New Beginnings

Harry nodded. "I'd like to figure out why." He started once more willingly. Inky helped by measuring things out for him. Harry carefully used the Mixing Charm to mix the second retrial batch, making sure everything mixed smoothly and well. He sat the two mixing bowls side by side when completed. "They look and feel and smell the same," he said.

Inky nodded in agreement and she helped him roll them out. When they finished baking, she helped lay them out on the kitchen table she brought and on the cooling racks.

"I hope you aren't tired of biscuits," Harry joked.

"Not yet," Flitwick smiled.

"Me neither," Lavender said.

The four of them munched on another pair of biscuits, one taken from each new retrial batch. "The one you make without magic tastes just like your very first one," Flitwick said. "Quite good."

"The second remake with the charm still tastes different," Lavender said. "It tastes more like how you do it without magic, but there's still a difference. I don't know what though."

"Second batch is similar to how Inky makes them, but more like yours without magic." Inky blinked slowly as she munched away. "Is very strange."

"Perhaps we will learn the why of it as we progress during the year," Flitwick said. "Something to explore and understand. That being said, both styles of biscuits are utterly delicious."

"Thank you," Harry said happily. "What have you made, Lavender?"

Lavender smiled prettily as she held up small bags she had sewn with ribbon drawstrings. "I was thinking of a fun way to carry your biscuits around and came up with these! Professor Flitwick said there are charms to keep things from staining the material and to keep things fresh inside."

"Oh like what the Headmaster did for me," Harry said.

"It is a very useful charm but a bit above your skill level yet. Though if you two continue to work hard, then I'm sure I can teach you both how to do it sooner rather than later." Flitwick tapped the bags in turn. "You will eventually have to reapply the charms too. Most charms eventually wear off unless you incorporate runes. Something you will learn if you take that elective class."

He smiled at Harry. "Now this charm is a bit advanced too but I think you might enjoy trying to learn it sooner. It is particularly useful against the bane of cooks and chefs everywhere." He threw his arms apart dramatically. "Dirty dishes." He laughed alongside Lavender and Harry. "The wand motion is an elongated S and the incantation is Scourgify. The Scouring Charm!"

Harry held his wand out and pointed it at the dirty mixing bowl. "Scourgify." A few bubbles appeared and a small part of the sticky dough-speckled bowl cleaned itself but the majority of the bowl remained dirty.

"It is a few years above you but practice makes perfect," Flitwick smiled. "Go on then."

Harry and Lavender tried a few times, drawing the S and incanting. They laughed as the bowls rocked back and forth, moved by the magical scrubbing. Parts of the bowls slowly became clean but the bowls remained defiantly sticky.

"Good effort," Flitwick smiled after a while. With a flick of his wand, all the dishes and things used by Harry were scrubbed and scoured clean. "I am sure we will have plenty of time in the future to practice."

"I'm definitely more used to washing by hand and I really want to learn how to use that charm properly," Harry said. "It'll be really nice to know."

"Thank you for teaching us Professor," Lavender said. "Is it okay if it's only me and Harry in the club?"

"Perfectly fine! Sometimes it's more fun with smaller groups so we can focus on what we like. That said, if you wish to invite a few others, I wouldn't be upset. I cannot remember the last time I enjoyed the Household Charms club like this." His smile was even wider when Harry gave him a bag full of biscuits. "In fact, if I can partake in what you two make, I'll be even more enthused."

Harry frowned all of a sudden. "Is it okay if I keep using things from the kitchens? It's not fair if it's supposed to be for the whole school."

"The Headmaster said we can use some things," Inky said, "but not too much."

"Clubs and organizations have a small budget for things," Flitwick mused. "I'm sure we can figure something out to obtain things we want and need."

"I have some money," Harry said.

"We typically don't want students to be overspending on club things. Don't worry, Mister Potter, we will figure things out." Flitwick pulled out a golden watch and looked at it. "Goodness, look at the time! I better get you two back to your tower before curfew."

"Thank you, Mister Harry!" Inky said, hugging her bag of biscuits. "And thank you Miss Brown for the pretty bag!"

"You can call me Miss Lavender," Lavender smiled. "Thank you for helping us, Inky."

"I'll see if we can have a permanent room for the club," Flitwick said as he led them back towards Gryffindor tower. "There are plenty of unused classrooms. It would be nice to be able to leave things there for our meetings. Is once a week good for the both of you?"

"Yes Sir," Harry and Lavender said, nodding.

"Splendid. And do keep up with your studies you two. I would be heartbroken if we had to stop meeting due to you having poor marks. Here we are. Have a good night!" He waved cheerily and walked away, whistling brightly and patting the bag inside his pocket.

"I'm glad we did that club," Lavender said as she walked through the portrait hole. "That was a lot of fun and you're a really good cook!"

Harry smiled proudly. "It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to figure out what makes the tastes different." He held two of the bags that Lavender made. "You're really good at sewing. These are really pretty!"

"Thank you!" Lavender blushed. "I really like making cute and pretty things. I hope to make clothes one day."

"I bet you'll make awesome ones. Is it okay that I have two?" Harry asked.

"Sure! As long as you keep feeding me good food."

"I'll be happy to," he replied sincerely.

"I'll share some biscuits with Parvati. If she fusses and wants more, she can join us at the club," Lavender said. "Good night, Harry. See you tomorrow!"

He returned her wave and went up the stairs to his dorm room. Thankfully he was the only one in the room and he got ready for bed in peace. He carefully put the bags on the nightstand and smiled at them as he laid back in bed.

"Things are getting better," he said softly to himself and slowly drifted off to sleep.