She's my Alicia

Kings Bar



Baby's/Zayn's point of view

I drank the second bottle of Bacardi and dropped the bottle with a loud thud.

"I had that nightmare again today but the only difference is that I almost saw the persons face. I only saw the hair of the person, Baby, It was a woman in my dream".

"And Ariel also had a dream about me dying last night ,She said she saw me die in her dream?"she had said,Tjose works have been ringing in my head since afternoon.

I had left home because I was really restless,I just can't stop thinking about what Riele had told me in her office.

She started having those nightmares 6 months after she had given birth to her kids.When she told me,I knew that all those nightmares she was having were some part of her memories before she was killed, but it always stops at when the person stabs her and push her off the bridge.

She has never seen the person's face or anything else about the person,Now she said she saw a long hair like that of a woman????.

Does it means that it was a girl that had wanted her dead???,Which girl will go to the extent of wanting to take Riele's life??, I wondered and took a big gulp from the third bottle.

I suspected Alex because he had sworn to get back at Riele because she had rejected him and choose Royce.

I was thinking it was a boy that had wanted to kill her but I'm turns out that it was a girl.

"I will make sure I find yourself and make you pay"I muttered to myself and took a gulp.

"What the hell, What do you think you're doing, Baby???"I heard a voice say,I looked up to see that it was Drake .I had called him and told him to meet me here.

"Hey Drake, watsup??"I said a bit tipsy,with a chuckle.

"What happened???,You hardly drink"He said and collected the bottle from me.

"Riele.....told me something quite interesting"I said.

"Interesting??,What did she tell you to make you behave this way??"He asked staring at me.

"Before I say it, How far are you going with the investigation??"I asked.

"Urrm, yeah.....I'm still trying to find out more about the guy that did that to Riele"He said.

"Guy???,It wasn't a guy.I just found out that it was a girl"I said.

"What... What are you saying Baby???, It seems like you're really drunk"He said with a chuckle.

"I'm not drunk,Riele told me that she had the same nightmare last night,and had almost seen the person's face,She said, she only saw the person's hair and it was a woman"I said.

" What??, She said that??"He said in shock.

"Yeah, And that's what's disturbing me,All this time we thought it was Alex,But turns out it was a girl.I feel so stupid right now"I said and rubbed my forehead with my hand.

"This is getting really more complicated,which girl had the nerves to do that?? "He asked with a frown on his face.

" I don't know Drake, But I think we need to be fast with the investigation.That person is walking around freely, What if she's here in California??"I asked worriedly and sighed deeply.

"I know Baby,I'll tell Aaron to be fast with it."He said.

"Please do"I said and closed my eyes massaging my forehead.

"Come on, I'll drive you home,Its late already "He said standing up.

I stood up staggering and he immediately held me walking towards his car.




Royce's penthouse



Royce's point of view

I sat down in my living room watching TV with a wrap of weed in between my lips.I really feel like being alone today that's why I've been I'm Mr penthouse since morning.

Mom called me this evening and told me to come home but nah, I just want to be alone today.I have been thinking about Alicia's look alike that I'm even having a headache now.

I puffed out more smoke and sipped from my cup of whisky,I really don't know why but I've been restless since my personal investigator told me about her.

I was about to take another sip from my cup of whisky when a call came into my phone,I checked the calmer to see that in was my personal investigator that is calling,I quickie swiped answer.

"Hello"I said waiting for his reply.

"Boss good evening"He said.

"Yeah,Evening,Any update???"I asked hoping he had something good to tell me.

"I don't know if this is a good news but.... I found out that she ran away from home 7 years ago".

"One of the maids that used to work in their mansion 7 years ago said that she had ran away because her parents wanted to force her into an arranged marriage".

"And the next year Drake had brought her back but she was acting as if she lost some of her memories,she didn't even remember the names of her brothers".

"She said it was later on that Riele started remembering somethings land the lady also said that she came back pregnant".

"I asked her where they brought her back from, but she said that was all she knows"He said and I felt chills run down my spine,I felt joy immediately.

"She also said something boss,She said whenever Riele is asleep she'll always be mentioning a name in her sleep"He said.

"What name???"I asked eagerly.

"She said its *My knight*"He said and i didn't know when I jerked up immediately.That was the name that my Alicia usually calls me.

" Boss.... Boss are you there?? "He asked when her didn't hear me say anything.

"Yeah,Sure thanks for this,I'll send you the money now"I said and hung up.

I call her my Cinderella and she calls me my knight, Everything now makes sense,Then while we were in high school,Whenever I ask her about her patents,She always avoided my question. She's my Alicia,I thought and laughed a little.

But wait.... Who then was in the coffin we buried???, I dropped my weed and smiled widely,This just made my night.

There's only one way I'm going to be very sure it's her,Alicia and I got a matching tattoo of our names while we were dating.

Alicia drew her's on her right boob while I drew mine on my chest.I don't know how but I'm going to check. If she has it, then there's no way I'm letting her go again,I thought and brought out my phone texting camilla with a smile on my face.