Let's try out a DNA test



Royce's penthouse


Jordan's point of view

I parked my car in the garage and proceeded to the door of Royce's penthouse.He had called me this morning saying that I and Ricky should came over that he has something urgent he wants to discuss with us.

I calmed Ricky 1 hour ago and her sad he was already at the penthouse,That prick had sais he was going to come pick me up from home,So that we can come here together.

I don't know why he suddenly left without branching over to my house to pick me up.I entered the living room and the first person I saw was him, seated comfortable in the living room watching TV with a bowl of popcorn besides him. Immediately he saw me he grinned widely and said,

"Look who we have here"He said and I scoffed immediately not saying a word.

If only he knows I'm so mad with him right now.

"Come on,don't tell me....that you're mad at me"He said more like in a asking question manner.

"I can't believe you thought I wasn't going to get mad at you"I said and walked over to the couch sitting down.

"Came on Jordan,I swear I was going to come pick you up from your house but I didn't because,I wanted to come here more earlier than the sand time and I wouldn't want you to stay nagging at me that I came earlier".

"Besides your house is a bit closer to Royce's penthouse than mine"He said and I chuckled bit uttering a other word. Ricky might just make me talk till tomorrow over this matter.

"Come on, I'm Sorry..ok??"He said and i sighed and relaxed more on the couch.

"It's okay man, Let's not talk abut that any longer.I just wonder what Royce has to tell us,that he told us to come over"I said and closed my eyes.

"Yeah me too"He muttered.

"Where's Royce???"I asked with my eyes still closed.

"He went over to his parents house to get camilla"He replied.

We were still in that position when we heard the sound of the door opening,I oppened my eyes and looked up and I saw that it was Royce and Camilla that were coming in.

He was helping Camilla to walk because she was still walk-limping a bit.

"Hi Ricky,Hi Jordan"She said cheerfully and sat down close to me.

"Wow Camilla,You look even better than the last time we face timed"I said.

"Really,Thanks Jordan"She replied with a smile.

"Welcome Camilla"Ricky said with his mouth full of popcorn.

"Thanks Ricky" she said with a chuckle.

I turned my eyes back to Royce to see his quietly staring at us.

"Hey Royce,How are you doing?? "I asked.

"Someone finally saw me"He said with a scoff and sat down too on the couch.

Thanks for being here everyone,I called you guys here because of something urgent I'ld like to discuss.

"Urrm Ok,we're all ears"I said and sat down properly on the couch.

"Turn off the TV, Ricky"Royce said with a groan looking at Ricky.And Ricky immediately did.

"Urrm.....Its abut Alicia"He said, And I almost muttered a*I knew it *,But I held myself,looking at the serious look on everyone's face.

"So.... I got a call from one of my assigned private investigator and I think Riele is 90% my Alicia"He said.

"Who's Riele"Ricky asked but no one replied him,We were just giving him the are you serious expression.

" Oh.... "He said and kept shut immediately.

"So....as I was saying I think it's my Alicia because of some reasons and I need you guys help on something"

" I said its 90% because,Apart from the fact that she looks like Alicia and smell like Alicia,My private investigator told me that she also said my name that she used to call me in her sleep,that can nor be a coincidence"He said and I couldn't help but to wonder.

Does it mean that Baby tricked us then, Or..... I just don't even understand what's going on.

"The only person who can make me 100% sure is the don't back then,he's the only one to clear my doubts"He said.

"The doctor that treated Alicia back then and had said she's dead??"O asked.

" Yes Jordan,We think it's he's the only one now, to tell us what happened"Royce said and I couldn't help but to agree with him.

When he had come out of Alicia's ward and said she's dead, he had refused that we see her dead body,He had said the body should not be seen because it was seriously bruised and we could contact, Blah blah blah.

Thinking about it now,I think something is really fishy somewhere,They didn't even open her corpse on the day of her buriel.

"I'm going to go back there and make sure he says what I want to here or else,he's going to regret being a doctor"Royce said with determination in his eyes.

"Woah Royce...I thought we said no blood shed or violence"Camilla said quickly staring at Royce.

" Don't worry camilla,I won't kill him"He said with a slight smile.

"And Jordan??,I want you to come along with me"He said.

"Yeah,sure I'ld really love to go with you"I said.

"If Riele really turns out to be Alicia,does it mean that the kids are yours???"Ricky finally asked a reasonable question and everywhere became silent.

"Yeah, that's a good point"I said.

"Oh right Royce,Mum came back home today and told me that she had lunch with Riele said she had asked Riele If she could bring the kids over to the house on Saturday,What if we maybe remove some strands of their hair and try out a DNA test ???"Camilla said,rubbing her palms together.

"Yeah, That's a really nice idea"I said.

"Yeah,It is,but I don't think I'll be around then, I'm planning to go to the hospital tomorrow,So Jordan get ready we're leaving tomorrow "Royce said.

"OK... Sure"

"Yes,Try to get really close to the kids Camilla,when they come and you can,get a strand or 2 and give it to Ricky,He'll take it to the doctor for the DNA test.

"OK, Royce"She said.

"Errm...there's something I haven't told you guys"I said, Contemplating whether or not I should tell them about Baby and I.

"What's it Jordan?? "Royce asked staring intently at me.

"I and Baby are back together"I said in one breathe,And neither of them said a word at first, they were just staring at me, gobsmacked.

"What..what???" Camilla said in shock breaking the silence.

"Yes, Baby and I made up and we're back together"I said again.

"Really???,That's great"Ricky said.

"No wonder you looked really happy"camilla said and I smiled immediately.

"That's great news, congrats man"Royce said.