Keeping the Child Alive

This placenta, when he woke up today, he saw a thousand paper cranes on his nightstand.

After he found out that the paper crane is inside the peace symbol, did not think that the paper crane unexpectedly flew away.

"My God, the master is really a god () man, this way of sending express, probably only the master can do it!"

He looked at the placenta in his hand and did not know what to do for a time.

Lose it. You can't lose it.

But he doesn't know where to use it?

I don't want to hide it and use it when I get married.

Sun Shaowei also did not worry, he put the placental symbol in the pocket and went out of the door.

He is going to meet a client today, it is a big client of his company, and now the competition is strong.

Sun Shaowei dont want big customers to be poached, so must go ahead to wait for big customers, let big customers see his sincerity.

They had an appointment at a nice hotel that served good food.

Sun Shaowei waited in the hotel for two hours, but the big customer had not arrived yet.

Just when Sun Shaowei was ready to call to ask about the situation, the big customer came.

Big clients come in, smiling and apologizing.

Sun Shaowei saw the big customer's face could not hide the smile, could not help but ask: "Wang Zong this is a happy event?"

When Mr. Wang heard this, he burst into laughter and said, "To be honest with Mr. Sun, my wife was going to come with me, but we were delayed in the hospital because she was pregnant."

Hearing Wang's words, Sun Shaowei was also very surprised.

The prince had been married for many years without an heir, which had always been a problem for his husband and wife.

Now his wife is pregnant, which is nothing short of a big happy event for them.

Sun Shaowei can also understand Wang's late, this child for them, too important.

At this time, Sun Shaowei thought of the peace symbol he photographed.

What, such a coincidence? It's still a matter of fate.

Think of this, Sun Shaowei from his arms out of a small five-pointed star.

He put the five-pointed star in his hand. "Mr. Wang, I think this is really a coincidence."

"Yesterday I snatched a ticket from a very powerful master. With quick eyes and quick hands, I snatched a placenta."

"I was thinking that the placenta was of no use to me, but I did not think that Mrs. Wang was happy."

"You tell me, this is not a big fate."

Sun Shaowei sent this peace symbol, nothing to give up.

On the one hand, Wang is his big customer, and on the other hand, the child of Wang's husband and wife is hard-won.

Hearing this, Mr. Wang burst into laughter.

"All this bodes well." Wang laughed, from the hands of Sun Shaowei took the peace symbol, casually placed inside the suit jacket

He dealt with Sun Shaowei for many years, for Sun Shaowei natural trust.

However, whether it was true or not, he could not be sure; in short, it was a good sign.

Mr. Wang sat for a while, but left early because he missed his wife.

Sun Shaowei also understand Wang's mood, continue to return to the company to work.

Just returned to the company but two hours, Sun Shaowei received a phone call from Wang.

As soon as the phone was connected, Wang Zong first of all thanked Sun Shaowei thousands of grace.

This let Sun Shaowei a inexplicable.

Mr. Wang then explained.

The couple met a car accident on their way home.

The driver of the car was seriously injured, Mr. Wang was also injured, and his wife was directly knocked unconscious.

Mr. Wang's heart went cold.

The doctor told him that his wife's fetal image is unstable now, and she must rest assured that she can not be stimulated.

Now, this car accident, their baby, they're not gonna survive.

Wang looked at his wife covered in blood being pushed into the operating room, and a big man actually cried.

His wife is very difficult to conceive, if this baby is gone, it is likely that there will be no children in the future.

I waited outside the operating room for two hours before my wife was wheeled out.

"Doctor, how is my wife?" Mr. Wang didn't dare ask the doctor how the baby was.

"Your wife now has a lacerated thigh and is pregnant and needs hospital treatment to ensure the safety of the adults and children." The doctor's expression was serious.

"To ensure the safety of adults and children." Mr. Wang repeated these words.

"You mean, doctor, that the baby is all right?"

"Yes. The baby is fine, and this is the first time I've seen a baby in this situation." The doctor gave Mr. Wang a positive answer.

For a moment, Wang wept with joy and kept saying thank you to the doctor.

Settle his wife well, Wang relaxed, and kept thanking God for the peace of his children.

Just then, Mr. Wang suddenly thought of something.

When he was in the car, because he was worried about his wife's stomach cold, he took off his suit jacket and put it over her stomach.

He quickly grabbed the draped suit and reached for the contents of the pocket.

However, where there are placenta inside the suit, Wang only touched out a black gray.

In all this, Wang had to believe that it was this peace symbol that saved his child.

He picked up the phone and called Sun Shaowei's phone.

"Mr. Sun, without you, this child would..." Wang did not go on, but Sun Shaowei knew what he wanted to express.

"Mr. Wang, I am relieved that there is nothing wrong with your wife." Sun Shaowei also had to feel, this thing is really too incredible.

"But." Sun Shaowei thought of something, then said, "Mr. Wang had better do a good deed as soon as possible, the simplest is to donate some money to the orphanage, so as to balance your blessings."

Wang now convinced of Sun Shaowei's words, nodded and agreed to come down.

"Mr. Sun, one day when your sister-in-law is well, we will certainly come to thank her." Wang then changed the name, said his wife became Sun Shaowei's sister-in-law, which is intentionally close to Sun Shaowei.

Sun Shaowei secretly happy, this now, no matter what means the opponent makes, this Wang Zong will not break off cooperation with him.

When he sent the placenta, in fact, he did not think so much, and now that there is an unexpected harvest, how can people not lament the coincidence of all these events.

Sun Shaowei naturally can not let a pregnant woman come to thank yourself, again and again politely declined.

"Brother Sun, I will also ask for some of the place-peace symbols you asked for in the above place." Wang is afraid, if there are a few more placenta, is it a lot of insurance.

"Mr. Wang, this can be a little difficult to do, this placenta is not something you want to have, the master is very mysterious, and does not charge money, whether you can get it depends entirely on fate."

After listening to Sun Shaowei's words, Wang became more curious about this mysterious master of God.

"When will Brother Sun take me to see the master?" Mr. Wang settled for the next best thing, just to be able to see.

"That's easy. Tonight at eight o 'clock, the master will broadcast. I'll call you then." Sun Shaowei readily agreed.

"Live?" Wang always some surprise, "the broadcast room, are not all some crooks, entertainment public?"