How to Talk

Li Yuan opened the video, the protagonist is Xiao Shan.

They found a dead baby in a trash can in her dorm bathroom.

What's even more infuriating is that Xiao Shan actually filmed her strangling the baby and sent it to someone.

"If you don't want me, I'll strangle your son."

Xiao Shan shouted frantically.

In the end, Xiao Shan was arrested for intentional homicide.

"Hey! There's everybody!" Li Yuan sent a message to Lin Qingya.

"HMMM! Lin Qingya replied, and then sent another, "But she also has evil retribution."

"Don't you go to bed so late?" Li Yuan asked.

"Almost asleep, what are you doing?"

"I'm in the hospital. Sister Su Su isn't awake yet." Li Yuan looked at lutein.

'Oh! Lin Qingya sent a word.

Li Yuan looked at the phone, the conversation between the two people fell into a state of suspension.

"It's late at night, and you go to bed early. Staying up late is bad for your health." Li Yuan said.

"Well, good! Go to bed early, too. Good night!" Over there, Lin Qingya seconds back.

'Good night! Li Yuan replied.

He put down his phone, took one last look at lutein, and went to sleep with his eyes closed.

After a while, the nurse came in and saw Li Yuan, who had fallen asleep, and the action softened down.

That was her patron, who not only gave her money according to her quotation, but also gave her additional money, so such a patron should not offend.

The next day, Li Yuan woke up early.

His body has already developed a biological clock and wakes up naturally at 6:30 every morning.

"Mr. Li, you're awake." Nurse is fetching water to Huang Su Su wipe feet, see Li Yuan up, smiling asked.

"Uh-huh! Good morning, Sister Wang." The nurse was a woman in her late thirties with a soft voice.

"Mr. Li, I've already bought your toiletries for you. They're in the bathroom." Wang Jie said while wiping Huang Su Su's feet.

'Ah! Li Yuan looked a little embarrassed, "Thank you Wang sister."

Li Yuan went into the bathroom and washed up before he came out.

"Sister Wang, I'm going out to buy breakfast, what do you want to eat?" Li Yuan also politely said to Sister Wang.

Sister Wang quickly stood up, "Mr. Li, you are welcome, I will order a takeaway later."

"Sister Wang, why are you being polite? It's nothing if I invite you to have breakfast." Li Yuan smiled.

This sister Wang is really a down-to-earth person.

Seeing Li Yuan say this, Sister Wang is no longer polite, just a little sorry.

Li Yuan looked at the lutein on the bed, and the appearance of lutein did not change much with yesterday.

After he left, Sister Wang called again hot water, carefully to Huang Su Su wiped over the body.

It was only seven o 'clock, and the stalls outside the hospital were already selling.

The cart has peas and sticky rice, hot and sour powder, soybean milk dough sticks, or steamed stuffed corn on the cob.

Most of the carts were sold by older women, who were sitting on a small bench. When Li Yuan came out, everyone began to drink.

"Big brother, have something to eat."

"I have here..."

Li Yuan smiled and bought a soybean milk fritters and a glutinous rice with peas.

Then he went to the shop to buy beef porridge with mushrooms and a few eggs.

"Well, it seems that my breakfast is superfluous."

Suddenly, a clear female voice sounded behind Li Yuan.

It is!

Li Yuan quickly turned around, sure enough, Lin Qingya is standing outside the shop under the maple tree, looking at Li Yuan smiled.

"Why are you here?" Li Yuan walked past pleasantly surprised.

"Thought I'd bring you breakfast!" Lin Qingya raised a hand in the food box.

Li Yuan looked at the big bags in his hands, and Lin Qingya two people smiled at each other.

They walked shoulder to shoulder toward the hospital.

"I didn't know you were coming. If I had known Miss Lin would bring me breakfast, I wouldn't have come out." Li Yuan smiled.

"I wanted it to be a surprise." Lin Qingya some discouraged.

"You're so far away, so early!" Li Yuan looked at Lin Qingya, slightly distressed.

"Well, I had a job in Linxian, so I came to see." Lin reached behind her ear and brushed her hair, then added, "I didn't expect to meet you at the door."

"Li was grateful that Miss Lin came all the way to deliver breakfast." Li Yuan joked.

Two people talking and laughing to the ward.

Nurse Wang sister has given Huang Su Su wipe finished.

When she saw Lin Qingya, for a time some stunned.

What, isn't that Mr. Lee's girlfriend on the bed?

So who is this woman now?

Besides, this woman is so beautiful!

It's not just good looking, it's amazing.

When I looked at Huang Su Su, she felt so beautiful, Li Yuan is rich, only this kind of rich, can have a beautiful girlfriend!

However, now she saw Lin Qingya, the moment felt, Lin Qingya should be the kind of TV said the world's first beauty!

None of the female stars on TV look as good as her.

Lin Qingya put down the food box in his hands, and went to see the flavin first.

"Manager Huang is not yet OK?"

"Well, it should be soon." Li Yuan also put down the things in his hands.

"Sister Wang, come and have breakfast."

"Mr. Li is such a good man." Sister Wang smiled and hurried over to have breakfast.

Lin Qingya saw Huang Su Su, went over to bring her to open the food box.

"I had crab dumplings today, and I thought they were delicious, so I brought you one."

"Come on, have a taste." Lin Qingya put the box separately on the table.

"Crab dumplings?" Li Yuan walked over.

"HMM." Lin Qingya pushed dumplings down in front of Li Yuan, "Yangcheng Lake hairy crab crab meat."

"What luxury! Li Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs usually as long as you can eat good, but people Miss Lin is used to make dumplings.

See Lin Qingya looking forward to the eyes, Li Yuan couldn't help smiling, put a dumpling in his mouth.

"Yes! Yes, very smooth."

Lin Qingya's eyes could not help but light up.

Seeing the interaction between Li Yuan and Lin Qingya, Sister Wang smiled.

Li Yuan ate twelve dumplings in one sitting.

This dumpling he did not give to Sister Wang to eat, after all, this is Lin Qingya sent thousands of miles, he did not want to give to others.

"How long are you going to stay?" Li Yuan asked.

"Two or three days! Lin Qingya holding chin, watching Li Yuan eat dumplings.

"Still staying at my place?" Li Yuan put down chopsticks, looking at Lin Qingya asked.

Somehow, Lin Qingya was Li Yuan this kind of eyes to see a panic.

"Why, not welcome! Lin Qingya pout, "Last time some people said I came to live in his house!"

Li Yuan was amused by Lin's elegant appearance.

"If people outside knew about Miss Lin's appearance, I'm afraid her jaw would be shocked!"

'Who dares speak of me! Li Qingya eyebrows raised, the moment full of domineering.

"Also, without your permission, Miss Lin, anyone who dares to report your news will wait for the company to close down!"

Li Yuan does not doubt Lin Qingya has such a skill.

After breakfast, Li Yuan and Lin Qingya stayed in the hospital for a while, then got up and went home.

Li Yuan ready to come again in the evening, give flavin to eat another medicine.

Home, Xiaowen didnt think Lin Qingya will come, for a time some at a loss.

"Big lady! Xiao Wen gave a soft cry.

Lin Qingya light shook his head, looking at Li Yuan's mother.

The message is clear: don't expose yourself in front of Li Yuan's mother.

Xiaowen follow Lin Qingya day is not short, naturally know Lin Qingya meaning.

And Lin Qingya sitting on the same sofa, Xiaowen how are not comfortable.

But Lin Qingya was unruffled, no different.

Xiaowen how will not think, one day she and Lin Qingya will eat at the same table.

Lin Qingya is not as cold as she usually looks.

When she talked to her husband, her voice was warm and soft, and she smiled from time to time.

Xiao Wen knows that the master is different for the big lady, otherwise, the big lady would not have left her here.

You know, the female bodyguard around the big lady, she and another person are the most powerful.

You don't send the best people around you if they're not important.

At noon, the sun was burning the earth, and Zhou Yalan had gone into the house for a nap.

Li Yuan, Lin Qingya and Xiaowen are left in the living room watching TV.

"Sir, madam, why don't I go out and stay in a hotel?"

What does Xiaowen mean, Li Yuan and Lin Qingya understand.

Because Li Yuan's home is only three rooms, the last time I came, Xiaowen lived outside.

This time, Xiao Wen took up another room.

Think of Xiaowen's performance during this period of time, and Xiaowen also said that she took this place as a home, how could she be thrown out to live in a hotel.

"No, sleep quietly in my room." Li Yuan said casually.

'Ah! The surprise is not Xiao Wen, but Lin Qingya.

Xiao Wen used to have what emotion buried in the heart, she did not show surprise.

Lin Qingya listen to Li Yuan so said, suddenly small face red.

"How can this work, alone men and women, it is not good!"


Li Yuan a listen, know is Lin Qingya misunderstanding.

"I mean, you sleep in my room and I'll sleep on the couch."

Lin Qingya a listen, this just breathed a sigh of relief, but, some lost in the heart, also do not know why.

"Sir, Miss, I'm going to take a nap." Xiao Wen got up and looked at the two people.

Lin Qingya did not speak, Li Yuan nodded.

Xiao Wen fled into the bedroom.

Li Yuan and Lin Qingya by Xiaowen this move are happy.

"This little article! With me, it's cold all the time." Lin Qingya said, "Now with you, there is even a human side."

"See what kind of person you follow! With a cold person, it must be cold." Li Yuan began to tease again, "with people who often laugh, natural smile more."

"Ha, Master Li's mouth is even more bitter than in the broadcast room." Lin Qingya said angrily.

"I call this the truth, not the venom, you see, what I say in the broadcast room is the truth!" I was right every time." Li Yuan shows his hand.

"Master Li has a smooth tongue, I can't say it." Lin Qingya directly dont say.

"All right, no more teasing." Li Yuan walked over and rubbed Lin's hair, "Noon, go to sleep!"

Lin Qingya reached out and immediately held down Li Yuan's hand.

Suddenly, like touching a hot potato, he quickly loosened his hand.

"I... I just... I haven't been touched on the head since I lived apart from my grandfather." Lin Qingya hurriedly explained.

"They say you can't touch a tiger's butt, but you can't touch Miss Lin's head either." I don't know why, Li Yuan always likes to tease Lin Qingya.

"Good you Li Yuan, ignore you."

Lin Qingya clattered up from the sofa.

But did not think suddenly hit Li Yuan's nose.

'Ah! Li Yuan gave a painful exhale and quickly covered his nose.

Lin Qingya was scared, hurriedly took a big step back.

In her rush, she forgot the sofa behind her.

So Lin Qingya's whole body fell backwards.

Conditioned reflex, Lin Qingya reached out and pulled a Li Yuan's clothes.

Li Yuan is covering his nose, didnt think Lin Qingya will suddenly pull him.

Caught off guard, the whole person followed Lin Qingya to the sofa.

Then, his whole person gorgeous pressure on Lin Qingya's body.

For a moment, they were both confused.

"That... A little careless." Li Yuan blushed with a smile.

"I... That... You..." Lin Qingya red-faced, incoherent, eyes are afraid to look at Li Yuan.

Li Yuan looked at Lin Qingya near the cheek, because of tension and slightly biting lips.

Suddenly feel a warm flow from the body.

"Stop biting, or you'll break." Li Yuan reached out his hand and gently dialed Lin Qingya's lips.

Lin Qingya with the trend, bite Li Yuan's finger.

"You little wretch." Li Yuan with the other hand gently in Lin Qingya head on a bullet.

Lin Qingya bite Li Yuan finger, also some stay.

"Why should I bite his finger?"

"How can he get up when I bit his finger?"

"But I don't want to let go. What should I do?"

"Lin Qingya, you are really sick!"

Lin Qingya in the mind of the day people fighting, but her mouth, never let go of Li Yuan fingers.

Li Yuan is not anxious, quietly looking at Lin Qingya.

Lin Qingya was Li Yuan to see the heart beat faster, can not help but be angry, mouth a little force.

Li Yuan felt it, but how could this strength make him hurt more.

"Is Miss Lin going to leave your mark on me?" Li Yuan quipped.


Lin Qingya opened her eyes wide.

Then suddenly let go of Li Yuan's hand.

"How can it be? If there were a mark, it wouldn't be there!" Lin Qingya quickly denied.

"Where do you want to be?" Li Yuan looked at Lin Qingya eyes, mouth up.

"Of course..." Lin Qingya suddenly startled, quickly stopped.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Li Yuan laughed. "Where is it, of course?"

"Just the ones on TV, the necks and stuff, growing strawberries!" Lin Qingya sound such as mosquito na, Li Yuan but listen to every word in the ear.

"Miss Lin knows a lot!" Li Yuan joked.

In fact, I think this Lin Qingya on this is really too simple.

"Didn't you just say I had a smooth tongue? Now let you see for yourself whether I have a smooth tongue."

Li Yuan's voice rings in Lin Qingya's ear.

"Huh? What?"
