Kindness and Charms

"That's weird," Lavender said, after Harry had told her what happened that afternoon. "I still can't believe that you did that for her. I mean I can, you're really sweet, but she was awful to you for weeks."

Harry shrugged. "Guess you had to be there to see how bad she looked."

"I guess," Lavender said. She smiled mischievously. "So if it was Seamus or Draco that was sobbing up a storm, would you be nice to them?"

"Gosh, that's a tough question," Harry laughed. "Not for Draco. He's been the absolute worst of the two, three if you count Parkinson. He's just incredibly unpleasant. Since I met him on the train."

"Oooh, you met him on the train first?" she asked interestedly.

"Yeah, came barging into the compartment, insulted Ron, told me I could do better and said he'd help me figure out the right sort of people," Harry said, rolling his eyes.

Lavender stuck her tongue out and made retching sounds. "Ugh, what a prat," she groaned. "What did you say?"

"I said I wasn't interested and he said I'd regret it." Harry shrugged again. "I'm still waiting to be honest. To regret it I mean."

"You'll probably be waiting for a long time for that," Lavender sniffed, giggling when Harry chuckled. "Well I guess I don't have to worry." She smiled at him when he looked at her with confusion. "If I'm ever terrible to you and get really upset, you'd still help me," she teased.

Harry laughed at that. "I don't think you'd ever be terrible to me," he said with complete confidence.

The firm belief in his words made her feel warm and happy. "I'll try my best not to," she said, making him laugh again. "There you are," she said as Parvati and Padma approached. She and Harry had been waiting in the castle foyer for them.

"Padma was taking forever," Parvati complained.

"I was finishing homework," Padma said severely. "Since we're going to do club things. Did you finish yours?"

"Mostly," Parvati said evasively. "Don't you two snitch on me," she said, glaring at Lavender and Harry.

"I know she did her Potions essay," Harry said.

"Thank you, Harry. See?" Parvati preened.

"Oh okay, that's good then," Padma said, impressed.

"Only because Harry helped us both with the essay," Lavender smiled.

"Oh really?" Padma said, giving her twin a look.

"I hate you," Parvati said, pushing Lavender as they walked down the hall together.

"So that's what it looks like," Padma said with amusement, watching Parvati and Lavender squabble. "She rarely argues and fights with our cousins, saves the most of it with me and now with Lavender. Thank goodness."

"Hello everyone," Flitwick said as they entered the classroom. "Good to see you all." He looked delighted to see Padma. "And our little club grows! Wonderful, wonderful. Oh and thank you for sharing the spices with us. That butter chicken you made together was very delicious."

"Oh I meant to tell you that Grandma said good job," Parvati said. "She also said you won't be Cursed now."

"Thank goodness," Harry said with naked relief.

Flitwick laughed when they explained the statement and Harry's relief. "What are we in the mood for this time?" he asked.

"I'm in the mood for some twice-baked potatoes," Harry said.

"Isn't that just a burnt potato?" Parvati asked.

Harry laughed. "No, you bake a potato then take out the insides and mash it, then add more stuff to it and bake it again."

"Sounds like a lot of work," Lavender said. "But it sounds good!"

"Oh! In that case, there is a spell for that," Flitwick said excitedly. "I picked up a book on magical cookery and lo and behold, there is a Potato Mashing Charm."

"Really? That's so… mundane," Padma said, surprised.

"Many a charm was created to do something mundane," Flitwick said sagely. "Magicals, by and large, are dreadfully lazy." He grinned while the students laughed at the statement frankly said. "Many spells were created for convenience's sake. You would be surprised at what exists and for what. In fact, there is a spell to do up the laces on your shoes with variance for tightness and even right versus left."


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