Wait six months for My Medicine

"Why? Does Miss Lin dare to say that he is not worthy?" Li Yuan dropped a piece of orange into his mouth.

"I... Well, aren't you going to give Sister Su some medicine?" Lin Qingya eyes flustered, hurriedly said.

"Ouch! That's a change of tone, very smooth ah!" Li Yuan hooked up the corners of his mouth, looked at Lin Qingya with a smile.

"I'll go out and wait for you." Lin Qingya picked up the bag and mobile phone on the sofa and hurried to the door to change her shoes.

"Hehe hehe!" Li Yuan chuckled a few times.

I did not think that the outside world is legendary, what resolute, cold, tigress alive Lin Group head, there is a time to flee.

Li Yuan decided not to tease Lin Qingya, he got up to go and Zhou Yalan account, and Lin Qingya went to the hospital.

Just downstairs, saw the community inside from time to time there is fire smoke out.

"Forget, today is the Hungry Ghost Festival." Li Yuan said faintly.

"Aren't you going to burn paper for your father?" Lin Qingya curious asked.

"My father repeatedly told me not to burn paper or sweep his grave before he died." Li Yuan said.

For this point, Li Yuan also has too many doubts.

Why would Dad say something like that before he died?

What happens when you burn paper and sweep his grave?

However, out of respect and trust for his father, Li Yuan and his mother always followed his last words and never went to sweep his grave or burn paper money for him.

'Oh oh! Lin Qingya also do not ask.

At such a young age as Li Yuan has such a big skill, there must be a lot of things that outsiders do not know.

Like herself, isn't there a lot that outsiders don't know?

"Because I am a widower and a lonely man, my grandfather sweeps the grave at home or burns paper money for the elderly, and I just ask the people under me."

When Lin Qingya said this, the light in her eyes dimmed a lot.

Her destiny has an effect not only on the living, but also on the dead.

Li Yuan reached out and held Lin Qingya's hand.

"Wait another six months! Half a year, maybe I can change your life." Li Yuan did not speak very fully, because he did not know what would happen six months later.

Lin Qingya small hand was Li Yuan big hand in the hand, Lin Qingya heart could not help but calm down.

As if no matter how big the thing is, it is not a matter.

Perhaps, this is what people often say about the sense of security!

From the beginning of memory, Lin Qingya has never had a sense of security.

Her grandparents and parents loved her very much, but the more she did, the more scared she became.

Mama's gone, with all her love.

Dad left, full of love for her.

Grandma also left, with a million worries about her.

Everyone who cared about her, everyone she cared about, left one by one.

She was afraid, afraid that whoever she came near would leave this world.

Later, she was too scared to show that she liked a puppy.

She was afraid her fate would make the dog leave, too.

Until I met Li Yuan.

In Lin Qingya's heart, Li Yuan is a very powerful person, not ordinary people can be compared.

Or she put Li Yuan in the highest position in the beginning, so she trusted Li Yuan to solve her problems.

Li Yuan to her, as if this is the vast sea of people to seize a lifesaving straw.

She trusted Li Yuan and relied on him.

Lin Qingya is not short of money, not short of status.

However, only this sense of security, is no money and status can give her.

In addition to Li Yuan in the world, I'm afraid no one can give her a sense of security.

She doesn't know how she feels about Li Yuan.

She just wanted to hold Li Yuan's hand tightly and not let go, she just wanted to stay by his side, she just wanted to be with him forever.

"Elegant, elegant!" Li Yuan continuously called two, Lin Qingya to react.

"Good! With me, I dare to wander." Li Yuan gently played on Lin Qingya's forehead.

Lin Qingya grinned.

She tightly held Li Yuan's hand, looking at Li Yuan in an instant.

Then she stood on tiptoe and gently dropped a kiss on Li Yuan's side cheek.

"Thanks for having you." Lin Qingya voice sounded gently in Li Yuan's ear.

Li Yuan silent, he tightly hold Lin Qingya's hand, two people hand in hand walking in the community.

In the light of the community, two figures were reflected closely together.

Lin Qingya is very at ease.

Between two people, do not necessarily need language, they, at this time silent better than sound.

The two men went to the parking lot.

"It is a great honor to have Miss Lin Ching-ya as my first passenger in the passenger seat." Li Yuan opened the door and made a "please" gesture.

"Thank you, Mr. Li Yuan." Lin elegant elegant a knee, as a return.

Then he got into the car.

Li Yuan turned to the other side and sat in the driver's seat.

"May I ask Mr. Li Yuan, will the little woman have the honor to fasten your seat belt?" Lin Qingya looked at Li Yuan with a smile.

"It's my pleasure." Li Yuan smiled too.

Lin Qingya climbed up Li Yuan's leg and reached over to pull on the safety belt.

Li Yuan's hand gently close up Lin Qingya waist, looking at Lin Qingya beautiful side face.

Lin Qingya let Li Yuan hug, and then carefully to Li Yuan to fasten the safety belt.

When Li Yuan released her, she sat down and fastened her seat belt.

Two people drive towards the hospital, along the way, everywhere can see burning paper money.

The smell of wax paper candles hung over the whole city.

This is everyone paying their first respects.

Li Yuan and Lin Qingya came to the hospital.

Nurse Wang sister is sitting in a chair to rest, see Li Yuan and Lin Qingya come in, hurriedly go to the water dispenser.

"Sister Wang, Sister Su Su is nothing unusual today?" Li Yuan asked.

"No." Sister Wang shook her head.

"Well, go get some rest, and I'll call you if there's anything." Li Yuan smiled.

Sister Wang quickly nodded and walked on the sofa on the other side to rest.

Lin Qingya has removed the oxygen mask and other emergency equipment, just quietly lying on the hospital bed.

She's got an indwelling needle in her arm, and the hospital's giving her fluids.

There is no abnormality in Su Su sister today, which means that this pharmacology should be right.

But there is also the possibility that the drug has no effect at all.

Li Yuan came to the bedside, took out a black bottle from his body, and poured out the pills inside.

He gently squeezed flavin's mouth and put the pill into Flavin's mouth.

Just like the first pill, as soon as it entered the flavin's mouth, it quickly melted.

Greatly reduce the trouble of feeding medicine.

After feeding the medicine, Li Yuan sat on the sofa and waited.

Li Yuan did not know whether the medicine was useful or when it would be useful.

Now I just wait.

Lin Qingya sat beside Li Yuan, did not speak.

She knows Huang Su Su to Li Yuan's help, also know Huang Su Su to Li Yuan's importance.

The only thing she can do now is to stay with Li Yuan.

Time went by minute by second, and there was no sign of lutein waking up.

Li Yuan sat on the sofa, mobile phone do not play, do not say words, so a moment unfamiliar staring at the hospital bed of flavin.


From the bed, flavin suddenly let out a scream of pain.

"Sister Su Su." Li Yuan quickly ran over.

Lin Qingya action is not slow, and Li Yuan came to the bedside.

Huang Su Su did not still close her eyes, but her pale face was twisted together, her hands subconsciously covering her stomach.

He crumpled up in pain.

"What's going on? Is there something wrong with the medicine?" Lin Qingya stop at the bedside, for fear of yellow element accidentally roll down.