The Building Is on Fire

"What's the matter with you, lad?" The old lady floated over and grinned.

But that full of gums, let Hong Cheng-in feel creepy.

"You... Don't come." Hong stammered.

"Why, didn't you say this picture was for collecting ghosts?" How can you be afraid?"

The old lady laughed.

"I... I..." Hong couldn't utter a single word.

"Bro! Help!"

Hong Cheng-in rolled and crawled toward his cousin's side.

He did not expect that his cousin was also very frightened and was running towards him.

Dang it!

The two men bumped into each other.

"Brother... Brother, there is a ghost!"

"I... I know."

Hong and his cousin hugged each other tightly.

At this time, they saw the whole community inside, densely packed with "people"

And the white fog has confused the whole neighborhood.

The "people" were barely visible in the mist.

"Brother, how did this happen?" Hong Chengren's legs kept trembling, and his speech was not sharp, "It won't really be Li Yuan's words!"

"Brother, didn't you say you were good? You fight!"

"Brother, you are so heavy!"

Hong kept talking to his cousin, but there was no echo.

When he turned around, he saw that his cousin had fainted and died.


Hong Chengren a loose hand, his cousin suddenly fell to the ground.

Hong didn't care if he fell or not.

He saw a dark crowd around him and fell to the ground with a flop.

"Dear ancestors, old gods, I was wrong, it is not I who want to take you, it is he."

Hong Chengren pointed to his unconscious cousin on the ground, "It is he who wants to take you, you see, he is still wearing clothes."

"I beg you to spare me, for I am forced to do so, and if I do not join him, he will beat me."

"The ancestors and the gods have a clear warning."

Hong Cheng-in while talking, while the knock knock kowtow.

Soon there was a large lump on his forehead.

"Well, Hong Sung-in, you did this to me." The fainting master suddenly sat up

He could bear the fall just now, but now he has to wake up.

If he doesn't wake up, he's afraid for his life.

"Good! So you're pretending to be dizzy!"

"So what if it is!

Two people talking, actually fighting.

Hit and roll into the crowd.

Seeing that they had rolled to a place where no one was, the two men looked at each other.

Suddenly got up and ran towards the outside of the community.

Both feet are like stepping on hot wheels, running fast.

The group behind him still stood where they were and did not come after them.

"Ha ha ha, dead things are dead things, we are not clever!"

The master said happily.

'That's right! Out of the ghost claws, Hong Chengren also happy up, loudly echoed the words of his cousin.

The two fled happily.

But as they ran, they noticed something was wrong.

"Hong Cheng-in, I don't remember how far away the gate of your community is!" "Said the master, puzzled.

"Yes! I can run here in three minutes."

"But it's been almost ten minutes now."

They looked at each other again, then turned their heads together to look behind them.

This look, can not help but a soft foot, two people suddenly a buttock sat on the ground.

It turned out that they had run for nearly ten minutes and were still in the same position.

The group of "men" behind them all stared at them.

This is over!

It was the first thought that crossed their minds.

Among the "people" behind them, the old lady came toward them.

She was holding the little boy in her hand.

Hong Chengren saw that the other "people" all floated away.

They all drifted to the families of the community.

Then he heard his own voice in front of a house.

"Uncle, open the door! There really are ghosts! How scary! Come out quickly and let the master collect ghosts!"

The voice, it's so much like his own.

Hong Chengren looked at the old lady gradually approaching, want to faint immediately, but the more afraid, the more sober the brain, how can not faint.

Not only his own voice, he heard many other voices.

"Mom, Dad, open the door! I'm Han Han! Open the door."

Isn't that Liu Han's voice?

The little girl got good grades. Isn't she at school?

How can you come home now?!

"Uncle Liu, Aunt Liu, don't open the door!"

Although Hong Chengren idle, trouble, but did not want to kill people's lives, he tonight is to cheat everyone some money.

He doesn't believe in ghosts at all.

Just then, a building filled with smoke.

"It's on fire, everyone run away!"

A shrill female voice echoed through the neighborhood.

Hong Cheng-in didn't know if it was really on fire or if it was a means of these things.

The building on fire is the same building where Li Yuan is located.

After Li Yuan and Lin Qingya returned home, they did not sleep, but sat on the sofa.

"In my house, no evil spirits can come in."

Li Yuan let Lin Qingya rest assured, his home, father set for people and other things.

Later Li Yuan added a few more himself.

That shit, it can't even get through the door.

So, his home is safer than anywhere else.

At this point, the smoke was billowing outside.

Lin Qingya could not help standing up.

"Li Yuan, there's a fire, what should we do?"

Li Yuan saw it too, his brow furrowed.

"It doesn't look like their work."

Oh, by the way!

Li Yuan suddenly thought of something.

"No, it's an illusion."

"Hallucinations?" Lin Qingya doubts, "How to say?"

"Don't you see anything wrong?" Li Yuan looked at Lin Qingya, just a furrowed brow stretch open.

"What's wrong?" Lin Qingya see Li Yuan completely relaxed down, the heart naturally is not so nervous.

Li Yuan sat down and said slowly, "Because our building is an old building, we have installed fire alarms in each floor."

But why didn't the fire alarm go off when there was so much smoke?"

'Because it's an illusion! Lin Qingya suddenly understood, "Because it is an illusion, so the alarm can not feel."

"HMMM! Li Yuan nodded, "But I am still a little worried, we know it is an illusion, others may not know."

"With so much smoke, ordinary people can't tell whether it's an illusion or reality." Lin Qingya looked at the smoke outside, the heart is also heavy.

"At this point, I think I should go out and do something. "Li Yuan stood up.

"You're going out?" Lin Qingya nature is not assured.

Li Yuan rubbed Lin Qingya's head, "You rest assured, I will be fine."

He looked into Lin Qingya's eyes and said calmly:

"If something happens to the neighbors around, especially Uncle Liu who is helpful to my family on weekdays,"

"Then even if I save my life and live for a long time, I will never have peace of mind in my life."

Lin Qingya looked up, staring at Li Yuan's eyes, "Well, I believe you, I will wait for you to come back."

"HMM." Li Yuan turned to the bedroom to get a few things, and then Lin Qingya fell a kiss on the forehead, and then went out.

Lin Qingya is both worried and happy.

Worried about Li Yuan's safety, happy is that Li Yuan regards human life as very important.

Lin Qingya has seen many people with great abilities, human life in their eyes, just like ants, worthless.