The Tunnel Collapses

​​"No male flight attendants? What do you mean?"

Yang Guang instant some unhappy, does this little sister mean he is telling lies.

"There really are no male flight attendants coming!" The little sister looked serious.

"No, I can understand you're busy, slow down. But if you deny it outright, that's not very good." Yang Guang's tone was cold.

"Don't get angry, Sir. How about this? Describe the man you saw and I'll see who it was."

The little sister smiled and was not angry.

When Yang Guang heard it, he felt a lot of anger in his heart and eased his tone and said:

"This flight attendant is about thirty years old, tall and thin, wearing a white shirt and blue vest..."

'Wait! Little sister suddenly interrupted Yang Guang's words, "You mean, he is wearing a blue vest?"

"Yes, do you know who he is?" Yang Guang's eyes were full of anticipation.

If we find this one flight attendant, then he's telling the truth.

Where to know, little sister suddenly cold smile.

"Sir, if you need anything, we will be happy to serve you, but if you are unreasonable, please forgive me that I have other things to attend to."

After saying that, the little sister pushed the cart and went to the front.

"No, what do you mean?" Yang Guang grabbed the cart.

"Sir, on our entire high-speed train, both men and women, the little vests are red, and the little blue vests you said are really not there."

Little sister see Yang Guang a unforgiving look, attitude also tough up.

Where there is everything going well at work, there is always something going on with someone.

Yang Guangsee little sister's attitude, obviously put him as a vexatious person, emotional for a time.

"Why are there no blue vests? I saw them just now."

"He also wore a pair of glasses and, yes, he had a mole on his upper lip that was very visible."

Yang Guang said all the details he could remember.

"Wears glasses and has a mole on her upper lip." Little sister repeated Yang Guang's words.

All of a sudden, her rosy little face turned pale.

"I... Me to Just a moment..."

Little sister and Yang Guang said a word incoherently, pushing the cart, and left in a panic.


Yang Guang a face meng force.

Even if there is this person, there is no need to be so scared!

He didn't file a complaint!

Is it true that the man and her relationship is very good?

See little sister walk inexplicably, Yang Guang directly opened Sprite.

"Li Yuan, come, celebrate the meeting, have a drink!"

Li Yuan also opened the Sprite in his hand and touched Yang Guang.

Just now, Li Yuan listened to their conversation without missing a word.

This situation is not a good sign!

Looking back at Yang Guang's face, it looked like there was no change, but Li Yuan could see that his face was red and revealed a trace of black.

This black gas, is either bad luck, or, is dead!

Li Yuan guess in his mind, when he just fell asleep, Yang Guang must have met something.

There are so many people in the whole carriage, why did this thing choose Yang Guang?

Was it a coincidence, or was it intentional?

Just think, the little sister just gone and returned.

I saw her with a photograph in her hand, and she came hurriedly this way.

"Look, is the person you just saw in this photo?"

The little sister gasped and took a photo on the table in front of Yang Guang.

Yang Guang is puzzled, but still seriously looking for the person in the photo.

Li Yuan also stopped drinking Sprite and kept an eye on the situation.

"Here he is, it's him!" Yang Guang pointed at a man in the photo.

The man in the photo was exactly as he said, wearing a small blue vest and a black mole on his lip.

'Really! Little sister's face at this time, worse than crying.

"It's true, I'm not going to report him or anything, so don't be nervous." Yang Guang said.

Little sister grabbed the photos on the table, did not say a word with Yang Guang, turned and walked away, this time little sister than the last walk more panic.

"Hey! Strange, what happened to her?" Yang Guang inexplicably, "women's hearts, is strange strange."

Li Yuan ignored him, turned on his mobile phone and began to look up information.

Yang Guang see Li Yuan ignore him, stay is also boring, turned to go to the toilet.

Turning on the tap, Yang Guang washed one face and turned to leave the toilet.

But when he opened the door, he was stunned.

The male flight attendant he had just met was standing outside the door.

The male flight attendant saw Yang Guang and said apologetically: "Sir, I'm really sorry, we don't have Sprite here, Sir, would you like to choose something else?"

Hear the words of the male flight attendant, Yang Guang heart can not say the strange, but for a time and do not know, this strange feeling is from where.

So he waved his hand to show he didn't care.

"A little sister brought it to me just now, I don't need it."

"But you'd better go and say hello to them. They said there were no male attendants in little blue vests on the train today."

"If it counts as absenteeism, you'll be miserable."

Yang Guang said that, did not stay, directly came to the side of Li Yuan.

As soon as he sat down, he complained to Li Yuan.

"They also said that there was no flight attendant in blue clothes above them, and just now I went to the toilet and met them again."

Meet again?

Li Yuan face a little strange, and then push the phone to the front of Yang Guang.

"If you take a look, maybe you'll understand."

Yang Guang looked at Li Yuan at a glance, "miraculous."

After saying that, his eyes fell on Li Yuan's mobile phone.

"In July 2017, a train from Yunhai City to Miaojiang was passing through a tunnel when the tunnel suddenly collapsed, killing 114 people..."

This is a story of 2017.

Underneath the news, there was a photo with the caption:

Pay tribute to the flight attendants who met the victims.

Yang Guang continued to scroll down, open the picture carefully observe.

Suddenly, he froze.

Isn't this the picture that little sister took out just now?

Unconvinced, he looked to the man's position, and the man was still in that position.


Yang Guang looked at the photo and could not speak.

"Don't you understand?" Li Yuan looked at the sunshine.

"I... Did I just meet a dead flight attendant?" Yang Guang swallowed.

"Or what?" Li Yuan shrugged.

Yang Guang looked completely blank for a time, "This, so many people, why did he choose me ah!"

"Actually, I wonder if he chose you by accident or by coincidence." Li Yuan said.

"Did he say anything to you?"