The Baby's the Baby, Fat boy

"HMMM! Li Yuan agreed, "I think you know more about midwifery than I do, but remember, you should not touch the woman for more than 100 seconds at a time."

"Good," said Hermione. My mother-in-law nodded and said solemnly.

"Are the hot water and scissors ready?" The mother-in-law skillfully asked, these are the former delivery must be used.

"To deliver Yin spirit, there is no need for this, as long as the baby can be born, there is no problem." Li Yuan said.

'Well, good! My mother-in-law nodded.

"Linlin, are you ready?" Mother-in-law adjusted the mood, "this child is at the brink of death..."

Mother-in-law did not finish, tears and almost wrapped.

What hell? Her daughter's already a ghost.

"Mom, I'm ready." Under Lin Lin, there is a large banana leaf. "It's probably the banana leaf. I feel much better now."

"Well, the banana leaves help insulate you from more Yang." Li Yuan's voice came over the phone. "You help her cover another banana leaf."

Xiao Kang listened, quickly cover a banana leaf in Linlin.

At this point, the mother-in-law's hand has been soaked in banana leaf juice.

"Now, old man, you time us by the door." "Cried the mother-in-law.

The old man, who had been standing outside the door, heard his mother's cry and hurriedly opened the door.

He pulled out his phone and turned on the stopwatch.

He looks like he's in battle.

Xiao Kang put the phone on the side, just can see the side of Linlin.

In this way, it is not too embarrassing, but also convenient for Li Yuan to keep abreast of the situation.

When the time came, the mother-in-law hurried to deliver Linlin, and Xiao Kang quickly put his hand into the banana leaf juice.

Mother-in-law a contact Linlin, suddenly the heart under a surprise.

"She's cold, all right?"

"Yes, the colder the better, that is, the degree to which the person you deliver will be affected by Yin qi." Li Yuan said.

My mother-in-law did not speak. Her eyes were firm.

"Lin Lin, bear with me, it will hurt a little." The mother-in-law comforted her daughter while operating.

"HMMM! Linlin's features were all wrinkled together, but no drop of sweat flowed down her body.

"Mom, is it that painful for you to give birth to me?" Linlin looked at her mother, full of gratitude.

"Silly child, who does not give birth to pain!"

My mother-in-law smiled, but it was obvious that she was only trying to smile, and her eyes were full of sadness.

"Time's up, next." The father-in-law's voice suddenly sounded.

The mother-in-law quickly left Linlin and immediately soaked her hands in banana leaf juice.

I switched it to a Shawkon.

The mother-in-law looked at Xiao Kang nervously, and explained in detail what should be done.

'Ah! Linlin shouted and fainted directly.

"Lin Lin!"


Xiao Kang and his mother-in-law were shocked.

"Master, what to do, Linlin seems to be failing." Xiao Kang ran to the phone and knelt down in front of it.

"In a moment she will wake up. She is a shadow now. Having children is her obsession. She cannot die again." Li Yuan said.

Sure enough, as soon as Li Yuan spoke, Linlin suddenly woke up like a big gasp.

"You go on." Li Yuan said.

Xiao Kang and mother-in-law two people began to busy.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Although I only saw two people talking to the air, it didn't affect my nervousness.

The earth is round: you are not alone.

Madman: If I didn't believe in the masters, I wouldn't believe they were delivering ghosts.

Look at the pigs in the sky: Say, will ghosts die when they give birth to children?

Blue sea Blue Sky: I originally came to see the master fortune-telling, but I saw a lot of strange things.

I don't smoke: I like it, exciting!

There are already four or five thousand people in the broadcast room, Xiao Kang is struggling to deliver, there is no time to watch everyone's comments in the broadcast room.

Xiao Kang and mother-in-law take turns for Linlin delivery, time passed minute by second.

Linlin has fainted several times.

"Lin Lin, don't faint, you push!" "Cried the mother-in-law.

"Uh-huh! Linlin Linlin bit her lower lip and nodded weakly.

"What can I do? I can't be born yet!" The mother-in-law was so worried that beads of sweat rolled down from her face.

"So what?" Xiao Kang's hair was wet.

"Take the puncture needle!" In the studio, I don't know who commented.

"A ghost, how can you give her a puncture needle!"


Xiao Kang and mother-in-law two people six.

"Master, what shall we do? The baby won't be born!" Xiao Kang can only ask Li Yuan for help.

Li Yuan also do not know what to do, let alone give the ghost to deliver, give people to deliver he also do not understand ah!

"Give her three incense sticks and two candles to replenish her strength." Li Yuan said.

I heard that women need to supplement their physical strength to give birth to children, so first give this woman to supplement her physical strength.

"Ok, I'm going, mom, you watch Linlin."

Xiao Kang said a word and ran out in a hurry.

After a while, he bought the incense and hurried to light it for Linlin.

Linlin on the bed immediately felt the smell of incense, she vigorously sucked a few mouthfuls.

"Well, wife?" Xiao Kang lie in front of the bed, concerned to look at Linlin.

"It feels comfortable." Linlin said, while vigorously sucking a few mouthfuls.

"Kango, I think I can do it." Linlin does look much better now.

"Ok, Linlin, push!" My mother in law is at her side.

"Come, follow Mother." The mother-in-law looked at Linlin, "Hoo! Suck!"

She forgot, Linlin is not a person, not breathing.

But Lin Lin did, and she gradually calmed down.

"Come on, see the head, Linlin!" My mother-in-law cried with joy.

"Come on! Push!"

People can not see Linlin, only see the mother-in-law and Xiao Kang in the father-in-law's command, keep changing positions.

They can't see the woman in labor. It's kind of funny.

Even more new people are asking.

"What is this doing?"

"Delivering ghosts!"

"So fierce, really?"

"You can't fucking look!"

"My whole family is watching and waiting for the result, whether it's true or not."

"I don't even go to square dancing anymore."

The audience who watched the whole thing is so nervous now, it's like a father waiting outside the delivery room to give birth!

'Ah! Lin Lin suddenly gave a scream.

The audience in the broadcast room could not hear Linlin's voice, but saw the curtain suddenly and violently fluttering up.

Papers in the room also flew.

"What's going on?" Someone in the studio asked.

All this Li Yuan also saw, "This is the power she burst out."

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: This is the power of maternal love.

"Yes, yes, it's a son." "Cried my mother-in-law suddenly.

"Let me see! Xiao Kang's face was happy and he quickly ran over.

The father-in-law standing by the door raised his leg to run over, and then let it down.

"Quickly wrap him in a banana leaf." Li Yuan said quickly.

The newborn ghost baby is very weak, and the Yang of the two people is enough to make him die immediately.

Xiao Kang heard this and immediately wrapped the baby in a banana leaf.

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: Born, I want to see how to do?

Crazy: I want to see it too, I didn't think that the first time I waited to have a baby, it would be in this situation.

The boss is terrible: the original woman gave birth to children so painful, I was not around her, or twins.

Inside the broadcast room, everyone expressed their feelings.

Most of them said they wanted to see the kids.

"Here, let me see." Lin Lin's face was still pale, but there was a visible joy on her face.

Xiao Kang hurriedly took the baby to Linlin's side, Linlin looked at the baby in her arms, love arises spontaneously.

"Kango, this is our baby." Linlin's eyes were full of happiness.

"HMMM! Xiao Kang nodded happily, but his eyes were full of tears.

All this is Li Yuan see in the eyes, see Xiao Kang's appearance, Li Yuan quickly reminded: "Xiao Kang, do not let your tears fall on the baby's body."


Xiao Kang looked up and a tear rolled from the corner of his eye.