
Riele pov (Night time)

After dinner i went upstairs to take my bath before sleeping but I decided to bath the kids myself today,so I went to Ariel's room first and saw the maid chasing after her to get her,the maid even fell while running after her,

I'm not sure they are aware that I'm in the room,

"What is going on here?" I asked with amusement in my voice,

"I'm sorry ma'am but Ariel has refused to let me bath her" she said with a bow.

"Really Ariel is that true??" I asked Ariel but she didn't respond.

I sighed and turned to the maid and told her to leave that I am going to bath Ariel myself,The maid bowed and left the room quietly,I turned to Ariel and saw her picking on her nails,

" Baby what's wrong why don't you want to take your bath??"

"That's not true mummy, I didn't tell the maid that I would not take my bath" I only told her that I don't want her to bath me again that I'm now a big girl,She said cutely,

I couldn't help but Burst into laughter,I laughed for like a minute before stopping,I stared at her and smiled.

" What do you mean by you're a big girl now????,you are just 6 Ariel, she has been the one bathing you since you were 3,Why don't you want her to bath you again???"

"I don't want her to bath me again mummy,I want you to bath me from now on please" she said with a pout.

"Fine baby if that's what you want the I will from today OK??"I told her,.

"Thanks mummy" she said happily,"Im going to tell Hailey that you are going to be bathing me from today" she said,

"Why would you tell Hailey that" I asked confused,

"Well Hailey loves braging to me that her mummy is the one that always bath her"Ariel said.

"oh I see where this is going that's why you didn't want the maid to bath you"I told her and she said yes by nodding her head.

Well Hailey is a beautiful brunnet girl, Ariel's bestfriend in school,

Don't worry baby I'll bath you from today OK??, OK mummy she replied.

"But you should also know that I'll not always be here sometimes,So please let the maid bath you OK?,

common let's go and bath now, you wouldn't want to go to bed late,I said and she immediately started pulling her clothes off.

I helped her to bath and sang her to sleep,I kissed her on her forehead before going to the boys room.

The boys had already taken their bath when I got there,and were on their beds, Well it's a big room with three beds each for the boys.

I wanted them to have a separate room but I noticed they didn't like it that's why they are sharing a bedroom.

Each of their beds were Blue, Red and black.

Noel bed is blue,He loves the colour blue very much while,Nathans favorite colour is red and Noah own Is black, he is obsessed with the colour black that most of his clothes and stuffs are black.

I walked up to them and gave them a kiss each on their foreheads,Have you guys taken your baths I asked as if I didn't know.

" yes mummy we've taken our baths and I smell good too" noel said cutely,

Really??? That's great babies.

"Mum sing us a lullaby please" They begged,

"Sure babies what do you want me to sing??"I asked them.

"Sing The I love you song from barney and friends,"they said happily,

OK then,

I love you, You love me

we're one happy family

with a great big hug and a kissfrom me to you

won't you say you love me too

I sang and noticed that they were already dozing off,Well I have a very nice voice and my kids always loves it if I sing them to sleep.

I gave them a kiss on their cheeks and muttered a goodnight babies,and off the lights and left thier room, I need to take my bath and go to sleep to I'm already feeling really drowsy.

I walked to my room and went straight to my bath room,I removed my clothes and went into the shower,I had a quick bath and went to get my towel,

I was about to wrap the towel on my body when I stared at my naked reflection in the mirror,I had water dripping from my hair down to my toes,I touched my boob's and stared at the tattoo on my boobs,

I don't know how that tattoo got there, I don't remember me getting a tattoo,I found out of the tattoo when I woke up 6 years ago,

The tattoo was written in Spanish ,At first I thought it was my name but one day when I was dressing my PA who is from spain told me that the name tattood on my boob's was ...Royce.