Top 10 in the country, that's all

"Since art can't deal with you, I'll use pure physical damage!"

In Martin's eyes, it's bloodthirsty.

"My skill is not as good as yours, but my hand is certainly stronger." Martin said confidently.

And the next minute, he couldn't speak.

Because he saw that Li Yuan not only avoided the knife he threw out, but also let the knife fly back.


The knife plunged into his leg too quickly.

'It can't be! Ma Tian looked at Li Yuan, "My fist and foot kung fu but the country's top ten, you are so young, impossible."

"Top ten in the country, that's all!" Li Yuan stood in place, expressionless said.

Mata did not immediately pull out the knife from his leg, because if he did, the blood would be uncontrollable.

Now, he didn't know what to use against Li Yuan.

The art, he can't beat.

Punches, he's still no match!

"You leave me alone, I'll give you a million dollars!" Ma Tian looked at the clothes on Li Yuan, see his body is a stall goods or a treasure to buy, so concluded that Li Yuan must have no money.

"Your life is worth a million!" Li Yuan smiled.

Hearing Li Yuan say this, Ma Tian felt that there was a chance, and immediately said: "Five million!"

Li Yuan smiled. He is not short of money now.

"Even if you give me 100 million, I will not let you go today!" Li Yuan did not want to kill people, "waste you, as for your sin, give it to the law!" .

"No, you can't do that! Martin's pale face was shocked.

He knows how many things he's done, and if he's handed over to those people, he'll never have a chance in his life.

"You know now that you were afraid, when the poor people in your hands begged you for mercy, did you spare them?" Li Yuan cold voice said.

He thought of the pregnant woman in the community, who was tricked into becoming pregnant and let her die with hatred.

You know, a man like Martini, he never dies.

Li Yuan offered the Dharma bell in the hand again.


Farzhong hit the knee of Martin's uninjured leg.

"Ah! "

Martin let out a scream.

One leg went limp.

Li Yuan hands a move, the clock returned to the hand.

And then sacrifice it again.


Another crackle!

Farzhong hit Martin's other leg.

Mata screamed again and fell to his knees.

He could not help shivering all over.

"Master... Save your life!"

Ma Yuan was in so much pain that he couldn't speak coherently.

"It was the little one who was blind and begged the master to bypass me." Mata fell to his knees, begging for mercy.

'And me! Suddenly, a woman's voice came from behind Li Yuan.

The voice was cold, and Li Yuan knew immediately that it was not a human voice.

"How I begged you to let me go, did you let me go?" The woman said words, has drifted to the front of Li Yuan.

The woman was dressed in white, and when Li Yuan saw it, he recognized that this was the woman who appeared in his dream these two days.

More like a ghost!

This time, her hair was not untidy, but well-groomed, and her black hair hung down behind her, revealing her face.

Sure enough, it was the dead woman in the neighborhood.

Her clothes were very large, and it was impossible to tell how big her stomach was.

However, Li Yuan found that the peach nail between her brow was missing, and there was a big black hole between her brow.

Female corpse see Li Yuan staring at her between the eyes, afraid of Li Yuan unhappy.

At once she covered her face with her large sleeve and turned her body.

When it was time to face the field, she dropped her sleeves.

"Do you remember me?"

Because the female ghost was facing away from Li Yuan, Li Yuan could not see her expression, only her black hair flying up and down.


Ma Tian see female ghost, is also a leng.

"Why, am I disappointed that I'm not controlled by your ghost flags?" The female ghost's voice was thin and cold, and when she spoke, the black air around her condensed into human form immediately fled several meters away.

It seems that the power of this female ghost is more powerful than many Yin spirits that have been dead for many years.

"At the beginning, I didn't miss the bus to school, thinking that I met a kind person to give me a ride, but I did not expect that I met you this human face animal heart guy!"

The female ghost recalled her life experience, Li Yuan did not interrupt her.

She had been ignorant before, even who she did not know, now think of it, she said it, also help dissipate her resentment.

"You sold me to a mad man who, I thought, just wanted a wife and a child."

"But I was wrong to underestimate your viciousness."

"You got me pregnant, and you even discussed in front of me how to kill me, one body and two lives, he wants the small one, you want the big one."

"Even if a tiger is poisonous and does not eat its children, you are worse than animals for doing so."

"In the end, even my suicide was a part of your design, which is what you want, so that we can have greater resentment and be used by you."

So this is what happened.

A perfectly fine girl, ruined by scum like this.

Her beautiful life just came to an abrupt end.

Li Yuan could not imagine how desperate her last days were.

The ghost said that, and laughed directly.

"But you have succeeded, and you will see how much resentment I have."

The ghost said, waving a big hand.

All the anger around him suddenly poured over the field.

"You want to use them against me?" Martin's pale face broke into a dismissive smile. "You don't forget who summoned them."

Then he took out the prayer flags in his hand.

"All ghosts listen to me and eat their souls!"

Ma Tian thought very simple, this female ghost is now a spirit body, as long as the soul is eaten, will disappear clean.

However, all this is not as he expected.

Those black figures just rushed in front of the ghost.

The ghost only gave a cold snort, and they all stopped.

Then, the female ghost's body in the black gas non-stop shuttle.

"Are you senile? You were fine underground, enjoying the incense of children and grandchildren, waiting for reincarnation, who disturbed your purity? Who broke your cycle?"

The voice of the female ghost sounded.

I don't know how she managed to make these black figures listen to her.

Originally, Ma Tian's confident face gradually changed with the sobriety of a black figure.

"You... How can you be so capable?" Mateen's eyes widened in disbelief.

The female ghost suddenly floated behind him, "Originally no, but fortunately met the master!"