Movie Effects. Where's your wife

"One symbol?"

The newcomer was puzzled.

"What does that mean?"

"Same question."

"+ 1"

"+ 1"

Suddenly, there was a large +1 in the broadcast room.

"This is the unity of the seal, that is, the hand is already making the seal when the character is drawn."

"For example, if you want to make this paper crane fly, in addition to drawing a symbol array on it, you also need to knot the print with your hand."

"But the master, while drawing the array, gave the print to the knot. Now, I am completely convinced."

Life is precious: Is this symbol unity very powerful?

"Of course, let's put it this way: as far as I know, the only person who can unify the symbols is the master, and according to my master, there is not more than one hand in the whole world that can do this."

Crayon Xiaoxin: That's great!

I don't smoke: God, it was such a great god who told my fortune!

Crazy: Gone with the wind, before also think that the master to solve the little girl is easy, the little girl is not strong, now think about it, for other people, it is difficult.

The studio is full of rainbow farts.

Li Yuan did not know that this symbol integration was so difficult.

He learned everything from the book, and the book said that it was not easy to learn this symbol, and it took him a full year to learn this symbol.

This requires sufficient proficiency in charms and handprints, and constant drawing and handprints in order to achieve a very good level of proficiency, so that the charms and handprints can be integrated.

He could not learn it for a long time, and was annoyed by his clumsiness.

Now it seems that this symbol unity may be more difficult for others.

There is no more than one hand in the world, which is too few in all the Yin and Yang feng shui masters.

In the discussion in the broadcast room, Li Yuan has skillfully given nine thousand paper cranes on the symbol array.

In everyone's sight, nine thousand paper cranes seem to come to life, flapping their wings on the table.

"Amazing, just amazing."

"If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I really thought it was a special effect from some movie."

"Master, please take my knee."

Then Li Yuan wrapped the nine charms with tinfoil and put them on the back of a thousand paper cranes.

Then, in full view of the broadcast room, the paper cranes flew away one by one.

"My titanium dog's eyes are going blind."

"What to do? I felt the urge to kneel."

"You're not alone upstairs."

In everyone's fun and jokes, Lulu finally came back.

Lulu has me: Master, I am ready.

Li Yuan saw that Lulu had me back, and took the initiative to send the Lianmai request.

As soon as Lian Mai was connected, what appeared in the camera was not Lulu with me, but a big black cat.

"Master, will you look at this big black cat?" Lulu has me light along the cat hair.

Li Yuan looked at it. It was indeed a pure black cat.

"Color is okay, as long as you're over a year old."

"The cat has been in my home for two years. It's over a year old." Lulu has me hurriedly said.

Then he picked up some papers that were nearby.

"Master, do you think this is my charm?"

Li Yuan looked at it, although the technique was not skilled, but there was no mistake in the description.

"It was OK."

"Hey, hey! Master, I have drawn more pictures, just in case." Lulu has me to say.

"No problem." Li Yuan replied, "Next you carry your black cat to your new house."

"Yes, Master." Lulu had me put a few charms into the pockets of my pants, and went out with the black cat in her arms.

"Where's your wife?" Li Yuan suddenly remembered, this goods is just married.

"My wife has gone back to her mother's house, and she has been stimulated these two days." Lulu gave me a embarrassed smile.

"Good, lest we frighten her." Li Yuan said.

Lulu went out with me and got on his motorcycle again.

In three minutes he was at his new house.

It was so dark that he could see nothing on his side.

His voice came out of the other side, "Master, do I need to go in now?"

"Yes, when you go in, you go straight to the bedroom, and then you go to bed and pretend to sleep, with the cat following you." Li Yuan said.

"But Master, I have some fears." Lulu has my voice slightly trembling.

"If you're afraid, don't go in there." Li Yuan said casually.

"No, I'd better go in!" Lulu has me to say.

And then there was the sound of popping, popping, walking.

"Master, do I need to turn on the light?"

Because it is a rural area, there are no street lights outside, so the inside is also dark.

"Yes." Li Yuan agreed.


Lulu's finally lit up with me.

I saw Lulu holding the black cat, her face was a little pale, and her breathing was very fast.

"But if I go to sleep in the bedroom, will the phone be disconnected?"

Lulu trembled slightly when I said this.

The next person to see is not a person, but a ghost, who would feel afraid.

"Yes, you just need to turn the brightness of the screen to the lowest level and put it in a very unobtrusive place." Li Yuan answered.

"Next you go to sleep in the bedroom and before you go to sleep you need to turn off all the lights.

Then you lay quietly in bed with your cat.

All of this is in the cat's response. If the cat starts to make a continuous bark, that's what the thing is."

"Big... The master." Lulu had my voice trembling, "I... I'm afraid! '

The people in the studio tried to laugh at him, but no one laughed out loud.

People are like this, and they don't feel much fear at first.

But when you have to do something at the moment, you find that it is very scary.

It's like some people get stage fright on the college entrance exam.

"Don't be afraid, this person will most likely be your mother!" Li Yuan consoled, "So many days he or she did not cause you harm, it is very possible that your mother."

Hearing Li Yuan say this, Lulu has me finally slightly relieved.

He went to the bedroom, turned on the bedroom light, and then turned off the living room light.

"Master, I'll turn off all the lights." I tried to keep my voice calm, but it sounded unnatural.

"HMMM! Li Yuan answered in a low voice.

Then he saw Lulu with my trembling hand stretched out and snapped off the bedroom light.

"I'm going to lie down then." Lulu tried to dispel his own fear with words.

"HMM." Li Yuan uttered a syllable and then said, "When the cat sounds, if the sound becomes louder and angrier, you should pay attention."

If the cat pounced on a certain spot, that was where the mess was. If the cat ran away, put the charm on your forehead and walk away."