King's Bedchamber

Fennel looked at the window. Although he could normally climb in through it with ease, he found it impossible that morning. The severe lack of sleep was beginning to catch up with his mind and body.

Oliver glanced at the feline. "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm too tired to go in this way," Fennel admitted. "Let's just go through the front."

"Aren't you worried about the guards seeing you alone?" The bard inquired.

"Not so much now," Fennel smiled. "I thought about it a little. I'm the king. Which means, my word is law. Why should I hide what I'm doing?"

Oliver nodded. It made sense. A king shouldn't have to hide his actions. 

The bard followed the king around to the palace entrance. Once they were close, one of the guards did a double take as he watched them approach. "Your majesty?" The confusion was evident in the man's expression.

"Good morning," Fennel said to the man, his tone polite and confident.