Testing the Mother

Then they asked the patient who was enjoying the meal what had happened.

Only after the patient's statement did we know what the reason was.

Turns out he picked up another deal on that road that night, so he drove straight there, unconvinced.

As a result, when the empty car came back, it passed there, and suddenly there was a big fog in front of him, and he could not see the light at all.

And in the fog, a young woman was calling him.

"Honey, you're back."

He suddenly remembered that this woman was his fiancee, and that they had just become engaged and would soon be married.

His fiancee is beautiful, gentle and virtuous, two people are very loving.

He happily took his fiancee's hand, and the two of them went to their den.

Fiancee has made a big table full of food, active in order to draw water to wash their hands, to pinch his shoulders, everything, everything is so happy.

However, he always felt that he had forgotten something, but for a time he could not remember, and his fiancee was with him, two people lived a sweet life, and what did it matter what had forgotten!

The next day, his neck suddenly felt empty, as if there should have been something there. It was not long before a voice began to sound in his head.

"Afterglow, come back!" This is a woman's voice, he just wanted to find out the source of the voice, the fiancee came over gently and considerate.

Then another man's voice sounded, the same words: "Afterglow, come back!"

At this time, the fiancee was a face, and did not dare to get too close to him.

I don't know how long it took, with the sound ringing in his mind, some pictures rang in his mind intermittently.

Finally, he remembered that his name was Afterglow, and those two voices were calling him.

He's Afterglow. Who's the fiancee, and what's all this about?

As the sound grew louder and louder, he finally remembered everything, and he suddenly woke up, only to wake up in the hospital.

After listening to all this, Zhen Shanren's heart was greatly shocked that the young gentleman had said so accurately.

"You're lucky. If it weren't for that young gentleman, you might not have come back." Zhen Shanren said angrily, "You should not be reckless again in the future, you hear?"

Zhen Shanren brothers through this matter, the soul are lost half, where also dare to make, obediently nodded.

Here is the matter, Zhen Shanren made a phone call to Li Yuan to inform the situation here.

At this time, Li Yuan was preparing to read the books left by his father. It was not so much the books left by his father as the books left by his ancestors. There were many books passed down from father to son, teacher to disciple, generation to generation, and there were also some approved and self-created books written by ancestors of all generations.

Hearing Zhen Shanren's report, Li Yuan did not have too many surprises, although this kind of thing is complex, but it is also relatively simple, as long as the method he said, there is no problem.

After hanging up the phone, Li Yuan buried himself in the book again.

Their books on this subject were packed in two large wooden cases, which had been specially treated to be waterproof and fireproof.

These two boxes are usually placed in the hidden compartment of the room by Li Yuan, and only when there is no one, he will open the compartment and take out the books inside.

I don't blame Li Yuan for being so precious, nor did Li Yuan make this mechanism, but his father made it.

In terms of father's last words, these two boxes of books in their home, if it is known to the outside world, it is afraid to cause a bloody storm in the Yin and Yang wind and water circles.

Inside the box, the I Ching, the Wanshen () Guiyuan, Zhuge eight diagrams, the four-column book, etc., are all original copies. As long as there is a little relationship with Yin and Yang feng shui books, there are.

And their school of yin-yang style hydrology interpretation passed down from generation to generation.

This is a book, this book has been written by the ancestors, each generation of masters, will continue to write in the back.

Li Yuan saw that this last page was written by his father.

In Li Yuan's view, among all the books, this book is the most precious, and it is also this book that let him learn all the books inside.

Their school of ancestors firmly believe that no book can completely summarize Yin-yang feng shui, and no one can fully understand Yin-yang feng Shui, only by gathering the strengths of hundreds of people, in order to learn more.

Li Yuan admires the grandfather's vision five times, from his childhood to see these books, it is true, each book is very good, but each book has shortcomings, only Yin and Yang feng shui education interpretation is basically perfect.

So, he wanted to find in all these books a clue to his present condition.

He knew all the books by heart, and the only way to discover something new was to read them over and over again.

"Little Yuan." The mother came out of the bedroom and stood at Li Yuan's door.

Li Yuan quickly put the book down and went out to help his mother.

"Mom, why didn't you call me when you came out?" Li Yuan was worried.

"My mother is not so delicate, it has been ten or twenty days, and I can go to the ground long ago, that is, you let me lie down every day." The mother smiled at her filial son.

"Yes, yes, yes, my mother is Superwoman!" Li Yuan smiled like a child.

Li Yuan is unlucky because his father died early and he has suffered a lot since he was a child.

Li Yuan is also lucky, because he has a mother who loves him very much. It is his mother who takes good care of him in all aspects, so that Li Yuan can grow up healthily both physically and mentally.

"I see you've been reading since you got back yesterday. Are you looking for something?" My mother looked at Li Yuan's room full of books and asked with concern.

"I figured there was a big one before I was twenty-one, but I didn't really know, so I thought I'd look in the books." Li Yuan said this only to test her mother, hoping that she would tell him a little about his fate.

Li Yuan's mother looked a little unnatural, "People can't calculate for themselves, how do you calculate that you have a big disaster?"

My mother knew that Li Yuan was delicate and wanted to know more news from her.

Li Yuan helped his mother to a chair in front of his computer and sat down. Then he said, "I can't count myself, but I'll count it to my mother."

Li Yuan thought about him in hesitation, the next words he want to say, finally, he is still a cruel, said: "Mother lost her husband in the early years, middle-aged... Lose my son!"

Originally, he wanted to wait for his mother to get better, but now his mother actually took the initiative to ask, he felt that this was a good time, and his mother must know this major catastrophe in his life, he said it just let his mother surprised, will not let his mother be greatly stimulated.

Sure enough, the mother only slightly surprised the eyes wide, not very surprised.

"You know all about it!