun, mountains and rivers, I set a private room named "mountains and rivers", and the boss's sister, is the waiter in this private room, I understand that mountains and rivers are sound, that is, even if you get rid of pests, my company is still safe and sound.

Lin Qingya looked at the words on the screen, and the calm heart beat violently out of control.

Is that a coincidence? It was the master's eight words that taught him.

Life is precious: Do you often go to the water house?

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: I go there less than once a year. It's too far to drive there. I wouldn't have chosen to go there if it wasn't for the eight-character motto of the master that day.

Lin Qingya did not answer, intuition told her that this unwilling to show the master, may be her salvation.

Crayon Xiaoxin: By the way, the boss is terrible. How's it going over there?

The boss is terrible: the master is really too accurate, has done a paternity test, they are indeed my children in the diaspora.

Crayon Xiaoxin: If you speak so vaguely, there must be a story.

The boss is terrible: things have some twists and turns. When she left with the child, it was because of the advice of a superior person, I ordered the Rick son, if not leave me, the child will not survive, and I will not have children in the future.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Hey! What a good woman!

The boss is terrible: now I don't know whether to thank that man or hate him. But I want to thank the master, if not the master, I may die without knowing that I have a pair of children in exile, I apologize to the master for my export that day.

With that, the studio flew over ten rockets.

The boss is terrible: Master, please help me donate to the Cloud Sea Orphanage.

"He's telling the truth." Li Yuan suddenly spoke. "If your baby doesn't grow up around you, it probably won't be born either."

Li Yuan paused and continued: "In addition, that day you went offline in a hurry, I still have words not finished."

The boss is terrible: Master please speak.

"If you cheat, one of you will cheat." Li Yuan's voice was flat without a trace of emotion.

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin:...

The boss is terrible: Thank the master for guidance.

Li Yuan: "That's all. I'm a fortune-teller, not a detective."

A few people in the chat, but also one after another into the broadcast room.

Li Yuan: "Today I live for two hours, unlimited number."

Life is precious: I come!

Li Yuan: "How do you calculate?"

Life is precious: "Birth eight has been privately sent to the master."

In the broadcast room, only see Li Yuan's slender fingers across the mobile phone screen, neck, Adam's apple slightly sliding.


The same gold abacus was taken out by Li Yuan and placed on the table.

The bony right hand quickly moves the abacus beads.

Crayon Xiaoxin: I want to become a woman, marry the master do daughter-in-law.

Lin Qingya beauty stared at the master's hands on the screen, this time the master counted time, obviously much longer than the last time.

It was quiet in the studio, as if the hand of the master flicking the beads had some magical power, and people didn't want to look away.

After about ten minutes, the master's hand finally stopped.

Everyone waited quietly for the secret master of God to speak.

The master finally said, "Is there grass growing on your parents' graves?"


Crayon Xiaoxin: Master mighty! Did the master figure out that this was his enemy?

The boss is terrible: In my opinion, the master said this sentence must have a reason.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Upstairs flattery is good.

During the period, other people also intermittently said a few words, all accused Li Yuan of rude language.

Only Lin Qingya was scared by a word of Li Yuan froze on the spot.

Thin beads of sweat fell from her face.

There was a fear in her heart, a fear of Li Yuan's mysterious ability.

She's got a huge business empire, and she's been assassinated, and she's not afraid of anything.

Today, she has a deep fear of the fortune-teller.

For a long time, she shook her fingers and pressed on the screen: There is no grass on the grave of my parents.

Suddenly, the broadcast in an uproar.

Crayon Xiaoxin: What's going on?

The boss is terrible: +1

On the screen, ten more rows plus one.

"Life is too hard, parents above, children below, spouses in the middle."

Li Yuan's voice rang in everyone's ears through the microphone.

In particular, his voice, so flat that there is no emotion, makes people feel goosebumps.

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: So great, this life!

The boss is terrible: Originally thought that my life is hard, grams children, did not think that this life is harder.

Li Yuan looked at the hexagrams on the gold abacus, the heart is also a little surprised, did not think that only the second time live, unexpectedly encountered such a fate.

He cleared his throat and continued, "It is rare to have such a hard life. Such as Zhu Yuanzhang, killed his sons the king of Qin Zhu 樉, the king of Jin Zhu 㧏, the prince Zhu Biao.

Of the Emperor Qianlong's forty-one concubines, thirty-two went before him, some ten or twenty years younger than him, and out of his twenty-seven children, twenty-two went before him."

Crayon Xiaoxin: Sounds like a history lesson.

The boss is terrible: You don't read enough, shut up.

Then, the voice of Li Yuan sounded in the broadcast room: "These two lives are hard, but one has the blessing of the country, the other has many wives and children, and there are always fish that escape the net."

But the most important thing is that their lives are not as hard as yours."

"Their lives are not as hard as yours."