The Emperor's Green Appearance is breathtaking

As the crowd swarmed in, today's gambling ground entered the climax.

The owner's wife did not follow the crowd past, but went straight up to the second floor.

She leaned on the railing of the second floor and watched the crowd below.

"This Fan Yun is also quite interesting, if I can really cut water out of this broken chair, I don't know whether I should be happy or cry."

She was standing upstairs alone talking to herself.

Downstairs, the staff is already at work.

"Mr. Fan, how do you cut it?" This is the question that every staff member of the gambling ground will ask, and the method required for different stones is also different.

"Grind! Fan Yun said only one word.

The so-called grinding is that the jade inside is very large, and everything may cut into the jade inside, so the way of grinding is used.

For this chair, so far Fan Yun does not know where the water is.

So he did it this way, grinding!

Slowly grind away, no matter where its water will always grind out.

Unless, it has no water!

Fan Yun shook his head and ruled out the possibility.

There should be no mistake in the master's precepts, and there should be no mistake in his precepts, so there must be water in this chair.

When the staff saw such a large chair, they suddenly looked a little ugly, but they began grinding according to Fan Yun's request.

Here Fan Yunshen () color is as usual, and the old Wang around him is nervous.

"Old Fan, are you sure there's jade in there?"

"HMMM! Fan Yun nodded.

All the people present are staring at the staff in front of them, and everyone's psychology is quite complicated.

Neither want Fan Yun to pick up such a big leak, but also want to really see this broken chair for no one really cut out jade.

As time went by, the staff had shaved off about five centimeters of thickness from the outside of the chair.

The back of the chair is about 15 centimeters thick, and the sitting part is thicker, about 30 centimeters thick.

It's only five centimeters thick, and it doesn't look like water.

"Old fan, how do I look and feel mysterious." Lao Wang once again turned around the Fan Yun beside him.

"Calm down, it's not finished yet." Fan Yun looked at the chair in front, in fact, his heart, more nervous than anyone else.

For others, this is just a fun thing to talk about in the activity of life, for him, it is the hope of his life to make a comeback.

It can be said that whether he is dead or alive in the gambling world depends on this time, and all hope is in this chair.

At that moment, someone suddenly exclaimed, "What color is that?"

Hearing this, Fan Yun and Lao Wang quickly looked towards the chair.

"Green! This is really green, water, water!" Lao Wang grabbed Fan Yun's hand and was thrilled.

Although Fan Yun knew that there would be water, he could hear his heart beating violently even when the real water came.

There really is water!

The people next to him were excited.

"Green, there really is water!"

"Oh, my God, no wonder Fan Yun wants them to use the mill, this knife cut, but also have to waste ah!"

Standing on the second floor of the owner's wife also could not help but open her eyes, when the broken chair was carved how to cut no water, which came to Fan Yun's hands unexpectedly cut water?

But after all, the owner's wife is more knowledgeable than others, this just cut out a little green inside does not necessarily have water, maybe it is just a little color outside.

At that moment, the whole audience was silent, and everyone stared at the staff.

When the staff saw the water, they were very careful.

Time passed minute by second, Fan Yun also held his breath, watching the green inside more and more.

The old Wang next to Fan Yun is more exaggerated than this when the subject, his eyes round shield glare, tightly staring at the jade in front.

"Old Fan, what to do? I'm a little nervous. This one looks better."

"HMMM! In fact, Fan Yun's heart is very uneasy.

As the staff progressed, there was more and more green on the inside, and those who had been lucky enough to think that there was only a little green on the outside gradually changed their views.

Finally, the whole chair was worn down.

Looking at the two pieces of jade presented in front of them, everyone seemed to have forgotten to breathe.

"I can't believe it. There are two huge pieces of jade inside the chair and the seat."

"It's not imperial green, is it?"

At this time, the old Wang next to Fan Yun was already dumbfounded.

He muttered, "Imperial green! It's imperial green! Such a big imperial green!"

He turned around and grabbed Fan Yun's arm: "Fan Yun, this is imperial green, you turned over!"

Fan Yun looked at the two huge imperial green in front of him, and his eyes turned red for a time.

"Is the master deceiving me? Is the Master deceiving me?"

The proprietress upstairs lost her usual grace.

It's a fool's eye. It's a fool's eye.

No one would have thought that this broken chair actually hid such a large two pieces of imperial green.

She asked for a million, even if it is a hundred million is not too much!

Pa pa pa!

At this moment, the whole audience sounded thunderous applause.

"Fan Yun is really that Fan Yun!"

"Eye-opener, this is an eye-opener!"

"Breathtaking, I can't find an adjective!"

The praise and wonder of this draped, in the ears of Fan Yun endless ringing.

The two pieces of imperial green are about 80 centimeters long and 40 centimeters wide, and the thickness of one piece is about 8 centimeters, and the thickness of the other piece is about 20 centimeters.

This kind of color and area thickness is rare in the world.

To this gambling stone field, there are also a lot of gambling stone, rich people want to buy the jade out of the scene.

Seeing these two huge imperial green pieces of Fan Yun, many people are already ready to move.

"Mr. Fan, do you want to sell these two imperial greens?"

Fan Yun gang wanted to say to sell, suddenly thought of something, changed his mind and said.

"I'll sell the thick one, and I'll keep the thin one."

The man who asked heard that Fan Yun wanted to buy and sell one of the pieces, and his eyes lit up.

"One hundred million spot transaction, one hand to pay the first hand delivery." What do you think, Mr. Van?"

At this time, another person walked over, he looked at the person who spoke before and smiled: "Do you want to buy this imperial green with a hundred million yuan of color and area thickness?" I'll give you three hundred million."

See that some people have begun to buy imperial green, others can not sit still, have to contact their network, the world has never been short of rich Lord, but like this imperial green can not be sought, missed this opportunity, even if you spend one billion, ten billion can not buy.

In the end, Fan Yun's imperial green was sold for 1 billion.

One million in less than an hour before and after, it turned into one billion, how does this not make people envious and envious and admire.

When I went back, the owner's wife used a delicate box to wrap the remaining piece of imperial green to Fan Yun, so as not to bump into it on the way to carry it, which randomly touched a corner, that is tens of thousands of losses.

On the way back, Lao Wang, while driving, also turned his head from time to time to look at the imperial green box behind, I am afraid that he accidentally touched the imperial green box.

He's also driving super slow and careful.

There is no way, the back of this imperial green, although compared with the thick piece of the value of not one billion, even if half calculated five million is also some, dragging five million can not be careful?

"Hey, old Fan, why do you keep this imperial green?" How good it is to sell it directly!"

"Give it to someone." Fan Yun smiled. He was in a very good mood at this moment.

But his answer startled Lao Wang.

"Such a large piece of imperial green, you give to a person? Old Fan, did you get a billion floating, you are not rich second generation!"

"You don't understand. I wouldn't be here without him."