The Duchy

She navigated the unfamiliar straight corridor, memorising every door and slot as she went. The house was quite modern, with clean cream walls and white wooden doors with metal knobs. 

Exactly seven identical doors.

Alex found the elegant winding staircase, white treads and gold-plated banisters that curved grandly and connected each floor of the house. From the entrance, the third and second floors looked like duplicates. Even the number of doors in the hallway was the same, while the first floor was ominous. After the landing on the stairs, a huge double door blocked the entrance to the first floor, taking up its entirety. Even the material of the door seemed to be bulletproof and waterproof, and light even seemed to bend away from it. To make matters worse, there was no lock, handle or keyhole on the door.

Alex found it odd that Ixion had made a point of advising her to avoid the average-looking second floor rather than the first.