Change of Heart, Miss Live

"The stockade Lord asked me to poison you, but I didn't." I've saved your life, haven't I?" Shen Huanhuan is trapped in her own emotions.

"But you let me die and you showed me no pity. After all, I have misjudged the wrong person."

Shen Huanhuan tears, that look like a man who cheated and played with women's feelings, was cheated and played with women's feelings of the man cheated.

'You've been outside! Li Yuan did not ask her, but directly lamented.

"How do you know?" Shen asked.

"Because you are different from other Miao women. Other Miao women are bold, but you are not." Li Yuan recalled yesterday he met Shen magic magic situation.

"You have the bold and unrestrained Miaojiang women, but also the delicate shame of women outside."

And when I talked about television yesterday, you weren't surprised, which means you know about television."

Shen Wan-huan face is very ugly, "In fact, you do not believe me?"

"Just what I said above, I don't feel anything, after all, there are people inside you who are in contact with the outside."

Until you used your charm on me, the stars in your eyes were beautiful, but they were not true."

Li Yuan put his hands in his trouser pockets.

"Then why don't you go? And stay with me?" Shen Huanhuan heart has too many doubts.

"Because you told me about the High Priest, I guess most of it is true." Li Yuan said.

"You're not afraid of me hurting you for your friend." Shen Huanhuan is not willing, she has imagined Li Yuan that friend and Li Yuan relationship.

"You can't hurt me." Li Yuan said faintly.

It was a very bold sentence, but no one thought Li Yuan shouldn't say it.

Li Yuan and the battle of the high priest everyone saw, although the high priest subject to others, but she showed the combat effectiveness as always strong.

It is such a existence, in Li Yuan's hands actually like a mouse being played by a cat.

It can be seen that Li Yuan is strong to what point.

"You really won't save me?" Shen Huanhuan held on to the last hope.

"Everyone is responsible for what they do." Li Yuan said.

The Queen was watching Li Yuan as he spoke.

Seeing Li Yuan's attitude towards Shen Huanhuan, the Queen smiled on her face.

She stepped out of the crowd and came to Li Yuan.

"Thank you for the hero's help. If not for the hero's help, this time our Miao Jiang would have been in chaos."

The queen looked up at Li Yuan, her eyes shining.

"The queen's words are heavy, the queen deals with things first, and Li Mou has something to ask afterwards." Li Yuan arches his arms.

He did want to understand things from the high priest, but now the high priest is not sober, and the Miao queen must deal with those people in the black Miao village, not in a hurry.

The Queen was more satisfied with Li Yuan's unservile attitude, she smiled and said: "Well, I wonder where the hero is staying?"

"Huh? This..." Li Yuan also did not know where he lived, he turned to look at Wen Xin.

"Ha ha ha! The two heroes are my great benefactors in Miao Jiang." The Queen laughed loudly, "Please arrange accommodation for the two heroes and receive them in accordance with the highest standards."

After the arrangement, the queen said to Li Yuan: "The two heroes, the king to deal with this side of things, and then the two heroes wine."

"Well, that man over there asked the Queen to watch him for a while, and take him with us when we left." Li Yuan pointed to the horse field kneeling there.

"No problem." The Queen nodded happily.

Then two Miao girls came and left with Li Yuan and Wen Xin.

"You're not bad!" Wen Xin said to Li Yuan.

The first time Wen Xin met Li Yuan, he was surprised by Li Yuan's ability.

She thought she had overestimated Li Yuan's ability, but today saw Li Yuan and Ma Tian, as well as the high priest's battle, so that Wen Xin once again had a new understanding of Li Yuan's ability.

"So-so." Li Yuan casually back.

"Boast! Literary mind is disgusted by the way.

The two of them spoke side by side and soon reached the place the Queen had arranged for them.

This is also a two-story wooden frame house.

But the two-story wooden frame house was much more luxurious than Shen's, let alone Wen Xin's ordinary little house.

'Two guests, please! The two girls did not speak much, and respectfully invited Li Yuan and Wenxin to go in.

Someone immediately came out and respectfully led them in.

This treatment is really not compared with when I first came in.

Wen Xin didn't talk much, so he went straight upstairs and entered the room to rest.

Li Yuan also entered his room.

There's no electricity, no Internet.

Li Yuan took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It still had 60% electricity on it.

From home, it has been two nights, and now even the phone is not working and I don't know whether mom will worry.

There are still unresolved issues in the broadcast room, and I don't know what the situation is.

Li Yuan found that his mentality about live streaming has quietly changed.

Now he doesn't just want money and a return to life factor, he also cares if the people in the studio are worried about his disappearance.

He was also worried about whether the things he had not solved in the broadcast room had been satisfactorily solved.

During this period of live broadcasting, he also clearly felt that many people cared for him from the bottom of their hearts.

Therefore, for Li Yuan, the audience of the broadcast room is not only a tool for him to obtain money and the coefficient of death and resurrection, but a kind of unexplicable feelings.

The more Li Yuan thought about it, the more he felt he wanted to get out.

The three days and two nights felt like months.

After taking a bath, Li Yuan put on the clothes he brought.

Knock, knock, knock!

There was a knock on the door.

"Distinguished guest, we have prepared a rich lunch for you. Please enjoy it downstairs."

A big lunch?

Li Yuan can not help but think of Shen Huanhuan said hundred insects banquet, heard that is they here to entertain guests will be out of the special dish.

You're not planning this feast today, are you?

Li Yuan perturbed to follow the buddy downstairs, OK, not.

Wenxin was already sitting aside and waiting.

"Distinguished guests, I am sorry that due to time constraints, I cannot prepare the feast for you."

The man on the side was apologetic when he said this, but Li Yuan was very happy to hear it in his ears.

'It doesn't matter! Li Yuan waved his hand and could not show too much happiness, if others knew that he did not like to eat the feast of insects, it would be bad.

Although it is not the highest insect feast in their mouth, but a large table of dishes, each dish is very delicate.

Wen Xin see Li Yuan arrived, also welcome, holding the bowl began to eat.

Li Yuan saw this and did not sit down to eat.

Two people just finished eating, put down the dishes, heard outside the door sounded a loud shout.