A Phoenix's Welcome

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Chapter 40 "A Phoenix's Welcome"

"Welcome in," Dumbledore said, opening the door and smiling at Harry. He gestured to his office. "Make yourself comfortable."

Harry looked around the office with interest, carrying a tray with both hands. The space was large and warm. A very large hearth sat against the wall with a very large fire crackling within. There were many bookshelves.

Some were crammed full of books and others held all sorts of things that he did not recognize. Dumbledore's desk was very large, made from dark wood and polished to a shine. Large windows showed the grounds behind him and the falling snow made the room feel even cozier.

"Goodness, that looks quite the treat," Dumbledore said, looking at the laden tray. "Much fancier than my usual."

"I went to the kitchens and made most of it," Harry explained. "Mince pies, blueberry and cranberry scones, ginger cake, bread and butter, egg salad sandwiches, and bacon sandwiches. And of course, extra jam and cream."

"You spoil me," Dumbledore said with wonder. "Thank you very much."

"It's Christmas Tea," Harry said, blushing faintly with pride and pleasure. "I've made a lot like this but this time I'm eating it with someone and getting to hear stories. I was happy to."

"Then have a seat and help yourself," Dumbledore said, once again filing a bit of information away. He poured out fragrant tea for the both of them and sat back and looked at an empty stand beside him. "And let us see, three, two, one-"

Harry jumped in his seat when a burst of light and fire erupted over the stand. When the fire subsided, a large handsome bird sat there. Orange and red and yellow feathers seemed to constantly shift in hue and intensity and the bird looked down a long yellow beak with bright dancing eyes. He sang out a note of sweet music that warmed Harry like a cup of tea did.

"Mister Potter, meet Fawkes. Fawkes, Mister Potter. He is my phoenix familiar, a dear friend and companion. He's been a fan of your cooking actually. Had your biscuits and since then has been trying to get me to ask for more," Dumbledore said with twinkling eyes.

"Oh, nice to meet you. Glad you liked them." Harry put a bit of everything on a plate and put it in front of Fawkes. "Here you go."

Fawkes sang again and then fell to with a will, chomping noisily on the food.

"Graceful in many things," Dumbledore chuckled, "not so in table manners I am afraid. Then again, I am tempted to do the same with the food you have provided." He bit into a bacon sandwich. "Exquisite. You baked the bread as well?"

"Yes Sir," Harry said proudly.

"Simply wonderful. Did you use magic to mix or prepare anything?"

"No Sir, not for these. Did Professor Flitwick tell you about that?"

"He did and I am equally excited to learn about it more. It opens so much more to magical theory and it is rather exciting." Dumbledore took a sip of tea. "But we can save academia for another time. Now then, may I ask what you do know of your parents?"

"Nothing really," Harry said, munching on a sandwich. "Only that my father's name was James and my mother's name was Lily. And they died on Halloween. Though I've learned he flew and played Quidditch from you. And people have said I look like him but my eyes are like hers."

Dumbledore sighed internally. People in the Wizarding World of Britain knew more about the boy's parents than Harry did. It was a shame and he shamefully played a small part in that. No time to fix it like the present at least, he thought.

"James Potter was a good person," he said. He smiled when he noticed Harry leaning in. "Talented in transfiguration, loyal to his friends…" his eyes twinkled a little, "and I do tell you this with some reluctance but quite the troublemaker."


"Oh yes. You see, he was the only son of a family that was a well known family in our Wizarding World and society. And he let it get to his head a bit." Dumbledore shook his head and chuckled. "He had a bit of a tongue on him and was never shy about fighting back if he saw reason to. Some would call him arrogant."

"What would you call him?" Harry asked, a little concerned.

"Headstrong, which is a kinder way to say it sometimes," Dumbledore said, making Harry chuckle. "He grew up and matured into a fine man, one I was proud to call friend. Do not think I tell you his faults to demean him or his memory. I wanted to give you a full picture of him. He was a good person and had many friends, including a cadre of his personal best friends."

"I understand," Harry said and he did a little. "You said he was a good flyer?"

"An excellent one. He did tricks that others did not and would attempt with varied results. He was a great Chaser on the Quidditch team. Set the record for scores one year if I recall correctly." He bit into another sandwich. "No, he definitely did. I remember him getting detention for introducing himself as "James Potter, Scoring Champion" for a long period of time. Despite being proud of him, Professor McGonagall was tired of it."