The Iron Is Hot

"What? Is that a good thing?" Uncle Liu did not understand what Li Yuan said.

"Yes, this is Liu Han's sister's body rebelling." Li Yuan explained.

"It means that Liu Han's sister's body is not completely out of control."

Hear Li Yuan's words, Liu Shu Liu aunts this just understood the meaning of Li Yuan.

"So what are we going to do?" Aunt Liu asked.

Li Yuan did not answer Liu Aunts words, but looked at Liu Han who was pressed by three people and opened his mouth to say.

"Sister Liu Han, can you hear me? If you can hear me, open your eyes."

When Li Yuan said this, his eyes were fixed on Liu Han's face, trying to see some expression from her face.


Liu Han breathed out and slowly opened his eyes.

"Dad, mom, Brother Li Yuan, why are you three pressing me?"

See this, Li Yuan to Liu Shu and Liu Aunts nodded, the first to let go of Liu Han's hand.

Liu uncle and Liu aunts see Li Yuan let go, also followed by let go.

"This is Liu Han's sister taking back control of her body."

Li Yuan looked at the spirit () not very good Liu Han, said to Liu uncle and Liu Aunts.

"Evil spirits are basically when people are unconscious, such as sick, drunk and emotional.

Now sister Liu Han has stabilized, as long as do not stimulate her, let her emotional stability, there will be no big problems for the time being.

I have nothing in my hand at the moment, but I'll come back later when I go back."

Now can only stabilize Liu Hanlai, Li Yuan now empty-handed, want to clean up evil is not easy.

"Ok, please, Xiao Yuan." Liu Shu Liu aunts is a good person, thank you very much for Li Yuan's help.

Li Yuan repeatedly waved, "Uncle Liu, Aunt Liu, no trouble, you remember, do not let sister Liu Han emotional."

"Yeah, yeah, we remember." Liu uncle Liu aunt repeatedly answered.

Li Yuan then went home with his dishes.

Li Yuan is in a special community, half new and half old.

Half of the area where Li Yuan is located is an old area with a history of more than 30 years, and the area where Flavusu is located is a new area that has been developed in recent years.

But the two districts are owned by the same company, so they're not separated.

And Uncle Liu is in the old community, from his home back to Li Yuan's home, about ten minutes away.

Li Yuan hurried home with the dishes.

Mother Zhou Yalan is watching TV.

Li Yuan carried the dishes into the kitchen and said to Zhou Yalan, "Mom, Uncle Liu's sister Liu Han has been hit by evil, I have to go and see."

Zhou Yalan heard that Liu Han had an accident, but also anxious: "Then you hurry to go, you be careful!"

Zhou Yalan still remember Li Yuan life grid things, but Liu Han accident, can not be regardless.

"Mom, don't worry, I'm fine." Li Yuan left the kitchen and went straight into the bedroom.

He meddled in the bedroom for a while before he got ready to go out.

"Mom, be careful at home, don't move anything, and call me if anything happens." When he went out, Li Yuan was not assured to tell.

"Don't worry, it's all right." Zhou Yalan smiled and waved her hands to drive people away.

Li Yuan just walked out of the house.

Just out of the house no two minutes, Li Yuan's mobile phone rang.

Li Yuan picked up a look is uncle Liu to call over.

"Hey, Uncle Liu!"

"Xiao Yuan, please come and have a look, your sister Liu Han has had an accident." Over the phone came Uncle Liu's anxious voice.

Li Yuan a listen, know that there must be a change in the middle, quickly hung up the phone, trot to Uncle Liu's home.

At a distance, I saw the door of Uncle Liu's house wide open, and Uncle Liu stood at the door, looking out anxiously.

Seeing Li Yuan, Uncle Liu immediately revealed a surprise god () color.

"Xiao Yuan, you are here."

"Uncle Liu, what's going on?" Li Yuan hurried inside as he spoke.

"This is also our carelessness, you said not to make her emotional!" Uncle Liu said.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Just now she got a phone call and somehow got into an argument with someone on the phone." Uncle Liu said, feeling a little afraid.

"By the time we heard the argument, she had changed."

By this time, the two men had entered the room.

The first thing Li Yuan noticed was Liu Han sitting on the sofa in the living room with his legs crossed.

Her back bent slightly, and she had a cigarette dangling from her mouth.

"Bah, what is this smoke, and it tastes so weak!" Liu Han spat.

"Fetch me my pipe."

These words let uncle Liu and aunt Liu look at each other.

Li Yuan saw this and already understood that Liu Han had been completely occupied by evil spirits.

He took a step forward, ahead of Uncle Liu and Aunt Liu.

"This old man, I see you have no malice, why hurt the little girl's body in vain."

Yes, Li Yuan did infer from Liu Han's present appearance that there was no malicious intent on her body, if there was malicious intent, it would have been chaos by now.

"Well, the boy's got some vision." Liu Han stood up from the sofa and walked to Li Yuan's side, looking at Li Yuan.

"Thanks for the praise of the old man, the old man has something to explain, right?" Li Yuan arch his hands, "How about this, you get down from the little girl first, so as not to cause irreparable harm to the little girl's body after a long time." Li Yuan speaks very politely.

Liu Han stared at Li Yuan with a pair of eyes, as if to consider what Li Yuan said.

Li Yuan sees this, strike while the iron is hot.

"Old man, I promise you, I will never lie to you." Li Yuan put on as honest a face as possible.

"Besides, if you break a little girl's body, they may not listen to what you tell them."

"Well, I believe you." Liu Han said, and then fell to the ground soft.

Li Yuan blinked his eyes and saw an old man wearing a green shirt next to Liu Han.

The old man was about sixty years old, with a white cloth on his head. He looked like he was from the sixties and seventies.

"Old man, if you have anything to say, say it, and I will convey it to them." Li Yuan is still very polite.

"HMMM! The old man nodded, "You are a good boy, not like other smelly nose."

Li Yuan did not answer, just stood there with a smile, looking at the old man with a sincere attitude.

Next to Uncle Liu and aunt Liu see Liu Han fainted on the ground, quickly went to help Liu Han up, hold to the bedroom.

As soon as they came out, they saw Li Yuan Zheng talking into the air.

They glanced in horror at the corner where Li Yuan looked, their faces pale, and slowly moved behind Li Yuan.

The old man just swept Liu Shu Liu Aunts a glance, and did not care about them.

"My name is Liu Xinghou, and I am their grandfather, that is, their grandfather's brother."