Wonder of U's Report and Gojo's Reflection

Gojo's Contemplation

Gojo Satoru sat amidst the uninhabitable forest on Naboo, contemplating his newfound powers. The unlimited curse energy coursing through him was intoxicating. "What new curse technique can I create?" he mused, closing his eyes and focusing on the energy within him.

Wonder of U's Report

Suddenly, the figure of Tooru, alias Wonder of U, materialized before Gojo. "Master Satoru," Tooru began, bowing slightly. "I have completed the task you assigned."

Gojo opened his eyes, intrigued. "Report."

Tooru recounted the events on the Lucrehulk, detailing the encounter with the Neimoidians, the destruction of the footage, and the ensuing chaos. "They are sufficiently cowed, Master. They dare not defy us for fear of calamity."

Gojo nodded, satisfied. "Good. But there's something I've been meaning to ask you, Wonder of U. Do you remember your previous master?"

Wonder of U's eyes darkened. "Yes, I do."

Wonder of U's Past

Gojo leaned forward, curious. "Tell me about him."

"My previous master was Toru, from a distant universe. He was part of the Higashikata family, using my powers for his ambitions. Toru met his end due to his hubris," Wonder of U explained.

"How did he die?" Gojo asked.

"Toru underestimated his enemies," Wonder of U continued. "He believed his control over calamity was absolute. His adversaries turned his power against him, leading to his demise."

"So, even a power like yours has limits," Gojo mused.

"Indeed. Calamity is a double-edged sword," Wonder of U affirmed. "My power was linked to the Locacaca fruit, which performed equivalent exchange. It allowed miraculous healings and transformations, but at a price."

Locacaca Fruit Explained

"Tell me more about the Locacaca fruit," Gojo requested.

"The Locacaca fruit grows on a special tree in Morioh. When consumed, it heals grievous injuries by transferring the damage to another part of the consumer's body or to another person entirely," Wonder of U explained.

Gojo nodded. "So, Toru used this fruit to gain power?"

"Yes. Toru intended to achieve immortality and invulnerability through the Locacaca fruit, but the exchange it demanded was uncontrollable, leading to unforeseen consequences," Wonder of U clarified.

Queen Amidala's Intuition

Meanwhile, in the capital city of Naboo, Queen Amidala stood on her balcony, troubled. "Captain Panaka, something feels wrong. It's as if a great misfortune is looming over Naboo."

Panaka frowned. "Do you believe it is related to the recent disturbances?"

Amidala sighed. "I don't know. But we must remain vigilant. Ensure our defenses are ready for anything."

Sidious's Orders

In his secret chamber, Darth Sidious pondered the reports from the Lucrehulk. "This power could either be a great asset or a formidable threat," Sidious mused. He summoned Darth Maul. "Maul, I have a task for you."

Maul's holographic form appeared. "Yes, Master?"

"Travel to Naboo. Investigate this disturbance. Find out everything you can about this young man and the entity known as Tooru. Take some bounty hunters with you for additional protection," Sidious commanded.

Maul nodded. "As you wish, Master."

The Neimoidians' Invasion

The Neimoidians, fearing the unknown threat, initiated their invasion of Naboo. Droid armies swarmed the planet, bringing destruction and chaos. Amid the chaos, Jar Jar Binks stumbled upon the unfolding invasion, meeting Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Jar Jar Binks, flustered and clumsy, collided with the Jedi. "Mesa called Jar Jar Binks! Mesa your humble servant!"

Qui-Gon looked at him curiously. "You almost got us killed. Are you brainless?"

"I spek!" Jar Jar responded defensively.

"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent. Now get out of here," Qui-Gon ordered, trying to move past him.

Obi-Wan, amused, added, "What's this?"

"A local," Qui-Gon replied. "Let's go, before more droids show up."

The Jedi's Struggle

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan fought fiercely against the battle droids, their lightsabers deflecting blaster bolts with practiced precision. Despite their efforts, more droids kept arriving, pushing them back.

Obi-Wan muttered, "These droids are more aggressive than usual. They're adapting too quickly."

Qui-Gon, slicing through another droid, added, "It's unusual. The droids typically follow basic programming. This level of coordination suggests an external influence."

Just as they began to gain some ground, a new wave of AAT tanks rolled in, surrounding the Jedi. Obi-Wan glanced around, his expression growing tense. "We're completely surrounded!"

Qui-Gon took a defensive stance. "Stay calm. We need to find an opening."

Gojo's Arrival

Suddenly, a familiar voice rang out. "Yo, long time no see, monks with hair," Gojo Satoru said, arriving just in time.

Obi-Wan's eyes widened. "Gojo, what are you doing here?"

Qui-Gon, equally astonished, replied, "It seems he's here to help."

Gojo, noticing the droids' aggressive behavior, smirked. "Maybe they're just scared of me."

Obi-Wan shot him a glance. "Scared or not, your presence has definitely stirred things up."

Gojo's Power Unleashed

Wonder of U's voice echoed in Gojo's mind, insulting the Jedi. "These so-called protectors are nothing but fools."

Gojo decided to test a new technique. "Black Flash: Chained," he chanted, causing a rupture in space and time. The resulting explosion destroyed every AAT and transport droid in the vicinity, leaving the Jedi in awe.

Qui-Gon, shielding his eyes from the intense light, exclaimed, "What is that black lightning?"

Obi-Wan, trying to process what he had seen, muttered, "He's not like any Force user I've encountered. This power... it's beyond our understanding."

Jar Jar, who had been watching in stunned silence, finally found his voice. "Whoo! Dat was bombad! Yousa save the day!"

Gojo chuckled. "Just doing my part. Now, let's get you out of here before more droids show up."

Obi-Wan's Curiosity

As they began to move, Obi-Wan glanced at Gojo and couldn't hold back his curiosity any longer. "I've been wondering, why do you always wear those glasses?"

Qui-Gon immediately interjected, "Quiet, Obi-Wan. It's not our place to pry."

Gojo, however, smiled and waved it off. "No, it's alright. Do you still want to see what's behind my glasses?"

Qui-Gon, intrigued, responded, "Yes, we do."

Gojo slowly removed his sunglasses, revealing his eyes. They were a mesmerizing shade of blue, with intricate patterns resembling a kaleidoscope. The Jedi were struck by their beauty and the power they seemed to radiate.

Obi-Wan stared in awe. "Your eyes... they're incredible. Why do you hide them?"

Gojo chuckled, putting his glasses back on. "In my world, Earth, wearing black sunglasses makes us look cooler. Plus, it helps to keep some mystery."

Qui-Gon nodded thoughtfully. "Your eyes are indeed remarkable. Thank you for sharing that with us."

Gojo shrugged casually. "No problem. Now, let's focus on getting out of here."

The Duel Challenge

Gojo, is curious, and turned to Obi-Wan with a sly smile. "Obi-Wan, I know you want to duel with me."

Obi-Wan hesitated, his eyes widening slightly. "Uh, I didn't mean that—"

Gojo cut him off, his gaze piercing. "My eyes never lie. I can see through lies and plans."

Sensing the rising tension, Qui-Gon stepped in, his voice calm and measured. "Alright, maybe a few spars wouldn't hurt."

Jar Jar Binks, ever the enthusiastic observer, clapped his hands together excitedly. "Yousa gonna fight? Dis gonna be good!"

Obi-Wan looked between Qui-Gon and Gojo, his expression a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "Are you sure about this, Master?"

Qui-Gon nodded. "It's an opportunity to learn, Obi-Wan. Besides, we have seen what Gojo is capable of. A duel will give us a better understanding of his abilities."

Gojo's smile widened. "Don't worry, I won't go all out. But it will be interesting to see how you handle yourself."

They moved to a clear area, the forest providing a natural arena for their impromptu duel. Obi-Wan ignited his lightsaber, the blue blade humming with energy. Gojo remained unarmed, his confident stance a stark contrast to Obi-Wan's readiness.

Preparing for the Duel

Qui-Gon turned to Gojo, concern etched on his face. "If possible, please hold back. We don't want anyone getting hurt."

Gojo responded with a confident grin, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Don't worry, old man. Stop worrying or you'll get white hair."

Obi-Wan couldn't help but chuckle at Gojo's remark, though he quickly regained his focus, gripping his lightsaber tightly. The tension in the air was palpable as they prepared for the spar, each aware of the other's formidable skills.

Qui-Gon gave a small nod, stepping back to give them space. "Alright, then. Let's see what you've got."

As they prepared to move out, Obi-Wan couldn't help but ask, "Gojo, are you not going to take any weapons with you?"

Gojo smirked. "You've seen me in action, right? Do I really need weapons?"

Obi-Wan recalled the brief but impactful moment when Gojo blew off the hull of the Lucrehulk and created a massive crater with just a rough landing. He nodded, conceding the point. "Huh, right."

Gojo remained completely still, not even assuming a stance. Obi-Wan furrowed his brow in confusion. "Are you mocking me?" he asked, his voice tinged with irritation.

Gojo shook his head, still smiling. "No, this is my stance."

Obi-Wan felt a mix of frustration and determination. He couldn't afford to underestimate Gojo, not after witnessing his immense power. Taking a deep breath, he launched forward, lightsaber poised to strike.

Gojo's movements were fluid and effortless, almost like a dance. He sidestepped Obi-Wan's initial attack with ease, his expression one of calm amusement. Obi-Wan quickly realized that Gojo was holding back significantly, his confidence unwavering.

As the duel continued, Obi-Wan noticed something strange. Despite Gojo's unarmed state, he showed no fear of the lightsaber, the most lethal melee weapon in the galaxy. Each of Obi-Wan's strikes was deftly avoided, Gojo's effortless movements making it seem like a choreographed performance rather than a real battle.

"You're not even trying, are you?" Obi-Wan said, his frustration growing.

Gojo chuckled. "Let's just say I'm holding back. But you're doing well. Your form is excellent, and your determination is commendable."

the sound resonating through the forest. Obi-Wan pushed harder, his strikes becoming more aggressive, but Gojo continued to evade with ease, his expression one of calm amusement. Instead of using a weapon, Gojo countered with his fists, each punch imbued with the limitless power of his curse energy, making every strike feel like an immovable force against Obi-Wan's attacks.

Qui-Gon watched intently, noting the differences in their fighting styles. "He's not even using his full power," he murmured to himself. "This is just a fraction of what he can do."

As the duel continued, Obi-Wan grew more determined, pushing himself to match Gojo's speed and agility. But no matter how hard he tried, Gojo was always one step ahead, deflecting each strike with minimal effort.

Suddenly, Gojo sensed a wave of calamity trying to attack Obi-Wan. Without a moment's hesitation, Gojo raised his hand and used his ( Blue technique) , pulling Obi-Wan out of harm's way just in time.

Obi-Wan, now standing a few feet away, looked bewildered. "What just happened?"

Gojo's eyes narrowed, his focus intense. "That was something you don't want to deal with. Let's just say I have an ally who can be... troublesome."

Obi-Wan glanced at Qui-Gon, who nodded in understanding. The duel had revealed more than just Gojo's physical prowess; it had shown the depth of his abilities and the potential dangers that came with them.

Wonder of U's Interference

Gojo commanded, "Wonder of U, don't interfere and introduce yourself to them."

Suddenly, the Jedi felt a chilling presence, an overwhelming sensation of death and misfortune. Wonder of U materialized, its form menacing and foreboding. "Be safe in your duels. Calamity follows those who challenge us," it taunted, a sinister smile playing on its lips.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan exchanged uneasy glances, the fear palpable in their eyes. This presence was unlike anything they had ever encountered.

"This presence... it's unlike anything I've ever felt," Obi-Wan whispered, his voice trembling.

Qui-Gon nodded, his eyes narrowing as he assessed Wonder of U. "Indeed. It's a reminder of the power we're dealing with."

Gojo, noticing their unease, smiled. "Ah, you don't know. Well, you can call it an evil being."

Qui-Gon, always seeking understanding, prepared his stance, draw his lighsaber hilt and suddenly asked, "Are you a dark side user?"

Gojo laughed heartily, his amusement echoing through the forest. "Dark side? Something belongs to the weak," he scoffed. Wonder of U joined in the laughter, its presence amplifying the ominous atmosphere. "Maybe the stupidity hits them first before the calamity," it added, the taunt cutting through the air like a knife.

The duel continued, with Gojo demonstrating his incredible abilities, leaving the Jedi both amazed and unsettled. As the forest echoed with the sounds of their clash, the galaxy's balance continued to shift, setting the stage for an uncertain and tumultuous future.