Sweet Moments and Shared Skills

"How was Flying club?" Lavender asked.

Harry sat beside her, grunting softly. "It was good overall. I still like flying. I learned a lot about Quidditch from Oliver Wood. He's our House team captain. He showed me some ways to fly better and he's nice." Harry looked around the common room. "The Weasley twins did too but they were a bit rougher about it."

"Are they nicer than Ron?" Lavender asked, frowning slightly.

"Sort of? I don't know really to be honest," Harry said. "Like I said, they were a bit rough and a bit intimidating."

"I've heard you don't want to get on their bad side," she whispered.

"I'll try not to," Harry muttered. "Problem is, people don't like me for some reason."

Lavender poked him. "I like you."

"Well you're nicer," Harry said with a grateful smile.

"I'm pretty sure Parvati likes you," Lavender continued with a bright smile.

Parvati sat down beside Lavender. "I do, especially if I can get more biscuits. Those were delicious! Can I join the Household Charms club too?"

Harry flushed a little at the praise. "I'm sure you can. I'm glad you like them."

"She tried to take all of mine," Lavender complained, pushing her friend a little.

"Like I'd be fine with just two! You had so many!" She and Lavender pushed and shoved each other a little before she hit Lavender with one of the couch pillows. "Right Harry?"

"Those were Lavender's," Harry grinned. "She can share how she likes."

"Thank you, Harry!" Lavender crowed, hitting Parvati solidly with her own pillow.


"Hello hello!" Flitwick said happily when Harry, Lavender, and Parvati walked into the meeting room. "I made sure to be early this time! And welcome Miss Patil! Always happy to welcome a new member to the club."

"Thank you, Sir," Parvati said brightly. "Lavender and Harry said they learned a lot with you and Harry's biscuits were delicious."

"Weren't they? They sadly did not last long enough for me." Flitwick clapped his hands eagerly. "What is on the agenda today then?"

"We practiced with the Mixing Charm in Herbology the other day," Harry said. "Professor Sprout let us try it with mixing compost and soil and she liked it. She was happy to learn the spell too and we earned a few points for it."

"Splendid!" Flitwick praised.

"So I was thinking of something else I can try the Mixing Charm with and maybe we can learn more about why some things taste differently. So I'd like to make muffins please."

"A grand idea and I heartily agree." Before he could say anything, Inky appeared with a pop. "As you can see, Inky has been as eager as we've been. Off you go then. Now Miss Brown and Miss Patil, what would you like to work on?"

"I'd like to practice more with the charms we learned with needle and thread," Lavender said. "And you mentioned there's some charms for strengthening thread and cloth?"

"Yes there are, let's see shall we?"

After measuring out the ingredients with Inky and making two batches, one where he mixed things by hand and the other using the charm to mix the batter, Harry poured out individual muffins and set them to bake in the oven. Inky said she would watch them carefully and Harry joined the others. "Oh those look nice," he said, pointing at their work.

"I'm not quite up to Lavender's skills yet," Parvati said. "So I'm learning how to sew up a handkerchief."

"Can I try?" Harry asked.

"You want to sew too?" Lavender asked, delighted.

"Sure. I learned the basics a long time ago, how to fix things, but it's been a while. Besides, you all make it look a lot of fun."

"Why don't you teach Mister Potter the spells we learned last time with threading the needle and the Thimble Charm?" Flitwick suggested. "Teaching is a wonderful way to reinforce your knowledge." He looked on proudly when Lavender taught him the charms.

"That is really handy," Harry said as he began to work on stitching the hem on his handkerchief.

Soon the air was filled with scents of banana and vanilla and cinnamon, making mouths water. At Inky's call, Harry pulled the muffin tins out and the brown muffin tops steamed as they released their deeply sweet aroma into the air.

"Those smell so good," Lavender sighed. "We might need to eat less dinner before club nights."

"I'm sure I'll have room," Parvati said confidently.