The Master laughed

Li Yuan pulled the flavin.


Behind Huang Su Su came the sound of the porcelain basin breaking.

Can wipe off from behind Huang Su Su, if Li Yuan reaction is a little slow, then this flower pot, will be Huang Su Su's life.

At that moment, a woman hurried over, she looked Huang Su Su and Li Yuan up and down, and after making sure that they were OK, this was a big breath.

"Oh, my God, I'm scared to death. I don't know why today, a perfectly good flower pot fell down by itself." The woman patted her chest and was in shock.

Huang Su Su looked up and saw that a window above was filled with flower POTS, and this window did not do anti-theft window, so placed the flower tray beside the window.

Huang Su Su a see, suddenly heart unhappy.

"Elder sister, look at this flower pot in your home, how dangerous it is! What if the wind blows or the family cat or dog accidentally touches it and falls off?"

The woman knew that today this matter is indeed her fault, she is also secretly relieved, if today this flower pot hit people, I am afraid it is the whole family can not afford to pay!

Hearing Huang Su Su's words of blame, she nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, what the girl said is true, I will go back and move all the flower POTS above, and then all move up when the anti-theft window is done."

The woman's attitude was very good, and most of the lutein gas disappeared. After a few more words, the woman turned and went upstairs.

When Li Yuan was leaving, he heard the woman whispering, "It's really strange. My flower pot is so far away from the window that it fell down."

She did not understand, but Li Yuan understood that this matter, this woman is accepted their involvement, this is just the Yin Sha gas, but it can do so, it is the heart is unwilling, Li Yuan destroyed its growth plan.

The way it grows, is to absorb the Yang in people, this Yang is not only men have, women also have.

It is just that men are more masculine and women are less masculine, but this is not absolute, and healthy people are naturally more masculine than sick people.

People who are sucked away a small part of the Yang will have mental () bad, the body is always tired, is sucked away more, people will become seriously ill, the hospital test can not check the specific reasons, only feel that some malnutrition.

However, this little bit of resentment did not have much effect, making no threat to Li Yuan, and even after this time, making no threat to people around.

After three days, the driver will go to worship again, and the Yin Qi will not come out for the time being.

The water rice poured by the seventh generation of good people and bowed in person has been enough for it to enjoy for a long time.

Li Yuan is not fit for public appearances now, so he does not plan to see it in person.

Two people bought food in the market, went home to make a fine dinner, two people lifted the table to Li Yuan's mother's room, three people ate happily.

After dinner, Li Yuan took out the bank card that had been placed in Li Yuan's pocket before flavin.

After explaining for a long time, Huang Su Su really believed that Li Yuan was not short of money.

Li Yuan is certainly not short of money now, he has nearly 7 million yuan in his card.

Before he considered buying a car, I just want to buy a similar on the line, but now that he has more money, he has to choose a good choice.

After eating, Huang Su Su put Li Yuan home tidy up some, this went home to rest.

With nothing to do, Li Yuan began to live again.

This system does not specify the time of live broadcast, so Li Yuankai's time is determined according to his own mood and time.

I just got on board and I didn't go live, and I got a lot of messages.

"Maestro, when are you online?"

"If you're online, will you please call me back?" I need you urgently!"

"Master, it's raining here, remember to take your umbrella when you go out."

"Master, I sent you my figure eight, you remember to calculate for me."


There were many and varied messages, some of which were from those who had counted the divinators for Li Yuan, and some that Li Yuan was not familiar with.

Because the mother was tight, Li Yuan did not have many friends, see everyone's concern, Li Yuan's heart is still warm.

He smiled and went live.

Just opened the live broadcast, that called life is precious, terrible, crayon small new three people came in the first time.

Life is precious: Good evening, Master.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Good evening, Master! The couch, number one.

The boss is terrible: Good evening, Master.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Hey, why am I second?

The boss is terrible: who let you talk too much.

Li Yuan found that as long as he opened the live broadcast, the three of them can know, and in the first time into the broadcast room, from the eight characters and facial appearance of the three people, the three are not ordinary people.

The crayon small Xiaoxin, should be the least assets of the three people, the income of tens of millions a year, the boss is terrible than the crayon small Xiaoxin better, should be able to earn several hundred million a year.

And that life is precious, but it is the kind of rich country in the dragon and phoenix.

In the former feudal society, this life is truly valuable, that is, the level of the princess.

From the point of view of the eight characters, this life is valuable and Li Yuan's age is similar, but from the status, even if some big people, see this life is valuable, but also to comity three points.

In the studio, in addition to the three of them, there were also many people who entered the studio.

Li Yuan found that most of the people had been in the broadcast room before, of course, some were new.

Just then, the number of people in the live broadcast room has more than 100 people, you know, Li Yuan opened the live broadcast is only one or two minutes.

Everyone said hello to Li Yuan in the broadcast room.

"Good evening, everyone." Li Yuan said softly.

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: The master's voice is low and magnetic, just like those voice actors, so drunk.

The boss is terrible: a brown-noser!

Others also began to attack Crayon Xiaoxin, of course, there are some people and crayon Xiaoxin, began to compliment Li Yuan's voice.

In the studio, everyone saw that Li Yuan's mouth was slightly raised upward.

Life is precious: the master smiled!

Others also saw Li Yuan slightly raised the corners of his mouth, the broadcast room was instantly boiling.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Damn, this is the third time I've watched the master live, and I've never seen the master smile.

"Hehe hehe!" Li Yuan couldn't help laughing out. "I'm so happy to see you all."

Crayon Xiaoxin: It's over, master's voice, I'm getting drunk.

The boss is terrible: young is good!

This time life is precious, but did not speak.

"I'm going live for an hour today, which one of you is coming?" Li Yuan sat patiently aside and did not pick up the Yellow Book on the table.

Love in heartache: I come.

Li Yuan still has the same question: "Do you count the eight characters, measure the characters, or read the appearance?"

Love in heartache: I measure eight words!

"Ok, then send me your birthdate." Li Yuan said, "And what are you asking for?"

Love hurts: HMM... Well, I begged the Master to calculate whose baby I was carrying.