The Showdown

From a distant vantage point within the Lucky Despot, G0-T0 watched the events unfolding with growing unease. The destruction and chaos caused by Gojo Satoru were unlike anything he had ever witnessed. His mechanical mind raced as he processed the implications of Gojo's presence.

G0-T0's Thoughts:

Gojo Satoru is here. This is bad. This is very, very bad.

The broadcast reputation of Gojo's previous exploits flashed in his memory banks—the man who made the Viceroy of the Trade Federation kneel, the unstoppable force who maybe capable dismantled entire fleets with ease. Panic set in, and G0-T0 knew he had to escape before he became another casualty.

G0-T0: "I need to get out of here before it's too late," he muttered to himself, turning to leave.

As he moved to flee, he suddenly found himself face-to-face with a clone of Wonder of U, who had materialized silently behind him.

Wonder of U (Clone): "Caught an escaping rat, have I?" he said, his voice dripping with calm menace.

Before G0-T0 could react, Wonder of U activated his Stand, Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, a rock insect that Gojo had upgraded in Chapter 10. The insect latched onto G0-T0 and began hacking into his main processor. The droid's systems were quickly overwhelmed, and his escape plan was effectively thwarted.

G0-T0: "No... this can't be happening," he whispered, his circuits flooding with fear.

Wonder of U (Clone): "You've seen too much. Now, you'll serve another purpose," he said, continuing his hack with ruthless efficiency.

Meanwhile, Gojo was about to engage in another fight when he was interrupted by the sound of shouting enforcers outside the casino. He stepped out, his casual demeanor unchanged as he surveyed the scene before him.

Hundreds of enforcers surrounded the Lucky Despot, their numbers bolstered to a staggering 300. They were heavily armed with blaster rifles, repeating blasters, thermal detonators, and mounted E-Web heavy blaster cannons. The sight was intimidating, but Gojo remained unfazed.

Lead Enforcer: "You're surrounded, Gojo Satoru! There's no escape this time!"

Gojo's lips curled into a confident smile. "Escape? Why would I want to escape?" he said, his voice carrying an almost playful tone.

With an air of casual indifference, he walked outside, welcoming the open conflict. His presence alone seemed to make the air around him crackle with tension.

Gojo Satoru: "Heh, you are just a bunch of weaklings," he mocked, his tone dripping with disdain.

The lead enforcer's face turned red with anger. "Fire! All weapons, fire!" he shouted.

The group unleashed a relentless barrage of blaster fire, thermal detonators, and heavy blaster cannon shots. The air was filled with the deafening roar of their combined firepower.

Gojo, however, stood there unfazed, watching the chaos unfold around him. His mind wandered as he thought, What JoJo pose should I make?

Lead Enforcer: "Cease fire! He's already dead by now," he commanded, his voice confident that Gojo had been obliterated.

As the smoke cleared, Gojo emerged completely unharmed, standing tall and striking a menacing DIO pose. The sight of him, untouched and imposing, caused a wave of fear and disbelief to wash over the enforcers.

The leader, now more pissed than ever, shouted, "This is impossible!"

Gojo's expression shifted from playful to deadly serious. "Alright, playtime's over," he said. He began to chant, "Phase. Twilight. Eyes of Wisdom Cursed Technique Lapse - Maximum Cursed Energy Output: Blue."

A brilliant blue orb formed in front of him, pulsating with raw, immense power. The air crackled with energy as the orb expanded, its power amplified by Gojo's mastery and the momentum he had gained from multiple Black Flash attacks inside the casino.

Enforcer 1: "What is that?!" he screamed, his voice trembling with panic.

Enforcer 2: "This can't be real! We're doomed!" he shouted, his eyes wide with terror.

Enforcer 3: "No wonder he was so confident... He's a monster!" another enforcer cried, realizing the true reason behind Gojo's unwavering confidence.

The enforcers, now fully understanding the gravity of the situation, were gripped by sheer panic. Their blasters felt useless against the overwhelming power they were about to face.

The blue orb shot forward, decimating the enforcers in a gruesome display of sheer power. The ground shook violently as the energy tore through the ranks, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. Buildings crumbled, and the very earth trembled, the shockwave felt across Tatooine.

When the dust settled, the once formidable force of 300 enforcers was reduced to nothing but remnants and debris. The battlefield was eerily silent, the only sound being the settling of the rubble.

Gojo stood amidst the devastation, his pose and expression conveying his unshakable confidence and dominance. The few remaining onlookers who had witnessed the spectacle knew they had seen something legendary—a display of power that would be remembered for ages.

Gojo Satoru: "Who's next?" he said, his voice echoing through the now quiet battlefield, daring anyone to challenge him.

Tyber Zann's Departure

Suddenly, Tyber Zann approached, but his demeanor was non-hostile. "I have no intention of being hostile. I just want to get out of this casino. The casino is yours," he said in his characteristic smooth and confident tone.

Gojo looked at him, a smirk forming on his lips. "You're saying that the casino was about to be hijacked by you?" he asked, his voice dripping with a mix of amusement and curiosity.

Tyber Zann chuckled softly, shaking his head. "It was, but I'm not foolish enough to pick a fight with a crazy person like you. So long, Gojo Satoru. I hope our paths cross again," he said, turning to leave the casino.

As Tyber Zann exited the Lucky Despot, the tension in the air began to dissipate. Gojo watched him go, his expression calm and composed, knowing that he had made a lasting impression on one of the galaxy's most cunning strategists.

Tyber Zann's Thoughts:

Usually, I would kill anyone who refuses my offer. But this one... this man is a monster. I don't regret not picking a fight with Gojo Satoru. That man is the very essence of destruction itself. It's wise to avoid such a force.


Gojo's Offer

With the problem outside now resolved, Gojo returned to the casino. He reappeared before the human-sized birdcage that held the twins and, with his bare hands, broke the cage apart effortlessly.

Gojo Satoru: "Now you're free to go wherever you want," he said, his voice calm and reassuring.

The twins, however, looked up at him with determination in their eyes.

Male Twin: "Let us serve you. We don't mind being slaves or—"

Suddenly, Gojo cut him off with a gentle but firm voice. "How about you both become my disciples instead? You both have some similar power—curse energy—that I have."

The twins' faces lit up with joy and relief.

Male Twin: "Really? We can be your disciples?"

Female Twin: "Thank you! We won't let you down!"

Gojo nodded, a warm smile on his face. "Welcome aboard. Let's get started."

After that, Gojo asked for their names.

Gojo Satoru: "What are your names?"

The twins looked at each other before the male twin replied, "We don't have any names. Our mother sold us when we were little, and we've always been called 'Male' and 'Female.'"

Gojo's expression softened. "How about I give you names instead? The black-haired one will be Suzunami, and the white-haired one will be Yukinami."

The twins were very excited and grateful for the names they were given.

Suzunami: "Thank you, Lord Gojo. I will wear this name with pride."

Yukinami: "Yes, thank you! Yukinami... I love it."

Gojo Satoru: "Actually, call me Gojo-sensei. It's much cooler and more awesome," he said with a grin.

Gojo smiled warmly at them. "I'm glad you like them. Now, let's see what you can do as my disciples."

The twins, filled with excitement and gratitude, eagerly accepted their new names and roles, ready to begin their journey under Gojo's tutelage.

Suddenly, Wonder of U (Clone) materialized front of Gojo in his Stand form. "I've captured the rat (G0-T0), Master Satoru, " he said in a voice that dripped with calm menace.

Suzunami was immediately alerted by Wonder of U's appearance. "That thing... it looks like misfortune and death that will chase us to the ends of the galaxy," he said, his voice trembling slightly.

Gojo chuckled softly. "Relax, Suzunami. He's my companion. He's here to help, not harm," he said, reassuringly.

Gojo then turned his gaze to the unconscious Lady Valarian. "Suzunami, if I kill her, what shitstorm will chase after me?" he asked, his tone casual but curious.

Suzunami took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "Lady Valarian is a major crime lord on Tatooine. Killing her would definitely attract attention. Her death could lead to a power vacuum, triggering fights among other crime lords to take over her territory. This could draw the attention of the Hutts, especially Jabba. The Hutt Cartel might see this as a threat to their control and could come after you. Additionally, it might bring unwanted attention from the Galactic Republic or even the Jedi, depending on how much chaos ensues," he explained, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation.

Gojo Satoru: "I thought the enforcers were high when they described the fat slug," he laughed.

Gojo walked over to Lady Valarian, who was still unconscious, and gave her a kick to the head to wake her up.

Gojo Satoru: "Yo, fat slug, it seems you're more reputable than I predicted," he laughed and mocked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Lady Valarian, regaining consciousness, glared at Gojo with fury. "You think you can come here and mock me? You're nothing! And those brats you saved will never amount to anything!"

Without a second thought, Gojo ripped one of her eyeballs out.

Lady Valarian: "Aaaahhh!" she screamed, her hands flying to her face, blood pouring from the wound. "You... you monster!" she shrieked, writhing in pain and shock.

Gojo Satoru: "They have names now," he said coldly.

Gojo Satoru: "Tell her your names," he commanded the twins.

Suzunami and Yukinami, fueled by a mix of fear and newfound determination, shouted in unison.

Suzunami: "I am Suzunami!"

Yukinami: "And I am Yukinami!"

Their voices echoed through the casino, a declaration of their newfound identity and strength. Gojo looked back at Lady Valarian, his expression unyielding.

Gojo Satoru: "Show me where the treasure room is, and I'll let you live," he said coldly, his voice menacing and full of authority.

Lady Valarian: "You expect me to believe some cheap words?" she spat back, her remaining eye filled with hatred.

Gojo Satoru: "No, but you can trust in a binding vow. Show me where the Lucky Despot's treasure is, and I'll let you live. No tricks, no thoughts of harming the Gojo group—myself and the twins—for the rest of your life. This vow works both ways. If either of us breaks it, the one who breaks it will face a horrifying penalty," he declared, his tone leaving no room for negotiation.

Lady Valarian, seeing her dire situation, reluctantly nodded. "I accept."

Suddenly, ethereal chains materialized, binding their souls together in a mystical contract. Gojo felt the weight of the vow settle in.

Gojo Satoru: "Now, show me where the treasure room is," he commanded.

Lady Valarian, still in immense pain, began to lead them through the winding corridors of the Lucky Despot. They descended several levels, passing through security checkpoints and hidden passageways until they finally reached a heavily fortified door.

Lady Valarian: "This is it," she said, her voice a mix of defeat and bitterness.

Gojo gestured for her to open the door. With a reluctant sigh, she keyed in the security code and the massive door slowly creaked open.

Inside, the treasure room was a sight to behold. The room was vast, illuminated by the golden glow of countless treasures. Piles of credits, rare gemstones, and precious metals were stacked high. Exotic artifacts from across the galaxy adorned the shelves, each one with a history of its own. There were ancient Jedi holocrons, Sith relics, Mandalorian armor sets, and Republic artifacts, each one more valuable than the last.

The air was thick with the scent of wealth and power, a treasure trove that could make even the most stoic Jedi envious, the most ambitious Sith hungry for more, and the most strategic Republic general plot a heist.

The walls were lined with shelves filled with precious metals. There were stacks of aurodium ingots, shining with a radiant luster that spoke of their immense value. Beskar, the nearly indestructible metal prized by Mandalorians, was present in large quantities, each piece more pristine than the last. The gleam of phrik, another rare and resilient metal, could be seen among the piles, its shimmering surface reflecting the room's golden light.

For the Sith, there were ancient and powerful artifacts that resonated with dark energy. Sith holocrons, each containing the forbidden knowledge of long-dead Dark Lords, were arranged meticulously. Dark side amulets, exuding malevolent power, and ancient Sith swords forged in the fires of Korriban, their blades still humming with dark energy, were scattered among the treasures.

Jedi treasures were equally abundant. Holocrons filled with the wisdom of the Jedi Order, lightsaber crystals of various colors and rare kyber crystals, each more perfect than the last, were carefully stored. Ancient texts and scrolls containing the teachings of the Jedi and rare artifacts, such as the Kaiburr crystal, capable of amplifying Force powers, were on display.

Mandalorian artifacts included full sets of Beskar armor, each piece a testament to the warrior culture's craftsmanship. Jetpacks, blasters, and the famed second advanced Darksaber, a symbol of Mandalorian leadership and a weapon of immense historical significance, were displayed prominently. This advanced Darksaber was unique, capable of absorbing the light of other lightsabers during clashes, giving it a distinct edge in combat. There were also trophies from various battles, each with a story of honor and combat.

The room also contained Republic artifacts, such as prototype weapons and armor, data disks containing top-secret information, and medals of honor awarded to the greatest heroes of the Republic. Advanced technology, including stealth field generators and high-grade shields, filled the room, showcasing the Republic's ingenuity and strength.

This treasure room was not just a collection of wealth; it was a collection of the galaxy's most prized and powerful items, capable of inciting envy and ambition in even the most disciplined minds.

Gojo Satoru: "No wonder you were so desperate to protect this place," Gojo said, impressed.

Suzunami, standing beside Gojo, was in awe. "Gojo-sensei, you're awesome," he said, his eyes wide as he took in the sight of the immense treasure trove. "All these artifacts and metals... I've never seen so much wealth and power in one place."

Yukinami, equally impressed, gazed around the treasure room. "Gojo-sensei, this is incredible," she said, her eyes wide with wonder. "Holocrons, kyber crystals, Beskar armor... This room is a treasure trove of the galaxy's most valuable items."

Suddenly, Lady Valarian, driven by desperation, attempted to betray them. Her hand reached for a hidden blaster under a pile of credits, but before she could pull the trigger, the binding vow took effect. Her face twisted in a mix of shock and horror as she realized her fate. She let out a horrifying scream as her body convulsed and twisted, ultimately succumbing to a gruesome death.

Lady Valarian: "No! I... I can't... Aaaahhh!" she screamed, her body writhing in agony as the vow's penalty took its toll. Her eyes widened in terror, her mouth frothing as she convulsed violently. Blood poured from her nose and mouth, her body contorting in unnatural ways before finally collapsing into a lifeless heap.

Gojo looked down at her, his expression unchanging. "That's what you get for taking a binding vow lightly. Next time, choose your opponent wisely," he mocked.

Suzunami: "The binding vow... it's real. Gojo-sensei is incredible," he whispered, his admiration growing even deeper.

Yukinami: "I never imagined such power," she said, her eyes wide with amazement.

Gojo turned to them with a reassuring smile. "Let's get what we came for and move on. There's still much to do."

Gojo Satoru: "Wonder of U(clone), materialize yourself," he commanded.

Wonder of U appeared, bowing respectfully. "As you wish, Master Satoru," he said in his characteristic calm and menacing tone.

Gojo Satoru: "Amplify your abilities by using my curse energy and produce Fun Fun Cloth from Hunter x Hunter. Clean this treasure vault," Gojo ordered, his tone authoritative and firm.

Wonder of U smirked, obeying the command. He began producing the mystical cloth, which expanded to cover and transport the treasures efficiently.

Wonder of U(clone) : "As you wish, Master Satoru," he said, his smirk growing as he set to work.

The twins watched in awe as the treasure room was meticulously cleared, every valuable item safely stored away by Wonder of U's abilities.

Suzunami: "Gojo-sensei, this is amazing. The way he clears the room... it's like magic."

Yukinami: "I can't believe what I'm seeing. Gojo-sensei, you truly are incredible," she said, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

They couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of hope and excitement for their future under Gojo's tutelage.