The Crane Makes Fear

"I hung up the order, you go grab it."

As soon as Li Yuan spoke, he received a prompt from the live streaming system.

His ticket was taken.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Damn it, I got a placket. My wife doesn't even have one!

Little pig: I've got a peace symbol.

In the studio, everyone showed what magic words they had grabbed.

Li Yuan hung a total of nine charms.

Three placenta placenta, three peace placenta, three tranquillity placenta.

Some people are sad that they didn't get it.

Life is precious: It's so good to be young! Old hands slow down.

I don't smoke: I rob a lonely.

"Congratulations to the friend who snagged single." Li Yuan's voice sounded, low and gentle.

"Now, I'll draw on the spot."

Crayon Xiaoxin: Wow! Am I about to receive a sign from the master himself?

Life is precious: Applause for the master.

Li Yuan got up, took out his usual practice with the vermilion pen, came to the table.

He adjusted the camera on his phone so that it was focused on his desktop.

Then he laid out a piece of paper and held it down with a paperweight.

"I'll draw peace symbols first, and I've hung three of them."

Li Yuan said, lifting his pen and shaking his wrist quickly.

I saw the tip of the pen on the letter paper quickly slide, a magic drawing, such as flowing water, in one go.

After drawing the first one, Li Yuan did not stop and immediately began to draw the second one.

Like the first one, the second one Li Yuan is also done in one go, like flowing clouds, without a bit of astringency.

And then a third.

Li Yuan put the three charms aside and said:

"The three peace symbols have been drawn, and the friends who have won the peace blessing please send your address to me privately, including the location of your room."

"Next I began to draw the placenta."

Li Yuan said as he spread the paper flat on the table, also with a paperweight.

The boss is terrible: I have to say that watching the master draw is also a kind of enjoyment.

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: flatterer.

I don't smoke: it's a real treat.

The earth is round: I feel like it's a TV show.

Life is precious: very handsome indeed!

Other people in the broadcast room also said that Li Yuan painted, really good looking.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Why do you flatter so much?

Several people laugh at each other when, Li Yuan's charm has been drawn.

"Peace symbol has also been drawn, similarly, the friends who photographed peace symbol also give me your address!"

Then Li Yuan began to draw the symbol of tranquillity.

In a few minutes, all the charms were drawn.

Li Yuan looked at the time on his phone, and the time for today's live broadcast was almost over.

"Today's live broadcast time is almost up, and friends who have already shot the Magic remember to send me your address, remember, including the location of the room."

Li Yuan stressed one last time.

And those who got it all took it.

"That's it, I'm offline." Li Yuan made a greeting and went directly offline.

Just a offline, received the message sent by Lin Qingya.

"Good night."

"Good night." Li Yuan also replied to.

Li Yuan did not tell Lin Qingya he gave her a peace symbol of things.

Anyway, with Lin Qingya's fate and identity status, the probability of an accident is not very large.

Li Yuan went out of the bedroom, took a look at her mother, and then washed up and returned to the room again.

The charms he had just drawn were dry, and he folded them into five-pointed stars one by one.

Then he found a stack of tinfoil and folded it into six paper cranes.

Then I drew several strokes on each of the six paper cranes with vermilion pen.

The six paper cranes suddenly moved, as if they were alive.

Then, Li Yuan wrapped the charms with tinfoil and gently placed them on the back of a thousand paper cranes.

'Go on! When Li Yuan waved his hand, six thousand paper cranes waved their wings and flew out of Li Yuan's window.

All night without talking, and not talking.

The next day, in a big house in Modu.

Li Qingfeng opened the window and was suddenly attracted by a small object in front of him.

This is a paper crane folded in tinfoil, just standing in his window.

For a moment, Li Qingfeng even felt that the thousand paper cranes were waiting for him.


Li Qingfeng shook his head, what a strange () strange idea.

Then Li Qingfeng noticed that there seemed to be something on the back of the paper crane.

He reached out his hand and took the paper crane over, and saw that on the back of the paper crane, there was a small thing the size of the thumb tip.

The little thing was wrapped in tinfoil, and I don't know what was inside.

Li Qingfeng reached out to open the things inside, unfolded a look, turned out to be a charm.

A spirit spell?

Li Qingfeng suddenly thought of the magic he shot last night.

He lowered his head and studied the charm carefully in his hand.

No, he doesn't know the charm, but it's the same one the master drew in the studio last night.

He held the charm in his hand, but a little nervous.

He only shot the charm last night, thinking that even if the master mailed the fastest, it would take at least two days.

But now, just one night later, he had received the charm.

And, judging by the trend, the Charm should have been there by now, waiting for him at the window because he wasn't awake.

He took the charm and put the paper crane on the windowsill.

At this time, thousands of paper cranes moved, saw it flutter wings, actually flew directly up.

We should go.

Me to Me to

Li Qingfeng surprised a word can not say.

It turned out that his peace symbol was carried by this thousand paper crane.

This is so weird.

If before, Lin Qingfeng to Li Yuan just believe, and now, he is afraid of Li Yuan.

Li Yuan is not an ordinary person like him. Li is someone he can't mess with.

He followed the crease and refolded the charm into a tiny five-pointed star.

Then he took off the necklace around his neck.

This pendant is hollow and you can put things inside it.

Lin Qingfeng carefully put the charm in, and then hang on the neck.

He patted the pendant on his chest, feeling as if he had gained another life.

About ten o 'clock, Li Qingfeng went out of the door, he had to catch an announcement.

What Li Yuan said to him last night has stuck in his mind.

He's going to finish the announcement and get his eyebrows fixed this afternoon.

Fortunately, he already made two charities through the Internet last night, so he won't be scrambling today.

Come to the cast, as long as a few people are in, the director and the bowl of actors have no reason.

Although he was an 18-line starlet with only a few words, he still took out the script and studied it seriously.

An hour later, the director and the big bowl star arrived.

'Yes! The director looked at the efforts of Lin Qingfeng, nodded with satisfaction.

"Are you ready for another stunt today?" The director said to Lin Qingfeng.

Lin Qingfeng was surprised, the director actually remembered him, quickly nodded and said: "I am ready, the director rest assured."

The director said hello and left, for Lin Qingfeng such 18 lines, the director can say a word with him is a great gift.

Lin Qingfeng in the side familiar with his own role, while waiting to play.

After a while, it was his turn.

The workman beside him gave him a hanging wiya.

"You check the props carefully and make sure the actors are safe, okay?"