Under the Couch, Very Exciting

So he asked, "May I ask what is your urgent matter?"

Carrot: There are strange noises in my house.

"A very strange noise. What noise?" Li Yuan asked.

Carrot: It's just an indescribable strange noise that my husband doesn't make when he's at home.

"You mean this sound comes when your husband is not home?" Li Yuan was also a little curious.

Carrot: Yes.

"Is that voice still there?" Li Yuan asked if the woman was alone at home and happened to meet something, and Li Yuan did not help her in time.

If something happened to this woman, Li Yuan also felt sorry.

Carrot: Yes.

"Where is that voice?" Li Yuan asked directly.

Carrot: It's in the living room.

"And where are you now?" Judging from the words of the woman just now, this woman should be at home, but we do not know which room she is in the home.

Carrot: I'm in the bedroom.

"Can you connect the wheat now?" Li Yuan said, because only by the woman's words, Li Yuan can not judge what the voice is.

Only through Lian Mai can Li Yuan better identify what the sound is.

Carrot: Yes.

Seeing the woman's answer, Li Yuan immediately had a wheat invitation.

A woman with a big hot roll appeared in the picture, the woman is about thirty years old, the face is fair.

She was wearing a short-sleeved nightgown.

Women wearing headphones, look more flustered.

"Good evening to the master, and good evening to all my friends in the studio." Although she looked flustered, she also greeted the crowd in the broadcast room very politely.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Good evening, beautiful sister.

I don't smoke: Married, pity.

Horrible boss: Good evening.

"Will you go out now and let me hear what the noise is?" Li Yuan couldn't hear anything from the woman now.

"But, Master, I dare not go out." The woman answered with a trembling glance at the bedroom door.

"How long have you been aware of this sound?" Li Yuan asked.

"It's been more than a month." The woman answered, remembering.

"Since you've been fine for over a month, you should be fine to go out now." Li Yuan said encouragingly.

There was still fear on the woman's face. "But what if?"

The woman's small face wobbly, a pair of eyes delicate and pitiful, suddenly let the broadcast room of all straight men very soft heart.

One by one hurriedly spoke to comfort.

"Beauty, since the things in your home have happened for more than a month, why is your husband not at home with you?"

"I think the point is why it took you more than a month to come to the Master now."

"Beauty send an address, I will accompany you."

"No." The woman quickly explained, "I just found that my husband has come home to accompany me, but he stayed at home for half a month, nothing happened."

"At my insistence, I also went to see Master. Although I was a little afraid, I also thought that nothing would happen."

"It could be rats or something."

"But when my husband left tonight, the voice came back."

The woman's face was anxious, but when she heard everyone mocking her husband, she quickly defended her husband.

The people in the broadcast room are all kinds of people, and everyone is also joking, so Li Yuan did not show special emotions.

"Don't you want me to solve your problem now? I don't know what the problem is, so how can I solve it for you?" Li Yuan's voice cooled.

He was already very tired, but still patiently solve the problem for the woman, if the woman still does not cooperate, Li Yuan also does not want to waste too much spirit.

Hearing Li Yuan's voice is not good, the woman is also afraid of Li Yuan angry, hurriedly said.

"Well, I'll go out now."

Women often exhale and clench their fists.

"Come on! It's all right!"

Bracing herself, the woman catted slowly to the door.

Then her hand gently grasped the doorknob and quietly opened the door.

Li Yuan can not help but feel funny, if it is really those things, not you do not make a sound, they can not find you.

If you don't make a sound, they won't notice, which proves that the thing you're afraid of isn't one of those dirty things.

But now Li Yuan did not say, he said so will only make the woman more afraid.

The lights were bright outside the living room, and as soon as the bedroom door was opened, a voice came through the woman's mobile phone to the studio.

Squeak! Squeak!

It was a shrill sound, as if something were rubbing against it.

"Big... Master, that voice is there." The woman's frightened teeth were trembling, and she pointed softly to the source of the sound.

Then he quickly shrank back, as if he were afraid of pointing too much, and his fingers would be cut off.

The crowd in the studio heard the creaking sound.

It was very quiet around, the woman's rapid breathing, transmitted through the microphone to the broadcast room.

Plus that weird sound.

Suddenly let the people in the broadcast room seem to be listening to the voice of a horror film.

"Dear me, I cover my ears and dare not listen any more."

"In the master's studio, every day is very exciting."

"I think you should run, woman."

"Based on past experience, that's certainly not a good thing."


Each person on the air speaks differently.

Among them, many people advised women to run quickly.

But Li Yuan's view is different, "It is not possible to dirty things."

"Really? Master, are you trying to trick me into coming?" The woman heard Li Yuan said that the possibility of dirty things is not large, a joy in the heart, but then thought and uneasy up.

"No, I will take responsibility for every word I say." Li Yuan said this very seriously.

He's right. If he leads this woman there on purpose, and she gets hurt by those things or even loses her life.

Then this final karma will be borne by Li Yuan.

Into the Yin and Yang feng shui this door, will pay special attention to cause and effect.

The woman listened to the woman's words, and then she was reassured.

"If the Master says so, then I am relieved." The woman's voice was much more relaxed.

It can be seen that women trust Li Yuan very much.

Although the woman was much more relaxed than before, the sound still affected her and did not completely let her down.

She slowly moved closer to the source of the sound, not a sound could be heard on her feet.

And that voice was under the couch.

As they approached the sofa, the sound grew louder.

The discussion in the studio about sound was also quite lively.

Madman: Bend down and see a pair of eyes?

Crayon Xiaoxin: Because from my experience watching supernatural films, I can see the back of a head.

I don't smoke: an arm, perhaps.

Brackish: Maybe a corpse, then call beauty and her back to back.

The earth is round: you say will she bow her head when there is also a person next to her bow with her.

These people in the studio, they don't know whether to comfort or frighten.

Li Yuan was watching the speech in the studio, but the woman was not watching.

It's a good thing she didn't look. If she did, her legs would be trembling by now.

The strange sound grew louder as the woman approached.

Finally the woman stopped in front of the sofa.

Everyone in the studio was completely silent.

This moment seems to be the answer to the mystery, what is under this sofa?

"Master, I'm still a little scared, what should I do?" The woman whispered, almost inaudibly.

"You've come here and he hasn't found you, do you think they'll find you if I really have those things?"

Li Yuan tone calm, because the woman is wearing earplugs, no matter how loud he speaks, the woman there are only he can hear.

"Bend over, you won't see the eyes."

"Bend down, there won't be anyone near you."

"Bend over!

"Bend over!

The broadcast room is such a magical place, when everyone began to twist into a rope, in a direction of the force, the formation like a phalanx is still neat.

'Go on! Li Yuan encouraged to.

'Good! The woman exhaled again, then slowly bent over.

"Ah ~" a scream did not almost cut the ears of everyone in the broadcast room.