

The Benedict's Mansion

Riele's point of view

"Welcome back ma'am" The maids and the guards chorused as I walked past them while I just nodded in response.

I entered the house and it was so quiet,I sighed and walked up to my room and fell on the bed with a loud thud.

Thank God I'm no longer in the hospital any longer I thought and closed my eyes.

I heard my door opened and I heard,

"Welcome back home Ma'am", I opened my eyes and turned toward the door to see that it was Rachael.

"Thank you" I muttered and closed my eyes,

"I told the maids to make something for you to eat,So you can take a nap and come down for lunch",she said.

"Thank you, Rachael" I said with a light smile still closing my eyes.

"What about my kids??, It's almost 2pm already.Have their driver gone to pick them up from school???"I asked and opened my eyes.

"Yes,he left some minutes ago" She said.

"Is their food ready?? " I asked.

"No,But it'll soon be ready" She replied.

"Ok thanks" I muttered and closed the back my eyes.

"I'll be downstairs then" I heard her say before closing the door.


Pheobe's point of view ( Pheobe is Camilla's friend from high school,Go back to chapter 11)

I had been restless ever since I saw Ricky's message in our group chat, What does he mean by He saw Alicia's look alike and she had kids??.

No matter how I try to get my mind off that message I just couldn't help but to still remain restless.

Could it be...No,No that's not possible we saw her getting buried.I can't believe,I almost thought that it could be Alicia.

But wait, Why I'm I so restless or could it because of the last Conversation i had with her before her death that's making me feel restless??.

Flashback (6 years ago)

Summers Highschool

I had gone to Alicia's room to go collect a booklet from Camila, since her and Alicia were roommates.

I was about to open the ward when I heard two voices whispering,I wanted to open the door but a part of me told me to eavesdrop.

I placed my ear on the door and heard Alicia said,

"What I'm I supposed to do now Baby??"

"Why could this happen to me now??"I head her say with a sniff.

"I don't know too Alicia,but this is not good" A voice said which I recognized as Baby's.

What happened I had wondered still placing my ear on the door.

"I can't believe that I'm pregnant,What I'm I going to go Baby??, What should I do now??"she said in tears.

"I was shocked for like a minute,Alicia is pregnant??"I thought.

"I didnt plan for this Baby, I'm not ready to become a mom now" She said.

"Why didn't you take care of yourself after you and him had sex" Baby asked.

"I did Baby, I swear I did take the pills,But I don't know how the hell I ended up being pregnant" Alicia said.

"If you did Alicia you wouldn't have ended up being pregnant" Baby said.

I didn't hear any more word and I was about to move away when the door opened making me to almost fall, Since I was placing my weight on the door.

"What do you think you're doing??" I heard Baby's voice and rose up my head,

"I was....picking.....No,I'm looking for Camilla " I said stuttering.

"Who is that??" I hear Alicia asked.

"It's Phoebe, Come in", Baby said and opened the door more widely.

I walked in like a drenched cat and stood before them.

"You were eavesdropping weren't you??"Alicia asked.

I couldn't lie but nodded my head in agreement knowing that I've been caught already.

"You heard about me being pregnant right??" She walked while I just nodded.

"I'm going to forgive you for what you did if you don't tell him about me being pregnant" She said staring directly into my eyes.

"What, What are you planning to do???"I had asked.

"That's none of your business, I'm only telling you not to tell any of them what you just heard, If you do I'll never forgive you in this life" She had said.

It was two days later I heard that she had been killed,She had died with the baby in her. I couldn't tell anyone about the pregnancy since everyone were mourning,But I'm sure if Royce finds out he'll feel more worst.

Her bestfriend Baby was the most miserable after her death,I had thought he was going to join her too.

After sometimes he cut ties with everyone of us and even broke up with his Boyfriend Jordan, and I've never gotten the chance to talk to him since then.

I saw the news of him being back from Africa,And I won't deny he looked really good and I'm happy he's doing well now.

End of flashbacks

I had gone to her buriel and I had seen her body, being lowered to the grave.

I almost told camilla one day but I stopped myself immediately, What if her ghost start hunting me for not keeping my promise.

So there's no way that can be Alicia,It's just her doppelganger. I thought and went to the wine cellar.