What happened?


camilla pov (Royce sister)

I sighed after sitting on my bed,Today was really stressful, It's not easy being a celebrity.

Yes I'm a celebrity a popular model,I model for many fashion brands and I'm well known over the country as a top model and Royce sister.

I pulled off my shoes and took off my clothes and went to the bathroom to freshen up,while in the bath tub I stared at the ceiling and gave a little smile,I couldn't help but the memories of her came flooding in.

Her smile, her laugh,Her voice everything,How we would do most things together.

I didn't know when I started crying,I know I told Royce to move on but the truth is I myself have not move on also,Im just trying to act strong so that maybe he might just believe that I've moved on and also move on but it's not happening.

I also feel guilty for what happened to Alicia,Yes Alicia you must have heard me and Royce talking about her the last time and you must be wondering why we are saying we're guilty,well Alicia was my bestfriend back In highschool and also Royce's girlfriend ,

I remembered vividly that we never got along at first cause she was so rude and grumpy,but after we fought and we were given a detention,I don't know how we started talking but with time I found out she was a very sweet person,we couldn't stay away from each other even for a day.

I miss you Alicia and I'm really very sorry I muttered with a sniff,wondering what happened to her?? well that's story for another day.

After crying for sometime I took my bath and picked my night dress and went to bed well I don't feel like eating,what I need now is a good night rest.

Anonymous pov

I tried Royce number for the umpteenth time yet he's not picking up his phone,Maybe I should just go over to his mansion tommorow it's been long I saw him,the last time I saw him was when he was performing in Paris.

Why is he doing this to me??,I thought by now we would have been married with kids or something but here we are not even talking all because of that stupid Alicia.

I thought if she was gone it will be more easier for me to get Royce but no it's even worse,he doesn't look at me or any other girl.He became the opposite of what he used to be,he's now an introvert yes I'll call him that he doesn't go out or go to the club,he doesn't even love hanging out with his friends.

He was mine at first before that bitch came and snatched him away from me,well I made her pay and I don't regret it one bit.

I stared at my phone one last time and gave a long hiss,If she was alive I would have killed her over and over again for making my Royce turn out this way, that witch I muttered with hate in my voice

Yes I killed her I did and I don't care I'm g to do it over and over again,I really loath her.

Wondering who I am well let's just say I am a friend of Royce who will soon be more than a friend I said with an evil grin,I stared at my phone and saw his picture yes I used his picture as my wallpaper so I can stare at him when I want to,looking at his picture right now is even turning me on,Imagine that pink lips on mine,Imagine him on top of me riding me, F**k I muttered I touched my self down there and saw I was already dripping wet,I moaned and stood, I smiled and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After the shower,I went to my balcony to see the view when I saw a car drive in. 

 I waited for the person to come out and saw that it was Alex.

  "What's he doing here?" I wondered.

Well, it's been a while he visited, so I'm wondering what made him come here today. 

 It's Great he's here,finally someone to have this night I thought staring at him. 

 He looked at me from the balcony and walked up to me. 

 Well Alex and I used to be classmates in even f**k mates,

 Until that Alicia came and spoiled every thing, even Alex started having fun crush on her back then. 

  It's a good thing she's dead now I thought with an evil smirk.

  "Hey" I heard him say and turned to see him standing and staring at me, with his hands in his pockets.

 What are you doing here Alex I asked as If I was not happy to see him. 

 "Really so I can't come over again? "He asked with a smirk,walking very close to me. 

  "I missed you" he said kissing my neck.

  I gave a low moan and bit my lips, That's one thing with me,I get easily turned on.

 He smiled knowing that what he was doing was  having an  effect on me. 

 He kissed me a rough kiss and grabbed my boobs,why don't we take it to the bedroom he said and carried me to the bed. 

 Oh how I've missed this, I thought and wrapped my legs around him.

 He dropped me on the bed and came on top of me,He gave me gave me a rough and took off my clothes.

 He sucked on my boobs giving me a wild feeling and dipped his hands into my pussycat. 

 He got off me and took off his clothes and resumed his position on top of me,He kissed me and I felt him come into me with full force, Giving me the feeling I had missed.


 He increase his pace and I couldn't help but continue moaning,We continued that action until he groaned and  I felt him cum in me. 

 He fell next to me and slept off immediately.


 Gosh that was incredible I thought also drifting to sleep.