you look out of place

You ,where did you come from ,why do you look like this , what's this you you are wearing said the beautiful April as she looks at azael with disgust and anger in her eyes

The weekend passed really quick and today is the beginning of the second school week , this week was all about the verious clubes in the school.when azael got to class on this day ,he went straight to his sit as usual ,he heard people discussing about the clubes which they will like to belong to ,he just sat there confused as he dont have a particular club in mind .The guy who sat next to him the whole of last week walked into the class room and sat s

down next to him again and just like before he is still focusing on his phone, azael was already kind of used to the boys behavior so he didn't say a word to him , instead he sat there thinking hard about which clube he should join,he doesn't sing,he doesn't dance and he is not good with sports .he wonders what club can really fit him ,in his former school he was a member of thr school council reason why he wont join this club again,he wants to try something new but what exactly can he do .he thought of asking William what club he is joining but when he turned around he found Williams surrounded by a group of boys making him to shake off the idea immidiately as they had never spoken to each other in the classroom ,he thought may be williams won't others to know they are roommates ,he thought of leonor but unfurtunately leonor was amongst the guys who gathared around williams.seeing that he couldn't ask the only two people he is familiar with in his class,he thought of Sylvie and yes he decided to ask he as she was always willing to talk to him .It was almost time for the first class but the teacher had not yet arrived so he thought that since there wasn't any teacher in class now ,its better to ask Sylvie,he stood up from his sit after taking a few breaths ,with his head down he strolled towards the door timidly trying to as much as possible to not be noticed. Unfortunately for him him bumped directly into someone at the door stepped.....and a cup of coffee splash on his face,arms and stomach making him feel stinking sensation

April Campbell the queen bee had just bought two cups of coffee from the school canteen for herself and Williams,she had waited for Williams to try befriending her last week as it has always been like that , people came to her and not the other way round, unfurtunately Williams didn't pay attention to her ,he didn't even for once try to talk to her ,he will ignore her even when she deliberately tries to catch his attention .To someone who who has always had all the boys at her feet she promised herself to make him one of her fans so this morning she bought him a cup of coffee intending to have it to him and then start a chart ,she who is so spoiled and never carries anything not even her school bag as her followers do it for her.she decided to carry the coffee as she wanted to hand it to him personally, holding the cups in her both hands ,she kept fluenting her beautiful curves which were carefully wrapped in her knee level gown.she had managed to hold the cup all through from the canteen and she had put on her most beautiful smile as she was about to enter the class room.....boom the incident happen ,her coffee cup was broken ,the coffee was all over the floor and the edge of her expensive is now having big coffee marks ,aseeing that the arrangements she had made to have a conversation with williams today were all ruined ,killing intent flash through her eyes as she looked at azael ,the elegance and composure she had always potrayed was now gone as she spoke in a bitter and malicious tune

Who are you ,why are you dressed like this ,what are you even doing here

Since azael was shorter than April,the coffee spilled on his arms and his stomach making him feel pain and fear .

azael was so frightened that his body started trembling as he apologized sorry

April 's face was gloomy as she stared at azael with anger and disgust before she spoke with gritted teeth, I asked who the is this ,how dare you spilled coffee on my 4000 dollars dress infact who let this thing into the Amsterdam University campus

A sorry I didn't see you azael said in a trembling voice as he was so scared

Sorry,did you just say sorry,you ruined my clothes and all you can say is sorry,what are you even doing here in the first place April as with anger evident in her tune

I...I am a student here azael said still looking down ,the part of his body which the hot coffee touched was burning but he didn't dare to complain as he was so scared

April sized him again from his head to his toe before asking ,you ...are you sure you are a student here ,you look out of place ,you look like a village pumpkin from the country side

Hahaha the girls who stood next to her burst out laughing

Azael was at the verge of tears when someone suddenly stood in front of him shielding him from April

Sylvie intends to be the president of the drama club so she thought of convincing her friends to join the club so they will vote her ,just now she was coming here to convince azael only for her to find him in this miserable condition,her blood immediately boiled as she glares at April , standing infront of april ,sylvie didn't appear inferior as she is also very beautiful and rich .in a icy cold voice she asked April

Who do you think you are to talk to him In this manner

She clench her first to surprised her anger before asking again can you even talk to someone like this just because of a dress and by the way, if you had held your coffee well and paid attention to where you were walking to instead of trying to draw the attention of boys to yourself you will have seen him earlier and avoided this incident, pulling azeal from her back she pointed at him saying look right hete ,the coffee just touch your dress while it spilled on his arm ,instead of you to ask him to go to the infirmary you are here talking aboy your dress

April was stunned,never in her life has anyone ever not only scolded her but also stood up to her like this ,she was short of words , looking at Sylvie the girl is beautiful and definitely rich so how can she be related to this poor boy .not wanting to declare defeat she tried fighting

How is it your business if I scold him for ruining my dress ,she shouted

It's my business, everything about him is my business because he is my friend, listen all of you ,if anyone dares to bully him again ,he will have me to deal with.

Williams and leonor who had approached the scene after recognizing Sylvie's voice were stunned.they were shocked to see that Sylvie's usual playful aura was now scary , they couldn't believe the always playful sylvie can be this serious .

Seeing how scary Sylvie looked couple with the fact that she is a senior student forced April to accept defeat, she had no choice than to give up but before walking away she glanced at azael who was standing next to Sylvie and said

I will deal with you later

Sylvie smirked at her and replied

You won't do anything to him and I will make sure he reports to the school authorities about this so be ready for your sanction sylvie spoke in a firm tune sending chills down April back ,after April and her crew had left the scene , Sylvie turned to azael and hugged him ,he hugged her back as his tears started flowing like a tap ,shuuuuuut stop that ,you are a man you shouldn't cry infront of all these girls whispered come on i will take you to the nurse

All this time there is a guy who sat down on his sit watching Sylvie defend azael,the corner of his lips curved into a smile as he thought to himself,when did she become so strong,she can even defend others now ,this is interesting

Guys please comment on my work 🙏🙏🙏🙏