just what a love is?

It's already been a week, roads are still loud with everyday cheers and chaos of people passing by.

The theif of a week ago is now forgotten by the robbery of nearby neighborhood.

Towns are now filled by the talks of uncanny robber story.

"Man, if they really wanted money they could have get that, but firing in open area and checking homes, it's not normal." Ben a middle school goer says to his colleagues.

while walking toward their school.

"Nah! It's more like they were searching someone, didn't those homes look like they had been ransacked?". His friend Terry makes sense.

"But they took money too after their all extreme show." a tall guy piped in.

"Didn't know Garam,but Heard that it's a women they were after" Auran, another grader said.

"Whatever, good thing it wasn't our town,we don't have that much houses though, what if they target mine!" Ben nervously said.

"Haah! Sure, thankfully they left" Auran pats Ben head.

There in the corner of the school gate, in between bushes,a squatting figure of a kid was hiding.

Ijeung was again out of his small space,

Wonder ... why?

Not because his mother is ill,

Remember that last week incident,that tall guy offering him buying candies.

He couldn't get that time, he has different priorities up then.

But those candies never slips his mind.

His innocent mind wonder every night, 'will it be salty or sour like that one he brings for his eomma or sweet like one on tv?'

But question is that How he would get that,so he sneaked out while his mother was sleeping and ended up here.

That guy has the same outfit as these guys

so he intended to follow him and maybe he would run to that candy shop.

If he can't taste it, then just seeing it will be enough.

When he have lots of money he will buy lots of them.

but for to search that tall boy, it's hard, its like recognising one of an ant in an ant army.

On his previous encounter he has hid his face, he is sure he won't recognise him, so he will just follow him from behind.

"Which one is him?", he squinted his eyes for a better look but suddenly his balance fell.

"Ugh,he rub his bum" the fall he had from a week ago still sometime hurts.

"Are you fine kid", the four friends including Garam who were talking came toward him hearing a thud.

he startled but nods still rubbing, his round face is half covered to the eyes by his long hair but his small pout was so amusing to the boys.

"You're so brave kid" Auran said ruffling his hair noticing his sad face.

But inside ijueng head 'He wanted to run.'

He tried to stand but feels a twitch in his right leg and with that he was about to fall again but a strong hand catch him in the middle.

"You sure hurt kid...don't move" Garam said and carried him to the side tables.

"Which leg it is?" he question genuinely. But notices his right leg.

Ijueng throat dried up,

he never had spoken to anyone else before except his mother and father, but he still recognised this voice, the person he was looking for.

His fear from that day again clouded his heart.

"He may be shy" ben thought.

He was so involved in his fear that he didn't notice the grip on his right leg,with a jerk he came to realisation.

Garam was holding his feet and twisted it in opposite direction.

"There, now try to stand." Garam said to him.

Ijueng vividly remembered the person who had caught him before, but powerless to resist, he obeyed his words.

He stand up without a word.

"Is it still hurting"

He shook his head

"What were you doing down there" ben asked.

"C...CANDY" he speak gathering his courage.

"CANDY?" Their eyebrows frowned.

"OH! you must have lost your candy but it won't be edible now it already would be in dirt". Auron said.

"I DON'T WANT CANDY..." Ijueng said his voice muffled.

"Hey you shouldn't have to say like that ,he is still a kid Auron, you made her cry" Terry said.

"So what should I say, we should find your candy?" He whispered shouted to terry.

"It's absurd" Terry scrunched his nose.

Ijueng was scared,the tall guy he wanted to ignore and just wanted to follow in discrete was just infront of him.



but seeing all these men surrounding him instill a fear what if he get recognised and get beaten? his feet froze in its place.

He remembers those shouts who were chasing him,he ran away out of fear of his mother,she never wanted him to lay foot in public or be seen out there,but here being in person with that same man he quivers.

"Here", a sparkling long packet of chocolate was now placed on his palm.

"Hey! i bought it for myself",Auron snapped.

"But he is crying so I give it, besides Terry wanted me to" Garam reasoned.

"You should have given yours"Auron complains.

"What would I eat then" Garam said, raising his brows.

"WHAT WOULD I EAT THEN" Auron mimics his words..

The kid looks at the big packet, it has vibrant colour.

But why is this guy giving it to me?, isn't he going to beat me like last time? He wonders.

Can he even take it, he stares it for good seconds.

"it's not mine" he slowly muttered.

There's is nothing like free in this world.

"Huh.." Auron and Terry, who were bickering among themselves halted.

"It Wasn't, but now its yours" Terry said.

"If he doesn't want, why pester him?" Auran asked, his heart was still stuck on his chocolate.

The Kid was silent for a moment before speaking. "Mister, what do I have to do in return?"

"Eat it" Terry replied absentmindly, Auran made faces upon hearing him, though he smiled at the kid innocent hold on his chocolate.

His lips parted, he mouthed "Thank you" and ran off after stepping down.

"His hair was cute" ben said, being amused of ijueng running figure whose hair bounced at each step.

Just then a voice broke out.

"You all, what are you doing there standing across the bushes?, bell has already ranged.

Don't tell me you guys are smoking?"

The Watchmen from gate duty runs after them with his stick in air.

"Auran why are you standing?,RUN! you brainless!" Ben smack Auran while running.

Terry and Garam already had reached the gate.

"We weren't smoking" they shouted to the keeper, running to their respective room.

Meanwhile, the kid was happy he hadn't had to do anything in return , mother must have not seen the world much, he reasons his mother reprimandation.

He slowly makes a small in through the door making sure no voice must break free.

her mother was still on bed,

Though her mother health has improved rapidly after those medicines,but she sleeps late at night, so on more days she always lays on the bed until sun reached to the top of head.

She wasn't like this before, she used to go out to woods locking the door from outside, and came late after collecting fruits and water.

But suddenly she stops going outside and fall to bed with lot of sweats. He doesn't know what it is but after having porridge for two weeks he needed to give her those sour Candies so he discreetly step outside.

It was his first time breaking rules in a while after they settled here, its done and she is healthy just sleeping.

He crawled down to his room below the downstairs not wanting to be seen.

"you escaped the door?" A girl around his age, sitting on the bed hand cross asked him, "Does she know?"

"Sshh" He hushed the girl.

"How did you get down here" he ask her.

"She will be so furious,and this time she might mmm.."she couldn't complete her sentence instead she munch the chocolate which he just shoved in.

"Is it tasty?" he look up to her with his bright eyes?"

Her eyes shines,but just then it get big.

"You don't fear your mother?" She said, narrowing her eyebrows.

In response he only looked down,not having any words, she stares him while he eats the chocolate in silence.

She continued, "We don't play around, especially you, she is obsessed with you not laying a foot outside.

Isn't that being locked up?" She said, fumed in anger.

"She doesn't,She .....loves me " he says slowly.

She can't bear that crap anymore.

She angrily grab his hand and forcily up his sleeve,there on his wrist red marks are still evident telling its story."

"Is this what you called being loved?" she said, her eyes are now filled with droplets

He brushed her hands off of him and adjusted his sleeve.

"why she didn't want you to get outside and make friends?" She shouted

"Just go,you shouldn't be here" he screams.

Just then a hard voice startled them.