can we start all over


The commotion Williams created was barely over when another commotion started at the door of the classroom,this time is a tall, beautiful and sophisticated girl that apeared at the classroom door ,apart from having an attractive physique,her steps are like she is walking on a runway attracting all attendion to herself .most of the girls rushed over to her as soon as they sighted her and like a spoiled princess she throwed her bag at one of the girls and her sheds to another,judging from her looks i could tell she just arrived for its posible not tohave noticed her my thoughts were confirmed the next minute as one of her followers suddenly said

April you have grown prettier after graduation from high school

The other girls confirm her observation as they all giggled then they showered her with more praises before she spoke in a sharp voice,

Its just normal for me to get more prettier,am April Campbell the belle of our highschool and the new campus belle of Amsterdam University

Yeah that's right said all the girls who sorrounded her ,the girl holding her bag suddenly asked why she didn't come earlier ,with an arrogant smile she responded

I had to go on a two weeks shopping in Paris that's why and also my dad's private pilot was on a sick leave so I flew public flight so stressful she roll her eyes

The girl's words stunned me,how can someone shop for two weeks and use a private jet she must be super rich ,she is a rich young mistress the kind of people to definitely avoid, after chatting again for a while she turned to her followers and asked

What about my sit ,where do I sit

One of her followers suddenly pointed at the vacant sit next to Williams ,over there ,the most beautiful girl can only sit next to the most handsome guy as she followed her friend's finger to see the guy who is been referred to as most handsome she was flabasgatted, her chicks instantly turned rosy,earlier on she was so busy bragging about her beauty and did notice him ,she catwalked towards williams and i didnt hear what they said to each other since my table was far away I only saw her sit next to him.i turned around and rested my head on the as i sigh ,its just the first day of classes and we already know the lion king is and who the queen be is .i still had my head down when someone sat next to me ,i raised my head to check and it was a boy who was wrating a pair of classes with thick frame ,he had red hair with pink lifts ,the ganstar aura surrounded the guy

Hello ,I greeted with a friendly smile

Hi !! He responded without smiling,he put his airport on his ears and started scrolling through his phone ignoring me completely

My face heat up from embarrassment,is this how all of them are ,I should have acted like no one sat there I said to myself but I later gave up the thought as i won't change my personality,I can't be rude just because other are rude.that day we did really to much as most of the lecturers just introduce themselves ,at break time after my lunch i went to find Sylvie,it was just the two of us today ad Williams had sudendly had followers while eleonor was no where to be seen,it's during my chart with sylvie that i learned that most kids here are from thesame high school and as for april campbell,she told me april campbell is the heiress to the campbell group i immidiately understood why she is that way . everything went well on this day and I returned to the dorm alone which I found great as I didn't want people bothering me .

In the blink of an eye it was already the weekend ,on this day I normally slept longer when I open my eyes,I was surprised to see William laying on his back while scrolling his phone ,I got up from my bed, greeted him before walking into the bathroom,after I was done with my morning routine I sat down on my chair trying to arrange the stuffs on my reading table . I could feel Williams eyes on me making me uncomfortable,i hurriedly park my table,stood up and headed to my

Wardrobe got my dirty clothes to take them to the laundry room , but before that I had to make my bed. After picking up my clothes I was about walking to my bed when my body bumped directly into Williams, for a reason I can't tell our eyes lock ,it felt like time had stopped moving as we stared at each other , his gaze was so intense like he was trying to see through me this send chills down my spine and caused me to jerk out of the daze ,ummm sorry i didnt know you were right behind me I break the silence quickly lowering my head feeling rude for looking at another person's face


It's ok It's me who didn't pay attention,I bend and pick up the silver coin which accidentally left my hand and rolled towards his woardrobe I stuffed it in my pocket before getting into the bathroom. when I came back azael was busy making his bed ,I watched his movements noticing he has a slender body,small waist and short black hair ,he looks like a girl from behind,he finished fixing the bed and was about going to the laundry room when i called him out azeal.he quickly turns around and say yes ,his green eyes stare at me again and for the first time I take note of his facial features he is so beautiful with his small oval face,I said to myself before speaking to him

Please sit down I wish to talk to you .he sits down silently waiting for me to speak,with his hance pressed together I see him stealing a glance timidly

Siting infront of Williams azael felt like a deer infront of a lion, Williams aura is too intimidating but somehow he is not giving off some kind of dangerous vibes .Am going to ask you a question please answer honestly??

Azeal shook his head in response

Do I scare you ??

Azael remain silent for a while before saying

Yes in a low voice

Williams wasn't surprised so he remain calm as he asked

What is it about me that you fear ??

Azael was silent while Williams waited patiently

All... You don't communicate,you stare coldly and a.....all this expensive stuffs am...scared ,am.... scared you can misplace them and ask me to pay , I...I don't have money to pay this stuffs

Williams was stunned, he stared at azeal and wanted to say something but seeing that he was at the verge of tears he refrain himself ,calmed down before asking is it only this all or there is something else

Ummm th..there...there is something

Ok let me hear it

Azeal remain silent.after waiting for a while Williams gave up on getting and answer from him and said

You see I didn't know my silence scares you that's like natural I don't usually say much especially out of home ,I apologize for whatever am doing that's making you uncomfortable but for my stuffs you don't have to bother and how can you even think that I will hold you responsible for my carelessness,if I misplaced my stuffs its my fault and not yours and even you misplaced my stuffs I won't ask you to pay for it ok

Azael nodded reluctantly.

Ok fine now that you heard me ,can we start all over again let's try to cohabited ok ,I will try to talk more while you should try to fear less ok

Azael nodded

Williams extended his hand immediately


Azeal responded with a nod as he is shook William hand timidly