7500 words next friday maybe i will update 

after Gojo donned his new clothes, he wasted no time in getting back to business. With a swift motion, he summoned Wonder of U, the stand that had proven to be an invaluable ally in his journey through this galaxy.

"Wonder of U," Gojo began, his voice calm but authoritative, "have you made a clone to guard the one on the Royal Naboo Starship?"

Wonder of U materialized beside him, its presence imposing and enigmatic as always. The stand's calm demeanor and aura of control contrasted sharply with Gojo's more animated nature. Wonder of U nodded slightly, indicating that it had indeed taken the necessary precautions.

"The clone is in place," Wonder of U confirmed, its voice echoing with an eerie calm. "It is positioned to ensure the safety of the target on the Royal Naboo Starship. Any attempt to approach will be met with appropriate deterrents."

Gojo nodded, satisfied with the stand's report. He knew that Wonder of U's abilities were more than sufficient to protect what needed to be guarded. The stand's power to bring calamity to those who pursued its targets was a perfect safeguard against any potential threats.

"Good," Gojo replied, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "Looks like our Locacaca experiment finally bore some results. Although, I noticed that one of the trees bore fruit with a very high level of cursed energy. It's much bigger than the rest."

Wonder of U turned slightly, its expressionless face somehow conveying understanding. "The presence of cursed energy in that fruit is unprecedented. It could be both an asset and a potential risk, depending on how it is handled."

Gojo's eyes narrowed thoughtfully as he considered the implications. The fact that one of the Locacaca trees had produced a fruit so imbued with cursed energy was intriguing—and potentially dangerous. The possibilities it presented were vast, but so were the unknowns.

"An asset or a risk," Gojo mused, almost to himself. "Either way, it's something we need to keep an eye on. I don't want any surprises, especially not from something that powerful."

Wonder of U tilted its head slightly, its tone as calm and precise as ever. "Master Satoru, did you consume one of the fruits? I've noticed that one of them is missing."

Gojo chuckled lightly, his expression a mix of amusement and caution. "Yup, I did. A little bit dangerous, actually, but I couldn't resist seeing what it would do. The results were... interesting, to say the least."

He paused, his mind briefly reflecting on the potential consequences of consuming such a potent fruit. The power it offered was immense, but it came with its own risks—risks that Gojo was more than willing to take, given the stakes. But now, with the looming Senate debate on Coruscant, those risks could complicate things even further.

"Now, since the Senate debate is going to be a real pain in the ass, I need to know—how much time do we have before the Royal Naboo Starship reaches Coruscant?" Gojo asked, his tone shifting to one of practicality.

Wonder of U, ever efficient, responded almost immediately. "Approximately 16 hours remain before the Royal Naboo Starship reaches Coruscant. The journey is progressing smoothly, and the ship is on schedule."

Gojo frowned slightly, realizing the implications. "Actually, that's bad news. The parts we got from Watto must be better than expected, so the travel time has sped up." He sighed, feeling the pressure of the shortened timeline. "Alright, I need to formulate an exercise with my Limitless to make the most of this time."

Over the next two hours, Gojo focused intensely on refining his Limitless technique. By drawing on his vast reserves of cursed energy, he managed to develop a method to control space on a wide scale, similar to the Spatial Mana Domination that Zenon Zogratis used. This technique allowed him to exert influence over a broad area, manipulating space itself to his will. However, there was a significant drawback: in order to fully utilize this ability, he needed a completely closed room, a controlled environment where he could focus his energy without external interference.

"This is a problem," Gojo muttered to himself, realizing the limitation. The closed room requirement posed a challenge, especially given the current circumstances. But then, an idea sparked in his mind. "Should I make an additional layer… wait, yeah… an additional layer similar to Malevolent Shrine but using a simple domain instead."

The thought intrigued him. If he could create a space within a space, using a simple domain as a makeshift closed room, it might just work. A domain that wasn't fully manifested like his regular ones, but something more subtle, more controlled—a Curse Zone.

"Curse Zone: Spatial Domination," Gojo thought, a grin spreading across his face. It was a bit funny, but it also felt right. This would allow him to maintain control over a vast area without needing a physically closed environment. He could manipulate space on a large scale while still being able to adapt and react to external threats.

Although Curse Zone wouldn't guarantee a direct hit like his usual domains, the real fun came from the ability to spawn any attack within mere centimeters of his target. The idea of trolling his enemies by making attacks appear just a breath away from them amused Gojo to no end.

"Imagine their faces when an attack spawns 1 cm beside them. Shit's going to be hilarious," Gojo thought, his grin widening. The potential for this technique to not only be effective but also to mess with his opponents' minds was too good to pass up.

Wonder of U, ever observant and precise, turned slightly toward Gojo and asked, "Master Satoru, have you mastered the Limitless Domain Expansion?"

Gojo's grin faded slightly, replaced by a thoughtful expression. "I couldn't bring it to the surface, not like I used to. It's like something is missing," he admitted, his voice tinged with frustration. "The Shrine and Ten Shadows were easy to remaster, though. That was simple enough, especially with Sukuna's deal and the nature of those techniques."

He paused, reflecting on the challenges he faced with his Limitless Domain Expansion. "It's strange. I can feel the power there, just beneath the surface, but something's holding it back. It's like I've got all the pieces, but they're not fitting together the way they should."

Wonder of U nodded slightly, its enigmatic presence unwavering. "Perhaps it's a matter of alignment, Master Satoru. The integration of Sukuna's abilities and the Ten Shadows may have shifted the balance within you, making it difficult to access the full potential of your Limitless Domain Expansion."

Gojo considered this, his mind racing through possibilities. "You might be right," he said, his tone more contemplative. "The fusion of these techniques has given me a lot of new power, but it's also introduced complexities I didn't anticipate. I need to figure out what's blocking me from fully accessing my Limitless Domain."

The realization of this challenge didn't dampen Gojo's spirits; if anything, it fueled his determination. "It's just another puzzle to solve," he said with renewed resolve. "And once I figure it out, I'll be even stronger. Until then, I'll keep refining what I've got—like the Curse Zone."

For the next few minutes, Gojo stood in contemplative silence, his gaze fixed on the sky above Naboo. Despite having consumed the cup of cursed liquid, the sky remained ominously dark, casting a shadow over the once serene landscape. It was an unsettling sight, one that didn't align with what he had expected after ingesting the strange substance.

He furrowed his brow, feeling a pang of frustration mixed with curiosity. "The cup of shit was supposed to fix this," he muttered to himself, his eyes scanning the inky blackness that loomed overhead. "So why is the sky still like this?"

Gojo's mind raced through the possibilities. Had the dark energy from the cup affected more than just the sky? Was there something else at play, something he hadn't accounted for? The thought nagged at him, the unusual darkness suggesting that perhaps the cup's effects were more far-reaching—or perhaps even more dangerous—than he had initially realized.

"Something's off," Gojo murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. He could feel the cursed energy still lingering in the atmosphere, as if the darkness was not just a visual effect but a manifestation of something deeper, something tied to the fabric of the Force and the very planet itself.

Suddenly, a familiar sensation washed over Gojo, signaling the appearance of something new. He hadn't initiated any custom binding vow, but the system seemed to have a mind of its own. Before him, ethereal words materialized, glowing faintly against the darkened sky. It was a quest, unexpected and mysterious.

The text read:


Objective: Make the darkness your own.

Penalty for Failure: None.

Reward: Odin's Ability - Arm of Darkness (Final Fantasy XVI).

Gojo blinked, momentarily taken aback. The reward—Odin's ability, Arm of Darkness—was something he recognized from stories and games, a power that could be immensely useful, especially in the unpredictable galaxy he found himself in. But the quest itself was unusual. The system was offering him a chance to harness the very darkness that had unsettled him just moments ago.

"Make the darkness my own, huh?" Gojo muttered, a smirk creeping onto his face. The idea was intriguing, and the absence of a penalty for failure made it even more tempting. It was as if the system was nudging him, encouraging him to embrace this unexpected turn of events.

He glanced up at the sky once more, the inky blackness now taking on a new meaning. What if this darkness wasn't just a curse or an anomaly? What if it was an opportunity, a power waiting to be claimed?

The prospect of wielding such a power, of turning what seemed like a disadvantage into a formidable weapon, was too good to pass up. Gojo had always been one to seize the moment, to take risks when the rewards were worth it. And this—this was definitely worth it.

With a determined nod, Gojo made his decision. "Accept."

Suddenly, the system screen flickered, a new message appearing as if to give him one last warning: "Are you sure? You might—"

"I accept," Gojo interrupted, his voice resolute.

Without warning, Gojo felt an immense force lift him off the ground. He soared through the air, cutting through the darkened sky at an incredible speed. As he ascended, he scanned the horizon, searching for the conduit or the source of this pervasive darkness. Yet, the higher he flew, the more he realized that there was no singular source—no artifact, no cursed object radiating this gloom.

The sky felt natural, almost as if the darkness itself was an intrinsic part of the atmosphere, woven into the very fabric of the planet. "So, the blanket over Naboo isn't just some curse or anomaly," Gojo mused as he continued to glide effortlessly through the air. "The darkness is the planet itself… or rather, the planet has become one with the darkness."

The realization was both awe-inspiring and unsettling. This wasn't something that could be easily dispelled or purified; it was a fundamental change to the world around him. And now, Gojo was tasked with making it his own.

"Well, if it's part of the planet, then it's part of me now," Gojo declared to the empty sky, his voice echoing across the dark expanse. "Let's see what this darkness can really do."

He began to focus, drawing upon the cursed energy within him, reaching out with his senses to merge with the darkness around him. The process was unlike anything he had experienced before—it was as though the darkness was alive, pulsating with a raw, untamed power that responded to his touch. It wasn't just cursed energy; it was something deeper, more primal.

As he flew through the darkened sky, Gojo felt the darkness begin to resonate with his own energy, slowly but surely bending to his will. He could sense the immense power within the darkness, but he knew that to fully master the Arm of Darkness—the ability he had been promised—he needed more than just raw strength. The system had hinted at something deeper, a mastery that required the integration of specific techniques.

To fully harness the Arm of Darkness, Gojo would need to master all the techniques that Clive Rosfield, the protagonist of Final Fantasy XVI, wielded when using Odin's powers. These techniques were crucial for making the Arm of Darkness a formidable weapon in Gojo's arsenal. The techniques he needed to master were as follows:


Description: Clive summons Odin's spear, Gungnir, and rapidly thrusts it forward multiple times, dealing damage to all enemies in its path. This technique is known for its incredible reach and speed.

Application: In Gojo's hands, Gungnir could be used to create rapid, piercing strikes that could reach enemies from a distance, making it a versatile attack in both close and ranged combat.

Arm of Darkness

Description: This is the primary ability Gojo is set to gain. It allows Clive to channel Odin's power, summoning a spectral arm that can unleash powerful strikes, parry attacks, and perform devastating finishers.

Application: Gojo would use the Arm of Darkness to deliver powerful, ethereal blows that could bypass physical defenses, crush through barriers, and overwhelm his opponents with sheer force.

Heaven's Cloud

Description: This ability allows Clive to perform a series of fast, slashing attacks with Odin's sword, Zantetsuken. It's a swift and deadly technique that can chain into other attacks for maximum damage.

Application: Gojo could integrate Heaven's Cloud to execute rapid, devastating slashes that could slice through multiple enemies or defenses in a single, fluid motion.

Rift Slip

Description: Clive uses Odin's power to momentarily phase out of reality, allowing him to dodge incoming attacks and quickly reposition himself. This move grants a brief period of invulnerability.

Application: For Gojo, Rift Slip would be a game-changing technique, allowing him to evade attacks with precision and counter with devastating speed. This ability would complement his existing powers of movement and evasion.


Description: Zantetsuken is Odin's signature move, where Clive channels all of Odin's power into a single, powerful slash that can cleave through anything in its path. The longer the move is charged, the more powerful it becomes.

Application: Gojo could unleash Zantetsuken as a finishing move, pouring all of his cursed energy into a single, unstoppable strike that could cut through any enemy or barrier, leaving devastation in its wake.

Dancing Steel

Description: This technique allows Clive to extend the reach of his sword strikes and continuously combo them to build up power for Zantetsuken.

Application: Gojo could use Dancing Steel to maintain pressure on his opponents, chaining together strikes that build up to a final, devastating attack.

As Gojo contemplated the list of techniques, he knew that mastering them would not only unlock the full potential of the Arm of Darkness but also make him an unstoppable force in the galaxy. The thought of wielding such power, of integrating these abilities into his already formidable skill set, filled him with a sense of excitement and anticipation.

"Looks like I've got some work t—," Gojo thought with a grin. Suddenly, the darkness he thought had bent to his will turned on him, lashing out with an overwhelming force. It assaulted his mind, flooding him with memories of his previous life—horrifying scenes, moments of deep sorrow, and the weight of all the pain he had endured.

The memories struck with brutal intensity, forcing him to relive the most painful moments of his existence. The shock of it all tore through him, and he couldn't help but shout, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

But just as suddenly as the memories overwhelmed him, Gojo's expression shifted. His scream turned into laughter, wild and defiant. "Ahahahahahahahahah!" he laughed, the sound echoing through the darkness. "Hah! What a lousy memory I've been through with it all."

His laughter grew quieter but no less intense as he stared into the oppressive darkness that enveloped Naboo, now more a conscious entity than a mere environmental effect. "Also, do you want to know something, cheap blanket?" Gojo sneered, referring to the darkness that had dared to attack his mind. "I managed to conquer my world single-handedly, you know? And do you know why I chose to die?"

He paused, letting the question hang in the air as the darkness seemed to hesitate, almost as if listening.

"Because my previous world was boring," Gojo continued, his voice dripping with confidence and disdain. "I've been through worse than anything you can throw at me, and I came out on top every single time."

The darkness around him seemed to waver, as if realizing it had underestimated the strength of the soul it had tried to break. Gojo's laughter died down, replaced by a smirk as he regained control of his mind, standing tall against the oppressive force.

"So, thanks for playing," then Gojo said, his voice low but filled with menace. "My name is Gojo Satoru—the one who shall take from you and make you mine."( insert chunibyou line)

With those words, Gojo raised his hand, his palm facing the swirling darkness around him. The oppressive force that had tried to break him now began to gather, pulled toward his outstretched hand as if drawn by an irresistible force. The darkness, which had once blanketed Naboo, now swirled and condensed, funneling into Gojo's palm with increasing speed.

Gojo's expression was one of absolute control and determination. He could feel the raw, untamed power of the darkness as it coiled within his grasp, yet there was no hesitation. Without a second thought, he brought the swirling mass of darkness closer and, with a defiant grin, absorbed it into himself.

As the last remnants of the darkness vanished into Gojo's being, the sky above Naboo began to change. The once-ominous clouds dissipated, giving way to a clear, bright day. The transformation was swift and absolute, as if the darkness had never been there in the first place.

Gojo stood tall, feeling the immense power now coursing through him, a part of him. He had taken the darkness that sought to destroy him and made it his own, bending it to his will. The once-oppressive force was now a tool, a weapon that Gojo Satoru controlled completely.

"Clear skies," Gojo remarked, glancing up at the bright, unmarred sky above. A satisfied smile played on his lips. "I think I like this better."

With the arm of darkness now fully under his command, Gojo felt more powerful than ever

As Gojo stood beneath the now-clear skies of Naboo, relishing the power he had just absorbed, a familiar sensation washed over him. The system had returned, but this time, it wasn't offering a challenge—it was acknowledging his success.


Objective: Make the darkness your own.

Penalty for Failure: None.

Reward: Odin's Ability - Arm of Darkness (Final Fantasy XVI).

However, instead of the usual rush of power he expected, the system message continued, surprising him:

Since you already obtained Arm of Darkness by yourself without the quest's aid and needed to master anything , you are granted an additional reward: the ability to unleash Zantetsuken at levels 1-5 whenever you want.

Gojo smirked. Zantetsuken, Odin's ultimate attack, was now at his disposal, and he could use it at varying levels of power depending on the situation. The flexibility this offered was immense, making him an even greater force to be reckoned with.

But the system wasn't finished:

Optional Quest Completed:

You didn't give a shit about the warning that was given.

Reward: Understanding of the Force and the ability to create Force techniques depending on your skill.

Gojo's eyes widened slightly as he felt a new understanding bloom within him. The Force, the mysterious power that permeated this galaxy, was now something he could fully grasp. Not only that, but he could create Force techniques, crafting abilities that would blend seamlessly with his already vast arsenal of cursed energy and now the power of darkness.

"Interesting," Gojo muttered to himself, his mind already racing with possibilities. The combination of cursed energy, the Force, and Odin's abilities made him a truly unstoppable force. "Looks like things just got a whole lot more fun."

With a newfound sense of purpose and power, Gojo decided it was time to take action. The citizens of Naboo were being held in prison camps by the Separatists, and it was time to put his abilities to the test.

As Gojo soared through the now-clear skies of Naboo, his mind was focused on his destination. The prison camps were his immediate concern, but rather than directly rescuing the prisoners, he decided to observe the situation first. After all, dealing with it subtly could save him some trouble.

As he approached one of the prison camps, Gojo noticed something unusual. The camp, which should have been heavily guarded, seemed almost deserted. There were no battle droids patrolling the perimeter, no watchtowers manned, and the usual signs of tight security were conspicuously absent.

Intrigued, Gojo focused his attention on a particular group within the camp. There, he spotted Governor Sio Bibble, who appeared to be organizing an escape route with the remaining prisoners. The scene struck Gojo as odd—why was there no one stopping them ?

Then, it hit him. "Ahh, yes," Gojo muttered to himself with a smirk. "I remember now. I just put on a killer show here and broadcasted it on an exclusive channel. The Separatists are probably concentrating their forces on Theed Castle, thinking that's where the real threat is."

Gojo realized that his earlier actions had inadvertently drawn the enemy's attention away from the camps. The Separatists, likely fearing another devastating display of power, had pulled their forces back to defend key strategic locations, leaving the prison camps vulnerable.

As Governor Sio Bibble whispered urgently to the group, "We must act quickly before the droids are alerted by—" his words were abruptly cut off as Gojo suddenly teleported right in front of them, his usual confident smirk in place.

"They won't do anything," Gojo said, his tone calm yet filled with a hint of amusement. "Even if you walk out through the front door, they won't lift a finger. My crazy show earlier had a tremendous impact."

The prisoners and Governor Bibble stared at Gojo in shock, their initial fear of being caught replaced by confusion at the unexpected arrival of this enigmatic figure. Gojo's nonchalant attitude and the fact that he had seemingly appeared out of nowhere left them all momentarily speechless.

Gojo glanced around at the group, his piercing eyes assessing the situation. "The Separatists are too busy trying to defend Theed Castle to worry about this place," he continued, his voice steady. "You've got a clear shot at freedom. Just walk out, and no one will stop you."

Governor Bibble, recovering from his surprise, nodded slowly. "We were planning an escape, but... we didn't expect this," he admitted, still trying to process what was happening.

"Consider it a stroke of luck," Gojo replied with a shrug. "Or maybe just good timing on your part. Either way, you're free to go."

Bibble's expression softened into one of relief, and he quickly turned to the others. "You heard him," he said, his voice gaining strength. "We move now."

The group began to gather themselves, preparing to leave the camp. Gojo watched them with a satisfied expression, knowing that his earlier actions had inadvertently created this opportunity for them.

As the prisoners started to file out, Governor Bibble paused, turning back to Gojo. "Thank you," he said sincerely. "I don't know who you are, but you've given us a chance."

As Governor Bibble expressed his gratitude, Gojo's smirk widened. "Wait a second," Gojo interrupted, raising a hand to stop the group before they left. "Before you go, I need your group and me to take a photo. It's not every day you get a chance like this."

Bibble blinked in surprise, not entirely sure if Gojo was serious, but before he could respond, Gojo snapped his fingers. "Wonder of U, hit the camera," he commanded casually.

Almost instantly, Wonder of U materialized, its presence as enigmatic as ever. The Stand moved with precision, adjusting an ethereal camera that had appeared out of thin air, pointing it toward the group.

Tooru also appeared, smirking as he joined Gojo's side. "Cheese, everyone!" Gojo called out, his playful tone cutting through the lingering tension.

The group, still somewhat bewildered by the turn of events, hesitated for a moment. But as Gojo and Tooru grinned, their infectious enthusiasm quickly spread, and soon, everyone was smiling.

"Cheeeeese!" they all chorused, their voices blending together as the camera's flash captured the moment.

The image froze in time—a strange yet memorable snapshot of a moment where prisoners, a governor, and two otherworldly figures shared an unexpected connection in the midst of chaos.

As the camera clicked, Gojo chuckled. "Now, wasn't that fun?" He turned to Bibble, who was still processing the surreal situation. "Alright, you're all good to go. Stay safe out there."

As Governor Bibble expressed his gratitude once more, Gojo's smirk remained in place. "Your queen is safe," Gojo assured him, his tone casual. "She's probably on her way to Coruscant as we speak. The journey should go smoothly."

Tooru, standing beside Gojo, decided to chime in with a bit more precision. "They'll arrive on Coruscant in about 12 hours, give or take."

Gojo sighed, the grin never leaving his face. "Yeah, they'll arrive on time... which is kind of annoying, actually."

Bibble couldn't help but chuckle, the absurdity of the situation starting to sink in. It wasn't every day that a group of prisoners, led by a governor, was saved by a powerful figure who seemed to treat the whole situation like a casual outing. But as he looked at Gojo and Tooru, something began to click in his mind. There was something familiar about the man before him, something he had heard about in hushed whispers.

"Wait," Bibble began, his eyes widening in realization. "Are you Gojo Sato—"

Before he could finish, Gojo and Tooru had already vanished, teleporting away in an instant. Bibble was left staring at the empty space where they had just been, his mouth slightly open in disbelief.

"Did that man and his companion just... disappear?" one of the prisoners asked, equally confused.

Bibble shook his head, trying to make sense of what had just happened. "I believe they did," he murmured, still in shock. "And if that was who I think it was... then we've just had a brush with someone extraordinary."

The group stood in silence for a moment, processing the bizarre encounter. Finally, with a renewed sense of urgency and wonder, they continued on their way, determined to make the most of the unexpected opportunity that had been given to them.


At the Foot of the Gallo Mountains

Gojo stood at the base of the towering Gallo Mountains, the clear skies above doing little to ease the storm of thoughts swirling in his mind. The recent events, his newfound powers, and the challenges that lay ahead had left him with one pressing question—one that refused to be ignored.

"I really need to eat those 19 fingers," Gojo muttered to himself, his gaze fixed on the rugged peaks before him. "Without them, I won't be able to contend with the strongest beings around here. But the risk... the risk is far too great."

He knew all too well the power and danger that each of Sukuna's fingers held. Consuming them would undoubtedly elevate his strength to unprecedented levels, but it would also bring him closer to the malevolent curse that had been his greatest adversary. The thought of what could happen if he lost control, if Sukuna managed to seize power, was not something he took lightly.

Gojo clenched his fists, the weight of the decision pressing heavily on him. The galaxy was vast, filled with unimaginable threats and beings of incredible power. If he was to protect those he had come to care about, if he was to truly assert his dominance in this new world, he needed every advantage he could get.

But the cost... the cost could be everything.

Suddenly, Gojo felt a familiar sensation, the telltale sign that the system was initiating something new. His thoughts were interrupted as ethereal words began to materialize before him, glowing faintly against the mountain's rugged backdrop.


Objective: Consume all 19 of Sukuna's fingers without being overpowered.

Penalty: If Sukuna takes control, you will be reduced to Sukuna's current state—powerless and vulnerable.

Reward: All Fiction 1/10 Fragment (Kumagawa Misogi's Minus ability).

Gojo's eyes narrowed at the sight of the quest details. The stakes were high, but the reward was tantalizing. All Fiction was a power that could potentially rewrite reality itself, a formidable ability that could turn any situation in his favor. But the penalty... the thought of being reduced to Sukuna's current state was a chilling prospect.

Before he could fully process the quest, an additional prompt appeared:


Objective: Consume all 19 fingers immediately.

Reward: Sleipnir, the six-legged horse mount of Barnabas Tharmr.

Gojo's brow furrowed in confusion. "I didn't make that optional quest... did I?" he muttered to himself. The optional quest was something new, something that hadn't come from his own thoughts or intentions. The reward—Sleipnir—was a mythical creature, a mount with unparalleled speed and strength. But the sudden appearance of this quest, without his input, was unnerving.

"Where did this come from?" Gojo wondered aloud, his mind racing with possibilities. "It's similar to how I got the Arm of Darkness—I didn't create that either. Looks like there's a higher being than the Force guiding me or playing with me. Either way..."

With a determined expression, Gojo materialized the 19 fingers of Sukuna. These relics, brought from the world of his original life in Japan, now hovered before him. This was his second lifetime, and the knowledge of his past experiences only strengthened his resolve. The dark energy emanating from the fingers was palpable, a reminder of the monstrous power they contained.

"Enough thinking," Gojo decided, his resolve hardening. Without further hesitation, Gojo reached for the fingers, one by one, and consumed them. The power within them surged through his body, every fiber of his being flooded with Sukuna's cursed energy. The risk was immense, but Gojo's determination was unwavering.


Sukuna's POV

Trapped in the deepest recesses of Gojo's soul, Sukuna had spent countless moments clawing at his cage, trying in vain to break free. The walls of his prison were impenetrable, a testament to Gojo's mastery over his own mind. But as much as Sukuna hated to admit it, his efforts had been futile. He was stuck, a god among curses reduced to little more than a specter.

Yet, even in this state, Sukuna's awareness never waned. He could feel the energy fluctuations within Gojo's body, the shifting of power as his own essence intermingled with Gojo's. It was a maddening existence—aware, yet powerless to act.

Suddenly, something changed. Sukuna's attention snapped to the forefront of his mind as a familiar, almost forgotten sensation coursed through him. His essence—his fingers—were being gathered, all at once, inside Gojo's body. The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning.

The brat was doing it. He was eating the fingers.

"The fucking brat did it!" Sukuna's voice reverberated through the dark void of his prison, a mixture of shock and rage lacing his words. " he's doing it right now! I thought he'd wait—next year, maybe later—but no…"

Sukuna's initial shock quickly gave way to a twisted sense of satisfaction. His essence, his power, was reuniting. He could feel the cursed energy growing, filling Gojo's body like a reservoir about to burst. This was his chance—his opportunity to break free, to reclaim what was rightfully his.

But as Sukuna reached out to rejoin his essence, something went horribly wrong. A sudden force, like a barrier of immense power, slammed down between him and the gathered fingers. It was as if an unseen hand had wrenched his essence away from him, severing the connection just as quickly as it had begun.

"What… what is this?!" Sukuna snarled, his fury erupting in full force. He could feel the barrier, thick and impenetrable, blocking him from reuniting with his power. The sensation was like having victory snatched from his grasp at the last possible moment.

"FUCKINGGGGGGG BRATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" Sukuna roared, his voice a cacophony of rage that echoed endlessly within the confines of his prison. The walls of his cage seemed to tremble under the weight of his fury, but they held firm, keeping him trapped and helpless.

As Sukuna's rage simmered, a gnawing realization began to creep into his thoughts. Something was very wrong with this brat. This wasn't the Gojo Satoru he had known—the one whose arrogance was matched only by his overwhelming power. The Gojo he had observed from memory was confident, but he wasn't this cunning, this strategic.

Sukuna's mind raced as he began analyzing the situation more critically. The brat had somehow shifted my focus entirely on him during their confrontation in the non-lethal domain, preventing him from analyzing what was truly happening. It wasn't just that Gojo had grown stronger; he had become calculating, almost methodical in his actions.

And then there was the bath—the ritual that Sukuna had used to suppress another soul and take full control. How did this brat know about it? The only ones who knew were Kenjaku, Uraume, and Sukuna himself. Even if Gojo had somehow learned of it, it should have been through some relic or information passed down within the Zenin clan it was used for family heirloom and cursed weapons , not through any direct experience to face incarnated being like him and sure as hell not through Gojo clan . But this was Gojo's first time being born into this world, his first lifetime, so he shouldn't have had any knowledge of such a ritual, especially not the specific method Sukuna used.

Sukuna's thoughts churned with suspicion and confusion. How could this brat, in his first birth , know something so deeply hidden and secretive? The idea that Gojo had somehow gained knowledge of the bath, without any prior experience, was not only unsettling—it was deeply alarming.

"This doesn't make sense," Sukuna muttered, his frustration growing. The brat shouldn't have this kind of knowledge, yet he did, and he was using it to outmaneuver Sukuna at every turn. The implications were far-reaching, and for the first time, Sukuna was forced to consider that there might be something—or someone—beyond his understanding pulling the strings.

The chill of uncertainty crept through Sukuna's mind, a sensation he hadn't felt in eons. The brat had become a far more dangerous opponent than Sukuna had ever anticipated, and the more he tried to understand how, the more questions arose.

 Sukuna's final review on this current situation ,as he remember when a non-lethal domain where Gojo had somehow managed to craft a finger that felt so real. i had eaten it and even felt a surge in power. Did the brat have the capability to create something and then take it away since I got sealed again I never had the powers I consumed ? How had he grown so rapidly in power and cunning, so much so that i couldn't even keep up?

"What else does he know?" Sukuna wondered, his mind racing. The brat's unpredictability was becoming a serious threat, one that Sukuna could no longer afford to underestimate.

Gojo pov

Suddenly, a system notification appeared before Gojo's eyes, the ethereal words glowing brightly against the backdrop of the Gallo Mountains.


Objective: Consume all 19 of Sukuna's fingers without being overpowered.

Penalty: Avoided.

Reward: All Fiction 1/10 Fragment (Kumagawa Misogi's Minus ability).


Objective: Consume all 19 fingers immediately.

Reward: Sleipnir, the six-legged horse mount of Barnabas Tharmr.

As the announcements faded, Gojo felt a surge of power coursing through him. The rewards were immediate and overwhelming, the All Fiction fragment integrating seamlessly with his being. He could feel the new ability beginning to awaken within him, a power that held the potential to rewrite reality itself. The sensation was strange, almost surreal, but undeniably exhilarating.

Before he could fully process the changes, a sudden burst of energy rippled through the air. The ground beneath him trembled, and a powerful gust of wind swept across the mountainside. Gojo instinctively braced himself, but what followed was beyond anything he had anticipated.

With a thunderous crack, the very fabric of space seemed to tear open, and from it emerged a creature of myth and legend. Sleipnir, the six-legged horse of Odin, materialized before Gojo, its massive form towering over him. The horse was a sight to behold—its coat was a deep, stormy gray, almost black, and its six powerful legs gave it an imposing presence. The size of the creature was enormous, larger than any horse Gojo had ever seen, its form radiating an aura of ancient power and majesty.

Sleipnir's eyes, glowing with an ethereal light, met Gojo's, and in that moment, a bond was formed between rider and mount. Gojo could feel the connection, an understanding that transcended words. This was no ordinary horse—it was a steed worthy of the gods, a mount that could traverse worlds and dimensions with ease.

"Well, aren't you a sight to behold," Gojo muttered, a grin spreading across his face as he took in the sheer size and power of Sleipnir. The horse pawed at the ground, snorting as if acknowledging Gojo's words.

Gojo stepped forward, his hand reaching out to touch the sleek, powerful neck of the legendary horse. The moment his fingers made contact, he could feel the raw energy coursing through Sleipnir, a power that resonated with his own.

"This is going to be fun," Gojo said, his excitement palpable. With a quick, fluid motion, he mounted Sleipnir, feeling the immense strength beneath him. The horse responded instantly, as if it had been waiting for this moment, ready to carry Gojo wherever he needed to go.

With a powerful leap, Sleipnir launched into the air, its six legs moving with a grace and speed that defied logic. Gojo felt the wind rush past him as they soared through the sky, the world below becoming a blur.

He was ready for whatever came next, armed with new powers, a legendary mount, and an indomitable spirit. The galaxy was vast, and the challenges ahead were daunting, but Gojo Satoru was more than prepared to face them head-on.


In Naboo's Royal Starship, within the elegant and regal confines of the Queen's chamber, the atmosphere was heavy with unspoken tension. Padmé Amidala, dressed in simple attire without her usual Queen Amidala makeup, sat quietly, her thoughts far away despite the grandeur surrounding her. Beside her, Sabé, her loyal handmaiden and decoy, stood in silent contemplation, the weight of recent events pressing down on them both.

Sabé, sensing the somber mood, was the first to break the silence. "Where did Gojo Satoru go?" she asked, her voice gentle but laced with concern.

Padmé, still staring off into the distance, finally spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. "He's gone for training," she replied, the words carrying a weight that suggested more than just physical preparation.

Sabé noticed the glimmer of unshed tears in Padmé's eyes, remnants of emotions stirred twelve hours earlier when Gojo had left. She took a step closer, her tone softening even further. "My Queen, are you all right?"

Padmé turned to face Sabé, her expression a mix of sadness and resolve. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her emotions. "I will be, Sabé. It's just… there's so much at stake, and I can't help but worry about what lies ahead."

The room fell silent again, the unspoken understanding between the two women heavy in the air. Padmé's concern for Gojo lingered, her thoughts clouded with the unknown dangers that lay ahead, both for him and for the fate of their people.

Suddenly, Tooru materialized in the room, his presence calm yet commanding. "Your people are safe," he reported, his voice steady as he addressed Padmé.

Padmé, instinctively slipping into her role as Queen Amidala, met Tooru's gaze with a mix of relief and curiosity. "Can you show me proof of this?" she asked, her tone now more formal, though the underlying hope was clear.

Tooru nodded and with a wave of his hand, a projection appeared before them. It showed a group of prisoners, along with Governor Sio Bibble, standing together with Gojo. The image was lighthearted, almost surreal, with everyone smiling as if they were posing for a casual photograph despite the dire circumstances.

Padmé's eyes softened as she took in the sight. The evidence was undeniable—her people were safe. A sense of relief washed over her, lifting the weight that had been pressing down on her heart. A genuine smile broke across her face, a rare moment of happiness amidst the chaos.

"Thank you, Tooru," Padmé said, her voice filled with gratitude. "This means more to me than you can imagine."

Tooru simply nodded, his job done. As he disappeared as quickly as he had arrived

As Padmé's smile lingered, her thoughts began to drift once more, this time to Gojo and the reckless vow he had made. The weight of his actions and the risks he had taken weighed heavily on her mind. She admired his strength and determination, but the dangers he faced were immense, and the binding vow he had spoken of seemed ominous.

"He really did change the situation," Padmé murmured to herself, the smile fading as a look of concern took its place. "But I wish I could help him more. At least... I wish I could release him from the vow he recklessly made."

Sabé, who had been watching Padmé closely, stepped forward, her brow furrowed with worry. "A vow?" she asked quietly. "What kind of vow, my Queen?"

Padmé shook her head slowly, the frustration clear in her eyes. "A binding vow... it's something powerful, something dangerous. But I don't fully understand it. And I don't know how to help him, Sabé. I don't know if anyone in this galaxy knows how to deal with a binding vow."

Sabé placed a comforting hand on Padmé's shoulder. "If anyone can find a way, it's you, my Queen. You've already done so much. Maybe... maybe there's still something we can do."

Padmé sighed, the uncertainty gnawing at her. "I hope so, Sabé. I truly do. For now, all we can do is hope that Gojo's strength and determination will carry him through. But if there's any chance I can help him... I'll do whatever it takes."

"You know," Padmé continued, her voice tinged with irony, "it's funny. I remember how much we hated Gojo Satoru at first because he suddenly appeared and teased us with his arrogant attitude."

Sabé, feeling a mix of annoyance and amusement at the memory, chuckled softly. "Funny you mention that, my Queen. I've got a great idea. How about we jump scare him when he gets back?"

Padmé's eyes widened in alarm. "Please don't do that, Sabé. The last time I tried to pull a prank on him with the others, it didn't go well."

Sabé's curiosity was piqued. "What happened?"

Padmé's expression darkened slightly as she recalled the sight. "When Gojo returned after his battle in space, he was severely wounded. Four of his fingers were missing, his cheek was shredded, his throat had deep blade-like gashes, and there was a gaping hole where his heart should have been. He was barely standing( from padme pov) , but he still managed to smile and joke with us."

Sabé's eyes widened in shock at Padmé's description. "And yet, he still carried on?"

Padmé nodded, her voice quiet. "Yes, somehow, he did. But there's something about that battle... something I can't share with anyone, Sabé. It's a burden I have to carry alone."

Sabé, sensing the weight of what Padmé wasn't saying, nodded in understanding and didn't press further. She respected her Queen's silence, even as it filled her with a sense of unease.

Padmé's thoughts lingered on the image of Gojo, battered but unyielding, standing in the aftermath of that terrible battle. The scars left on him were not just physical; they were a testament to the unimaginable power he had wielded to protect them, a power that had left a scar on the very fabric of space above Tatooine.

Preview for next chapter

As Gojo and Sleipnir traveled through the vastness of space, the journey was interrupted by an unexpected notification from the system.