Tatoonie : Calm Before The Storm


The vast expanse of the Tatooine desert stretched endlessly in every direction, the twin suns casting long, harsh shadows across the barren landscape. Standing resolutely in front of the Naboo spacecraft, Obi-Wan Kenobi felt the first stirrings of the desert wind picking up, tugging insistently at his robes. His gaze was fixed on the horizon, concern etched into his features.

Captain Panaka exited the ship and moved to stand beside Obi-Wan. He scanned the horizon, his experienced eyes taking in the signs of an impending storm.

"This storm's going to slow them down," Obi-Wan remarked, his voice carrying a note of worry. The wind had started to whip more fiercely, causing his robes to billow around him.

Captain Panaka nodded, his expression grim. "It looks pretty bad. We'd better seal the ship," he replied, his tone pragmatic and urgent.

As if to punctuate his point, Captain Panaka's comlink crackled to life. He raised it to his ear, listening intently to the voice on the other end.

"Yes?" he responded, his voice steady despite the rising wind.

There was a brief pause as he listened to the message, his expression shifting to one of immediate concern. "We'll be right there," he said, ending the transmission with a decisive nod.

He turned back to Obi-Wan, his face set with determination. "We need to seal the ship and prepare for the worst," he stated, his voice resolute. The two men moved quickly, their actions synchronized by the urgency of the situation.

Suddenly, the sky above them darkened unnaturally. Obi-Wan looked up, his eyes widening in surprise. "What's happening? Why did the sky suddenly darken?"

Captain Panaka glanced at the sky and then at the ship, a knowing look in his eyes. "It's Gojo's curtain. He put it up earlier for protection and camouflage. It blocks anything from the outside, including the storm."

Obi-Wan's expression shifted from surprise to understanding, mixed with a hint of awe. "Remarkable. I didn't realize his powers could create such a powerful barrier."

Panaka nodded. "It's effective, I'll give him that. We should be safe from the storm now."

Obi-Wan took a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "Let's hope this curtain holds. We need to stay focused on our mission."

With the storm approaching but the curtain in place, the two men returned to their preparations, now more confident in their chances of weathering the harsh Tatooine environment.


The bustling market of Mos Espa was abuzz with activity. Stalls lined the streets, their owners hawking an array of exotic goods. Anakin, leading the group, made his way to a fruit stand run by a jolly, albeit very poor, old lady named Jira. Her wrinkled face lit up with a warm smile as she saw him approach.

"How are you feeling today, Jira?" Anakin asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

"The heat's never been kind to me, you know, Annie!" Jira replied, her voice tinged with the weariness of the day.

"Guess what? I've found that cooling unit I've been searching for. It's pretty beat up, but I'll have it fixed up for you in no time, I promise," Anakin said, his eyes sparkling with determination.

Jira's smile widened. "You're a fine boy, Annie."

"I'll take four pallies today," Anakin said, turning to Padmé. "You'll like these..."

Reaching into his pocket, Anakin came up with three coins. As he counted them, one slipped from his grasp and fell to the ground. Qui-Gon bent down and picked it up, his movement momentarily revealing the hilt of his lightsaber.

"Whoops, I thought I had more," Anakin said, his face showing a hint of disappointment. "Make that three, I'm not hungry."

As the wind began to pick up, the shop owners started closing up their stalls. The market atmosphere shifted from bustling to hurried as everyone prepared for the impending storm. Jira handed Anakin the pallies with a concerned look.

"Gracious, my bones are aching...storm's coming on, Annie. You'd better get home quick," she warned, her voice filled with urgency.

Anakin turned to Qui-Gon, "Do you have shelter?"

"We'll head back to our ship," Qui-Gon replied, his voice calm but firm.

"Is it far?" Anakin asked, his concern deepening.

"It's on the outskirts," Padmé answered.

"You'll never reach the outskirts in time," Anakin said, his voice rising with urgency. "Sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come with me. Hurry!"

Suddenly, Gojo said, "Be right back." Anakin, puzzled, asked, "What is that old man trying to do?" He was shocked when Gojo suddenly disappeared. "Did that old man just vanish?"

Tooru, Padmé, and Qui-Gon, already accustomed to Gojo's antics, simply said, "You get used to it."

Moments later, Gojo reappeared. "Well, I'm done," he announced with a casual grin.

Anakin, still bewildered, asked, "Done? What do you mean, done?"

Gojo replied, "The broadcast. The weather is clear now," he said in his usual confident manner. In reality, he had used his Maximum Output Blue technique to clear the storm, but he kept that to himself.

Padmé and Qui-Gon exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of awe and admiration.

"Incredible," Padmé murmured, clearly impressed.

Qui-Gon nodded appreciatively. "Remarkable," he added, his tone filled with genuine respect.

Anakin, wide-eyed and filled with awe, blurted out, "Are you a wizard?"

Gojo chuckled, patting Anakin on the head. "Let's discuss this at your home."

With that, Anakin led the group down the now calmer street, his small frame moving quickly. The wind, no longer a howling menace, allowed them to continue their journey with renewed urgency and a bit more ease. The group followed Anakin, their pace quickening as they navigated through the bustling market. Anakin's excitement and admiration for Gojo were evident, and the others couldn't help but smile at the boy's enthusiasm. As they moved, they could see the storm clouds dissipating in the distance, a testament to Gojo's incredible power.

The atmosphere lightened considerably, and Padmé found herself stealing glances at Gojo, marveling at his abilities. Qui-Gon, too, was deep in thought, contemplating the implications of having such a powerful ally.

Anakin led them through a maze of narrow streets and alleys, finally arriving at a modest dwelling. He turned to the group, a proud smile on his face. "This is it. Welcome to my home."

As they entered, the warm, welcoming atmosphere of Anakin's home contrasted sharply with the harsh desert outside. The group settled in, grateful for the shelter and the opportunity to rest before their next move.


Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, R2, Gojo, Tooru, and Padmé stepped into the small, cozy living space of Anakin's home. The room, though modest, exuded warmth and a sense of homeliness.

"Mom! Mom! I'm home," Anakin called out excitedly.

Jar Jar glanced around, taking in the surroundings. "Dissen cozy," he remarked with his characteristic Gungan accent.

From her work area, Anakin's mother, Shmi Skywalker, a warm and friendly woman in her forties, entered the room. Her eyes widened in surprise as she took in the unexpected guests filling the small space.

"Oh, my!! Annie, what's this?" Shmi exclaimed, her voice filled with both curiosity and concern.

"These are my friends, Mom," Anakin explained eagerly. He pointed to Padmé, then hesitated. "This is Padmé, and... gee, I don't know any of your names." He then pointed to Gojo, adding with a grin, "Except you, old man. You will be called Old Man from now on."

Gojo's face fell into a comically exaggerated look of sadness. "Old man? Really?" he muttered, though his eyes twinkled with amusement. Padmé stifled a giggle, and Qui-Gon merely raised an eyebrow, maintaining his usual composed demeanor.

Qui-Gon stepped forward, offering a polite bow. "I'm Qui-Gon Jinn, and this is Jar Jar Binks." Artoo let out a cheerful beep.

"And our droid, R2," Padmé added with a warm smile.

Tooru, with his enigmatic grin, chimed in, "I am Tooru."

Anakin, beaming with pride, looked back at his mother. "I'm building a droid. You wanna see?"

Shmi, still processing the sudden influx of visitors, turned to her son with a mix of affection and concern. "Anakin! Why are they here?"

Qui-Gon stepped in to explain. "Your son was kind enough to offer us shelter, although it's not needed since Gojo just made the storm disappear."

Anakin's enthusiasm reignited. "Come on! Let me show you Threepio!" he said, leading Padmé into the other room. R2 followed, beeping all the way.

Qui-Gon took five small capsules from his utility belt and handed them to Shmi. "I have enough food for a meal."

Shmi's eyes filled with gratitude. "Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. I'm sorry if I was abrupt. I'll never get used to Anakin's surprises."

Qui-Gon smiled warmly. "He's a very special boy."

Shmi looked at him, her eyes reflecting a knowing glint. "Yes, I know. Did you really make the storm disappear? Are you a wizard?"

Gojo, with a playful smile, responded, "Sorcerer, to be precise." He then struck a dramatic pose, his usual flamboyant style on full display. "And I am Gojo Satoru, the strongest sorcerer you'll ever meet."

Shmi couldn't help but chuckle at Gojo's antics, her initial tension easing. "Well, Gojo Satoru, you certainly have a flair for the dramatic."

Qui-Gon nodded, his expression more serious. "Indeed. And we are grateful for your assistance. It's not every day that someone can control the weather."

Anakin, who had been watching from the doorway, grinned widely. "See, Mom? I told you they were special."

Shmi smiled warmly at her son. "You always seem to find the most interesting friends, Anakin."

As the group settled in, Anakin excitedly led Padmé and R2 into the other room to show off his work on Threepio. The rest of the group gathered around the small table, where Shmi began to prepare a simple meal with the supplies Qui-Gon had provided.

Gojo, ever the entertainer, continued to regale Shmi and Qui-Gon with exaggerated tales of his adventures, his animated gestures


Qui-Gon, Anakin, Shmi, Jar Jar, Padmé, Gojo, and Tooru were seated around a makeshift table, having dinner as the wind howled outside. The room was filled with the sounds of slurping and the occasional clatter of utensils.

Jar Jar slurped his soup rather loudly. Everyone looked at him, and he turned a little brighter red with embarrassment.

Shmi tried to maintain the conversation. "All slaves have transmitters placed inside their bodies somewhere."

Anakin, eager to explain, added, "I've been working on a scanner to try and locate them, but no luck."

Shmi nodded, her expression somber. "Any attempt to escape..."

"...and they blow you up...poof!" Anakin finished, making a small explosion gesture with his hands.

Padmé and Jar Jar were horrified.

"How wude," Jar Jar muttered, shaking his head.

"I can't believe there is still slavery in the galaxy," Padmé said, her voice filled with indignation. "The Republic's anti-slavery laws..."

Shmi sighed, her eyes reflecting years of hardship. "The Republic doesn't exist out here...we must survive on our own."

 Qui-Gon then turned to Tooru, curiosity in his eyes. "Why did Gojo ask you to show up in your human form?" he asked.

Tooru laughed softly. "So we can troll the aliens on that giant cloistered ship," he replied with a mischievous grin.

Qui-Gon chuckled, appreciating the humor. "I see," he said, amused by the playful nature of their new allies.

Tooru, having been enhanced by Gojo during their time on Naboo, began to showcase his unique abilities. With a wave of his hand, he materialized and manipulated organic matter, shaping it into an array of Earth food, particularly Western dishes. With the enthusiasm of an excited Santa Claus, he declared, "What are you waiting for? Dig in!"

Padmé, Qui-Gon, and Shmi looked on in awe and gratitude. The sight of the beautifully crafted food left them momentarily speechless.

Shmi was the first to find her voice. "This is incredible. I've never seen anything like it."

Padmé nodded, her eyes wide with amazement. "It's like magic. Thank you, Tooru."

Qui-Gon, ever composed, gave a nod of appreciation. "We are grateful for this generosity. This will be a meal to remember."

Anakin and Jar Jar, on the other hand, wasted no time. They eagerly began eating, their faces lighting up with delight as they savored the flavors.

"This is amazing!" Anakin exclaimed between bites.

Jar Jar, his mouth full, could only manage a muffled, "Mmm! Dis is berry good!"

The room filled with the sounds of laughter and conversation, a stark contrast to the howling wind outside. The group, brought together by extraordinary circumstances, found a moment of peace and camaraderie in the humble surroundings of Anakin's home.


Suddenly, Gojo's expression shifted, his senses alert. "Looks like our trouble has finally chased its way here," he said, his tone serious. "Tooru, guard them." Then, telepathically, he added, "However, split yourself and make the clone guard me since things will be interesting."

Tooru, with his usual enigmatic smile, responded in his distinct style, "It will be done."

Anakin, concerned, looked up. "Should we help the old man?"

Qui-Gon and Padmé exchanged glances, then replied sarcastically, "It's not Gojo who needs aid. It's the person who picks a fight with him that needs aid."

The group remained tense but slightly reassured, knowing that Gojo's presence meant they were in capable hands. Outside, the wind howled, but inside, there was a sense of anticipation for what was to come.


The main street of Mos Espa was dimly lit by flickering lanterns, casting long shadows that danced ominously across the sand. The wind had died down, leaving an eerie silence in its wake. Gojo stood in the center of the street, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as he faced the five enforcers.

"So, which one of you will die first?" Gojo's voice cut through the stillness, a confident challenge hanging in the air.

The enforcers, middle-class elite guards, were equipped with expensive, high-tech weapons that gleamed menacingly in the dim light. Their blaster rifles were top-of-the-line, adorned with intricate designs and modifications for maximum efficiency. They also carried vibroblades at their sides, the hilts inlaid with precious metals, indicating their high status and wealth.

One of the enforcers, a tall man with a scar across his cheek, stepped forward. "Are you the one who kicked Sebul—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Gojo moved with blinding speed. In an instant, one of the enforcers' heads was severed from his body, rolling to a stop in the sand. Blood sprayed into the air, glistening under the lantern light.

Gojo, his smile never wavering, tilted his head slightly. "Looks like I need to rephrase that. Who will run first?"

The remaining enforcers, now visibly shaken, raised their weapons, their eyes darting around nervously. One of them, trying to regain some semblance of control, barked, "Fire!"

Blaster bolts erupted from their rifles, streaking towards Gojo. With effortless grace, Gojo activated his Limitless technique. The bolts halted mid-air, suspended as if caught in an invisible net. The enforcers' eyes widened in disbelief.

Gojo flicked his wrist, and the blaster bolts reversed direction, slamming back into the enforcers with deadly precision. Two more enforcers fell, their bodies lifeless and riddled with their own shots.

The remaining two, realizing the hopelessness of their situation, tried to flee. Gojo's eyes narrowed, and he vanished from sight, reappearing directly in front of them.

"Leaving so soon?" he taunted, his voice dripping with mockery.

He struck with a speed and force that left no room for defense. The first enforcer was sent flying with a powerful kick, his body crashing through a nearby stall. The second enforcer, trembling and desperate, swung his vibroblade wildly. Gojo caught the blade with his bare hand, the weapon shattering on impact.

"Nice try," Gojo said, almost bored. With a swift motion, he delivered a devastating punch, the force of which crumpled the enforcer to the ground, leaving him alive but barely conscious.

The street fell silent once more, the battle over as quickly as it had begun. Gojo stood amidst the fallen enforcers, dusting off his hands as if he'd just completed a mundane task. He walked over to the barely conscious enforcer and crouched down beside him.

"Now, you're going to tell me everything I want to know," Gojo said, his tone deadly serious, "or I'll make sure you regret being the last one standing."

The enforcer, gasping for breath and shivering in fear, nodded weakly. The interrogation was about to begin.

The enforcer, gasping for breath and clearly terrified, began to speak. "We... we work for Lady Valarian. She owns the Lucky Despot. She said Sebulba was being bullied, so we were sent to enforce the law and protect our racer."

Gojo's eyes narrowed with interest. "So, does this Lady Valarian have a lot of wealth and connections?"

The enforcer nodded weakly, his voice trembling. "Yes... she's one of the richest and most influential beings on Tatooine. She owns the Lucky Despot, one of the most popular and lucrative establishments in Mos Espa. It's a casino and hotel, frequented by all sorts of high-profile clients – crime lords, wealthy merchants, and even some off-world dignitaries."

Gojo leaned in closer, his interest piqued. "Tell me more about her connections and what she owns."

The enforcer swallowed hard, his fear evident. "Lady Valarian has connections with various criminal syndicates across the galaxy. She's involved in spice trading, smuggling, and even has ties with the Hutt Cartel. Her wealth comes from multiple revenue streams, including the casino, a fleet of smuggling ships, and several black market operations. She can pull strings in high places, making her a dangerous and powerful figure."

Gojo's smile widened, clearly intrigued by the information. "Interesting. So, taking her down would cause quite a stir, wouldn't it?"

The enforcer, realizing the gravity of his situation, nodded again. "Yes... it would create a power vacuum and attract a lot of attention. Many would try to seize control of her operations."

Gojo, his eyes still narrowed with interest, looked back at the trembling enforcer. "Where is she now?" he asked.

The enforcer, his voice weak and trembling, replied, "She always stays at the Lucky Despot."

Gojo stood up, looking down at the enforcer with a smirk. "Thank you for the information. You've been very helpful."

Turning away, Gojo considered his next move. The mention of Lady Valarian and her vast resources presented an enticing opportunity. If he could take control of the Lucky Despot and her operations, it would give him significant leverage on Tatooine.

As he walked back towards the main street, the enforcer lay on the ground, still trembling from the encounter. Gojo's mind was already racing with possibilities, each one more intriguing than the last.

Gojo, still processing the valuable information, glanced back at the trembling enforcer. With a cold, calculated smile, he declared, "No witnesses."

Suddenly, Tooru's clone, Wonder of U, appeared, its presence almost ethereal. "Act and my flow of calamity shall happen ," Tooru muttered.

As if on cue, a lamp that had been hanging above the enforcer began to wobble. With a sudden crash, it fell, striking the enforcer and instantly killing him. The enforcer lay lifeless, the unexpected calamity sealing his fate.

Gojo watched the scene unfold with a satisfied nod. "Perfect timing," he said, turning away and heading back towards the main street, leaving no trace of his interrogation behind.

The combination of his own ruthless efficiency and Tooru's eerie control over misfortune made for a deadly duo, ensuring that their secrets remained safe and their plans could proceed without interference. As he walked, Gojo's mind raced with the possibilities that lay ahead. The mention of Lady Valarian and her vast resources presented an enticing opportunity. If he could take control of the Lucky Despot and her operations, it would give him significant leverage on Tatooine.

Before leaving the scene, Gojo took a moment to loot the enforcers' corpses. He discovered several fine blasters and a collection of precious metals. Among the loot, he found a significant amount of beskar and other higher-grade materials like cortosis , phrik and zilo beast armor , adding to his growing arsenal and resources.

Gojo: (smirking) Well, this is turning out to be quite the profitable venture.

Tooru: (with a knowing smile) The more we gather, the stronger our position becomes.

Gojo: (nodding) Let's head to the Lucky Despot. It's time to pay Lady Valarian a visit.

With their newfound loot and a clear objective in mind, Gojo and Tooru made their way towards the Lucky Despot. The night in Mos Espa was alive with activity, but none of the locals had any idea of the storm that was about to descend upon them. As they approached the grand establishment, Gojo's eyes gleamed with anticipation. The Lucky Despot's neon lights flickered, casting an inviting glow that masked the dark dealings within.