The Face of the Dead

Li Yuan watched the live broadcast, the time has passed one hour and forty minutes.

"Today's live broadcast is still 20 minutes away, are you still ready to listen to the Tao Te Ching?"

Life is precious: you can listen to anything.

Crayon Xiaoxin: We want to hear the voice of the master, not the content.

Blue sea Qingtian and the boss so terrible also follow, the broadcast room now has more than a thousand people, many people want to come in to see, but come in actually do not want to go.

Some have followed Li Yuan's live stream two or three times, and Li Yuan's style is already familiar.

Everyone on the screen also followed, let Li Yuan read any book can be.

"Then how about I read a quiet Sutra to everyone?" Li Yuan asked.

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: Master at will.

Horrible boss: That sounds like a good name.

Life is precious: This time listen to what taboo?

"No." Li Yuan said, "But everything depends on sincerity, if you want to listen to me recite the Jing Jing, then you should listen with peace of mind, it is best not to do other things, distracted ()."

Crayon Xiaoxin: I won't do anything.

The rest of the group swiped plus one.

"Okay, I'll start." After saying that, Li Yuan immediately began to read.

"The old king said: the road is invisible, birth heaven and earth; Avenue merciless, running sun and moon; Avenue nameless, long nourish all things; I do not know his name, insist on the name of Tao. Husband Tao: there is a clear turbid, dynamic and static; The sky is clear, the sky is moving and the earth is quiet; Male qing female turbid, male dynamic female static; Then all things come into being. Clear, the source of turbidity, moving, static base; People can always be quiet, heaven and earth all return. ..."

His voice breaks and has a regular rhythm.

Crayon Xiaoxin: I always feel that the voice of the master reading has a kind of magic, which always echoes in my mind.

The boss is terrible: Don't talk, talk too much.

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin:...

Twenty minutes passed quickly, and everyone was satisfied to get off the line.

Li Yuan quit the broadcast room, looked at the time, can already sleep.

He first called his mother to sleep, and then washed himself and went to bed.

No words all night.

The next day, Li Yuan Da woke up early in the morning.

He went to the market to buy vegetables for a day, then stayed at home, he went from urinating house habit, to not feel anything.

Flavin has not come these two days, it should be too busy!

Until the afternoon, the doorbell suddenly rang, Li Yuan guess should be yellow su su came over, open the door to see, sure enough.

Only, Huang Su Su behind, unexpectedly followed a strange woman, Li Yuan opened the door, the woman's cold eyes swept over.

This woman, she has such a powerful aura!

He looked younger than Hwang Su Su, wearing a loose version of a milky white blazer suit with a white V-neck T-shirt, his suit open and his hands in his pockets.

Long black hair, delicate features.

This is a face that looks very rich and very rich.

Since when did Huang Su-su know such a person?

"Li Yuan, what are you doing? Let us in as soon as possible!" Huang Su Su see Li Yuan actually staring at the people behind him, quickly said.

"Oh oh! Well, I haven't had guests in my house for a long time, and I'm a little overwhelmed." Li Yuan with a full reason to put off his moment of absence (), he said while sideways, let two people convenient in.

Huang Su Su side, respectfully asked the woman to come in, after the woman came in, Li Yuan quickly closed the door, and Huang Su Su quickly in the shoe rack to find shoes for the goddess () change. Li Yuan quickly said: "No need to change."

"We were all wearing high heels, but we changed." The woman behind her spoke, and though her voice was cool, her tone was very pleasant.

Li Yuan then noticed that both women were wearing gauguin shoes.

One is milky white, one is black.

Huang Su Su is wearing a small black suit and a small black skirt, under the black stockings, with a pair of black shoes, a common professional dress to show her beautiful body vividly.

Compared with the two people, each has its own advantages, but the woman is slightly superior in aura and appearance.

The two women changed their shoes, Huang Su Su quickly led the woman to the sofa side to sit down, and then quickly ran over to pour water, it seems that the woman is very respectful.

Li Yuan cast a puzzled look in the past?

Huang Su Su then introduced: "Sorry, forgot to introduce, too nervous." Li Yuan, this is Lin Qingya Lin from Lin's group, Lin Zong, this is the Li Yuan I told you about."

The Lin Group?

Li Yuan did not expect that he should meet Lin Qingya so soon, but also in this way that let him surprise.

Huang Su after the introduction, Lin Qingya again looked up Li Yuan.

Huang Su Su see two people did not speak, so he said: "today Hengrong company to our company to talk about specific details of cooperation, did not think, unexpectedly is Lin Zong personally came."

"When Mr. Lin asked me why I gave up the No. 1 company and chose Hengrong, I said what you told me. I didn't mean to say it, but Mr. Lin was so powerful that I didn't dare make it up."

Lin Qingya said behind, the voice is small up, quite some face both sides feel wronged little daughter form.

Li Yuan could not help laughing, this flavin, was actually scared by a girl younger than her.

However, Lin Ching-ya that aura, not to mention Huang Su-su, even if they are big bosses, are going to be a bit of a coward.

Li Yuan could not help consoling: "I don't blame you."

See Li Yuan really not angry, Huang Su Su this just relieved.

Lin Qingya from the door to now, there is no expression on her face, but she looked at Li Yuan's eyes, too naked.

"Li Yuan, you and Mr. Lin talk, I go to cook." Huang Su Su dont wait for Li Yuan promise, escape general into the kitchen.

Hiding in the kitchen, Huang Su Su gave a big sigh of relief.

"Whoaa! Accompanying Miss Lin is really more popular than going to work!"

Huang Su Su decided not to leave the kitchen door without special circumstances.

"Mr. Lin, hello, suddenly came to my humble home, not well received." Li Yuan got up, to Lin Qingya made a cup of tea, tea is the ordinary kind.

'Thank you! Lin Qingya although clear and calm, but polite and thoughtful.

Her eyes were fixed on Li Yuan's hands until Li Yuan moved to the other side of the sofa and sat down.

"Do you know the art of Yin and Yang?" Lin Qingya looked at Li Yuan, asked.

Li Yuan knew that Lin Qingya came because of this.

"I know a little bit, but I usually read books and learn something at random, and that day it was just wrong." Li Yuan smiled faintly and explained.

"Ouch! Did you, now? That gentleman is a genius!"

I don't know why, when Lin Qingya said this, Li Yuan actually felt her mouth slightly raised, it seemed to smile.

"Is it? Hehe hehe!" Li Yuanqian laughed.

Lin Qingya suddenly stood up, went to the side of Li Yuan, bent over, in the ear of Li Yuan gently said:

"Maestro, is it still live tonight?"