Three Real Fires, The Toilet

"Big brother bad man!" The little girl's voice suddenly became shrill and her pupils turned black again.


Inside the room, a strong wind blew suddenly.

However, the window of the room was clearly closed, how could there be wind blowing in.


The chandelier overhead blared.

It's like it's gonna go out any minute.

I don't smoke: Oh my God!

There are also some new arrivals who are unaware of the situation.

"Is this a psychic studio?"

"And don't say he's a good actor."

"Is it lonely to watch? There's nothing but sound."

Crayon Xiaoxin: The actor's name is Air.

Crazy people can't see their phone screens now, and even if they can see them, crazy people don't have time to look at them now.

With the sudden onset of the vision, the madman's fear, which had just disappeared, immediately climbed up again.

"Maestro, he seems to be going mad." "Roared the madman.

"Don't stop. Keep repeating after me. Watch my rhythm." Li Yuan's voice became urgent.

Now the speed of his mantra was also much faster, and the madman followed his rhythm and accelerated the speed of his mantra.

In the studio, all you see is the camera moving around.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Something's wrong.

I don't smoke: I'm getting out of control.

The earth is round: in fact, it is scarier not to see it.

From the beginning they saw nothing of the little girl, only the madman.

Back there, you can't even see the maniacs.

Because the madman's phone was pointed at the girl, they couldn't see the girl, they saw the air.

In the studio, Li Yuan and the voice of the mad one after another, very eager.

'You bad man! The little girl screamed.

The whole face turned hideous.

The sweat of a madman dripping from his head,


The little girl suddenly fell to the ground.

No, there was no sound when the little girl fell.

Actually, crazy people don't make a sound when they fall like that.

As the girl fell to the ground, the lights in the room stopped whirring.

"Okay, you can put away your phone now." Li Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is it really all right?" The madman is still a little worried. The little girl was so scary.

"Well, she's very weak for the moment." Li Yuan was sure.

He did not recite mantras as ordinary people read books, but adopted the ancestral method of seven-seven mantras.

This spell is usually used against powerful characters.

But today, after all, Li Yuan did not do it himself, and it was read by someone who did not know the art of Yin and Yang feng shui.

Less effective, but just in time, with just the right amount of force against this little girl.

Hear Li Yuan's affirmation, the madman finally rest assured.

As soon as he put away his phone, the little girl on the floor stood up.

'Bad man! The little girl threw herself at the madman.

However, she stopped three steps away from the madman.

"She's afraid to come near you." Li Yuan said directly.

'Why? The madman was surprised. The little girl had been very fierce before, and now she was afraid of him.

"For every man has three fires, the left nameless on his left shoulder and the right nameless on his right shoulder, the bright fire of God above his head."

"The better the physical condition of the people, the more powerful the three fires, whereas the sick people, the three fires are relatively weak."

I think you should be a person who exercises regularly, so the three fires are relatively hot, and the little girl has just been cut off most of her strength, so he is afraid to come near you now."

I don't smoke: That's another benefit of exercise.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Start to exercise tomorrow.

Horrible boss: Is that what you said yesterday?

Crayon Xiaoxin: You have a surveillance camera in my house.

The boss is terrible: My son is the same way.

Crayon Xiaoxin: You took advantage of me!

Originally tense and scary atmosphere, because a few people roughhouse, but not so tense.

"FLLLLRRRRP! It scared me to death." The madman looked at the little girl in front of him and said into his cellphone camera.

It was only in the broadcast room that the madman saw that his hair was mostly wet and his white shirt was full of sweat.

"Master, what do I need to do now?" The madman escaped and now trusts Li Yuan very much.

"Now the evil spirit will take about an hour to recover, just now she said she has been hiding in the toilet, now take me to the toilet to see."

Li Yuan suspected that the little girl's body was hidden in the toilet.

"Yes, Master." The madman glanced at the little girl in front of him and walked slowly toward the door.

Although Li Yuan has said that the little girl is not lethal at present, but in the face of a scary little thing, the madman is still afraid from the heart.

The madman came to the toilet with a mobile phone and took a picture of the toilet in all directions.

"The toilet is also relatively simple, and it doesn't look to me like it could hide a body." "Said the madman.

The whole toilet is only about six square meters, just a simple toilet and water heater.

"You go back and take out all the glutinous rice you just scattered." Li Yuan said.

For a moment the madman was still a little afraid when he heard that he was going into that bedroom again.

As soon as he turned around, he saw the little girl right behind him.

"Ouch! My God!" The madman patted his chest and saw that the little girl just followed him far away and did not get close.

He then slowly moved towards the bedroom where he had been.

According to Li Yuan, he grabbed the handful of glutinous rice wrapped in wax oil.

"You go over there now and spread a few of these sticky rice all over the toilet."

Li Yuan conducted.

The madman grabbed the glutinous rice and slowly moved back to the toilet, the little girl still not far behind him.

"Your toilet is not big, you throw one or two pieces every five centimeters, and try to scatter rice everywhere."

The madman's camera was pointed at the ground, not at himself.

So Li Yuan and the people in the studio were able to see what he was doing.

I saw him holding the rice, according to Li Yuan's instructions, slowly sprinkled on the toilet floor.

Because of Li Yuan's request, he sowed more slowly.

The whole process took about ten minutes.

The little girl stood in the distance, without any expression on her face, staring at the madman.

"Now you step back to the door and don't move your phone to the ground."

The madman obediently walked to the door, leaning his back against the wall, looking from time to time at the toilet floor, and from time to time at the little girl outside.

He was afraid if he wasn't looking, the little girl would rush up.

"Right corner, zoom in." Li Yuan said suddenly.

A madman excited, hurriedly according to Li Yuan's instructions, focus on the right corner.

Life is precious: What is it?

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: The glutinous rice here is changing color!

I don't smoke: it's getting darker, to be exact.