Harry’s Request and Pansy's Reflection

"I beg your pardon?" McGonagall gave Harry her full attention. When he had approached to ask her a question, she never thought he would ask that. "You wish to skip the Halloween Feast?"

"Yes Ma'am," he replied.

She looked at him closely. He did not look ill, at least to her, but he did seem to be withdrawn and subdued. "Are you sick or hurt?"

"No Ma'am."

"Is someone preventing you from wanting to go?"

"No Ma'am." Not now anyways.

She crossed her arms. "The Halloween Feast is a long-standing tradition. Students do not miss it unless they are sick or have committed some grave infraction. Since you are neither sick nor in trouble, I must ask why."

"I've never liked Halloween," Harry said at last. "I'd rather do something else, something I've done on Halloween for the last few years."

"And it cannot be done on any other day?"

"No Ma'am."

She tried to look stern yet understanding. "And you do not care to explain more?"

"Not if I have to. Ma'am."

She looked at him and while he did not look her back in the eye, he remained resolute. "I will speak with the Headmaster, but be prepared to attend the feast, Mister Potter. And he may ask for further clarification."

Harry sighed softly. "Yes Ma'am," he said quietly.

She watched him go, a troubled expression growing on her face.


"What did she say?" Lavender asked when Harry caught up to her.

"She wouldn't give me permission," Harry said. "Said she'll talk to the Headmaster, but be prepared to attend."

"Maybe it won't be so bad?" Lavender suggested.

"Maybe," he said but did not look convinced. He looked at her sheepishly. "I'm sorry. For not really explaining. It's hard to."

"It's okay," she replied and gently patted his arm. She noticed that he did not seem all that comfortable with things beyond an arm or shoulder pat. He was growing more comfortable with it however, something she was grateful for, and she tried her best to respect his feelings. "Explain when you feel comfortable to."

"Thanks," he said gratefully.

"Maybe you are feeling sick though," she said worriedly. Harry had looked under the weather the last few days. "Are you sure you don't want to go to the Infirmary?"

"I'm sure. I'm not sick. I just don't love Halloween," he said.

"You'll tell me if you are sick though, right?"

"I would," he said sincerely. "We're friends, right?"

She beamed at him. "We're friends," she said firmly.


"I can't wait for the feast tonight," Millicent said. "I always heard the Halloween Feast is a lot of fun." She looked at her friend. "What about you?"

"I heard it's fun," Pansy said without interest. "It'll be nice to do something different, I suppose."

Millicent looked up and down the Slytherin table, making sure everyone else was engrossed in their own conversations. "Hey, you okay?" she asked softly.

Pansy turned to look at her. "Yes, why?"

"Just checking. You've been quiet lately."

"I've been thinking," Pansy said quietly.

"I can tell, you don't talk when you think," Millicent teased. "What did you say when we were littler?"

"I can't think and talk at the same time," Pansy said and a ghost of a smile appeared. "I think you said that though."

"Possibly," Millicent giggled. Then she sobered. "It's good that Draco apologized for pushing you that night."

The ghost of the smile faded. "I suppose," Pansy said.

Millicent waited for Pansy to come to Draco's defense like she did so many times before, waited for her to vent and rant and complain. She waited and waited but Pansy did none of those things. "Share with the class?"

Pansy snorted. "My personal thoughts? Never."

"Share with family?"

"Depends on the family," Pansy said wryly.

"Share with me?"

Pansy looked at Millicent and her smile was there but only just. "Eventually."

"I'll take it. Don't get me wrong, you being quiet has been nice for me too. I get to think because I have trouble thinking when you're talking."

Pansy's smile got a little stronger. "Now I remember. That's what you said when we were littler."

"Sounds about right," Millicent laughed. She looked at Pansy's plate. "You've been eating a lot of banana muffins lately."

"Hmm, I've gotten a taste for one, for them," Pansy murmured. She looked across the Great Hall at the Gryffindor table.

Millicent followed her gaze. "Did something happen with Potter? You've been looking at him more often these days."

"Not that much more," Pansy demurred and looked back at her plate.

"Okay," Millicent said and did not press further. "You'd tell me if he did something right? So I can go over and kick his arse for bothering my best friend?"

Pansy snorted again. "I'd tell you," she said.

"Because you're my best friend?"

"And because you're mine." Pansy fiddled with a handkerchief. "I'll tell you. Eventually. I promise."

"I know you will."

Pansy took a deep breath and shivered a little, physically pushing her thoughts and feelings around. Her smile was still small but it was a touch more open. "What kind of candy do you think there'll be tonight?"

Millicent relaxed a little. She knew Pansy was trying and was not completely past whatever was on her mind but seeing her try made her feel better.


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